Your LOVECAST®: Your Sentimental Side or Inner Lunatic

February 14-20, 2011

Today’s afflicted Moon in Cancer can bring out your sentimental side or inner lunatic, depending on how you handle the emotional intensity. Fortunately, the Mercury-Saturn trine brings depth to conversations, especially about commitment. During the weekend, the Full Moon energizes romantic encounters, but the Venus-Saturn square adds a serious note that may dampen (or at least slow down) the fun. Best days for socializing: Tuesday and Wednesday.

Aries: Sharing a scrumptious meal in a cozy ambiance on Valentine’s Day can deepen the connection with your sweetie, if you can ignore that prickly issue from the past that vies for your attention. Try to put it aside for now and enjoy the moment. Volunteering for a cause will bring new friends (and perhaps romance!) this weekend.

Taurus: An intense discussion can clear the air on Valentine’s Day. A romantic getaway will fire up passion, if rash words don’t unhinge love. Tuesday is the best day to express your feelings to your sweetie (or someone new!). The weekend may bring a startling insight about love. It’s time to get clear about what you want in a relationship.

Gemini: You’ll need to access your logical side to decipher the emotional undercurrents surrounding romance on Valentine’s Day. On a positive note, listening with sensitivity and talking about your dreams and goals for the future can deepen your relationship. This weekend, Sunday is the best day for a sexy tryst or activities with friends!

Cancer: Your emotions will likely be over the top on Valentine’s Day (and on through Friday’s Full Moon), which can enhance passion if you focus on the positive, or prompt a meltdown if you succumb to moodiness. This weekend, Friday or Saturday may bring a discussion about commitment. Trying something new in the boudoir makes passion sizzle on Sunday!

Leo: If you can contain the restlessness, reminiscing about the past and sharing what you’ve learned can make for an especially sweet Valentine’s Day. Actually, Wednesday is the best day this week for a romantic rendezvous. Friday’s Full Moon in your sign intensifies your charisma. Love is energized on Sunday but may contain mixed messages.

Virgo: A group activity or spending time with friends brings delight on Valentine’s Day. Tuesday is an excellent time for a twosome tryst with your sweetie. An intimate ambiance fires up passion during the Full Moon on Friday, if you can lighten up. Love is unpredictable on Saturday. An unconventional approach enlivens romance on Sunday!

Libra: Being an Air sign who thrives on sharing, the exchange of ideas with whomever you’re with on Valentine’s Day will uplift the schmaltzy vibe. Socializing is lively on Wednesday. Friends are the focus during Friday’s Full Moon, but your afflicted Venus ruler may put the brakes on romance. Mystique combined with brainpower fires up passion on Sunday!

Scorpio: Willfulness or jealousy can derail romance on Valentine’s Day, so consider celebrating your relationship on Tuesday instead, when feelings (and passion!) flow more easily. Friday’s Full Moon energizes friendly relationships. During the weekend, a curveball may unhinge love on Saturday. Throwing a party will show off your creativity on Sunday.

Sagittarius: A discussion with a friend on Valentine’s Day provides a valuable insight. Getting away for the day with a lover or friend can bring satisfaction, too. Friday’s Full Moon makes you antsy for an adventure, so seek out a new local venue or activity. This weekend, feelings are chaotic on Saturday. Flirting leads to a lusty interlude on Sunday!

Capricorn: Partnership energy is much better on Tuesday than on Valentine’s Day, when emotional extremes can unhinge romance. Sharing your humor inspires a sexy encounter on Wednesday. Afflicted Venus in your sign on Friday may challenge your confidence in the romance arena. A change of perspective improves romance on Saturday. A gesture of appreciation inspires love on Sunday.

Aquarius: Emotional connections may feel heavy on Valentine’s Day, but the cosmos blesses your partnership sector on Wednesday. A misunderstanding with your sweetie can arise on Thursday, so strive for clarity. The Full Moon energizes your feelings about commitment. Freedom or change may be an issue on Saturday. Your style and artistry draw admirers on Sunday!

Pisces: Love may feel like a roller coaster ride on Valentine’s Day, but a spontaneous loving gesture inspires romance on Tuesday. A little daring in the bedroom sets passion ablaze on Wednesday. Partnership energy is unstable on Saturday, so strive to stay centered. You’ll likely experience a psychic or past-life connection with someone you’re close to on Sunday.

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February 14-20, 2011

Today’s afflicted Moon in Cancer can bring out your sentimental side or inner lunatic, depending on how you handle the emotional intensity. Fortunately, the Mercury-Saturn trine brings depth to conversations, especially about commitment. During the weekend, the Full Moon energizes romantic encounters, but the Venus-Saturn square adds a serious note that may dampen (or at least slow down) the fun. Best days for socializing: Tuesday and Wednesday.

Aries: Sharing a scrumptious meal in a cozy ambiance on Valentine’s Day can deepen the connection with your sweetie, if you can ignore that prickly issue from the past that vies for your attention. Try to put it aside for now and enjoy the moment. Volunteering for a cause will bring new friends (and perhaps romance!) this weekend.

Taurus: An intense discussion can clear the air on Valentine’s Day. A romantic getaway will fire up passion, if rash words don’t unhinge love. Tuesday is the best day to express your feelings to your sweetie (or someone new!). The weekend may bring a startling insight about love. It’s time to get clear about what you want in a relationship.

Gemini: You’ll need to access your logical side to decipher the emotional undercurrents surrounding romance on Valentine’s Day. On a positive note, listening with sensitivity and talking about your dreams and goals for the future can deepen your relationship. This weekend, Sunday is the best day for a sexy tryst or activities with friends!

Cancer: Your emotions will likely be over the top on Valentine’s Day (and on through Friday’s Full Moon), which can enhance passion if you focus on the positive, or prompt a meltdown if you succumb to moodiness. This weekend, Friday or Saturday may bring a discussion about commitment. Trying something new in the boudoir makes passion sizzle on Sunday!

Leo: If you can contain the restlessness, reminiscing about the past and sharing what you’ve learned can make for an especially sweet Valentine’s Day. Actually, Wednesday is the best day this week for a romantic rendezvous. Friday’s Full Moon in your sign intensifies your charisma. Love is energized on Sunday but may contain mixed messages.

Virgo: A group activity or spending time with friends brings delight on Valentine’s Day. Tuesday is an excellent time for a twosome tryst with your sweetie. An intimate ambiance fires up passion during the Full Moon on Friday, if you can lighten up. Love is unpredictable on Saturday. An unconventional approach enlivens romance on Sunday!

Libra: Being an Air sign who thrives on sharing, the exchange of ideas with whomever you’re with on Valentine’s Day will uplift the schmaltzy vibe. Socializing is lively on Wednesday. Friends are the focus during Friday’s Full Moon, but your afflicted Venus ruler may put the brakes on romance. Mystique combined with brainpower fires up passion on Sunday!

Scorpio: Willfulness or jealousy can derail romance on Valentine’s Day, so consider celebrating your relationship on Tuesday instead, when feelings (and passion!) flow more easily. Friday’s Full Moon energizes friendly relationships. During the weekend, a curveball may unhinge love on Saturday. Throwing a party will show off your creativity on Sunday.

Sagittarius: A discussion with a friend on Valentine’s Day provides a valuable insight. Getting away for the day with a lover or friend can bring satisfaction, too. Friday’s Full Moon makes you antsy for an adventure, so seek out a new local venue or activity. This weekend, feelings are chaotic on Saturday. Flirting leads to a lusty interlude on Sunday!

Capricorn: Partnership energy is much better on Tuesday than on Valentine’s Day, when emotional extremes can unhinge romance. Sharing your humor inspires a sexy encounter on Wednesday. Afflicted Venus in your sign on Friday may challenge your confidence in the romance arena. A change of perspective improves romance on Saturday. A gesture of appreciation inspires love on Sunday.

Aquarius: Emotional connections may feel heavy on Valentine’s Day, but the cosmos blesses your partnership sector on Wednesday. A misunderstanding with your sweetie can arise on Thursday, so strive for clarity. The Full Moon energizes your feelings about commitment. Freedom or change may be an issue on Saturday. Your style and artistry draw admirers on Sunday!

Pisces: Love may feel like a roller-coaster ride on Valentine’s Day, but a spontaneous loving gesture inspires romance on Tuesday. A little daring in the bedroom sets passion ablaze on Wednesday. Partnership energy is unstable on Saturday, so strive to stay centered. You’ll likely experience a psychic or past-life connection with someone you’re close to on Sunday.

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