Your LOVECAST®: Inspire or Unhinge

Your Love Forecast

Imaginative, sensitive energy continues to inspire (or unhinge) the social scene, especially after Venus enters Pisces today (through March 20) and conjuncts Neptune mid-week. Attracting someone who is empathetic, artistic, spiritual or deceptive is likely. Intriguingly, today’s Full Moon in Virgo can illuminate where you need to be more analytical and discerning in your emotional life. This weekend, watery influences can inspire a soulful connection on Saturday, but Sunday may feel scattered. Best days for socializing: Monday (high energy/chaotic), Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Aries Love Horoscope

The desire for some down time can prompt a serene but sexy rendezvous. And because the past is highly energized, you may experience a synchronicity where thinking about a former lover or friend coincides with them contacting you. Finishing a project or expressing a feeling you’ve stifled can bring a sense of freedom.

Taurus Love Horoscope

The Full Moon revs up your romance sector throughout the week, which can make for some hot (or chaotic) encounters. If you’re paired, a romantic getaway with your sweetie will energize your relationship, but review your plans. During the weekend, passion escalates with an intimate approach on Saturday or a daring approach on Sunday!

Gemini Love Horoscope

You’ll need to access your ability to multitask as the Full Moon throws multiple social opportunities your way. Whether it’s an adventure with a friend, a sexy interlude with a lover or a chance encounter with someone new, this week won’t be dull. Romance can be hot but complicated on Saturday. Seek clarity in love on Sunday.

Cancer Love Horoscope

The key to success in love this week is all about communication. Because the Full Moon is energizing both your heart and mind, expressing your feelings should come easily, but watch impulsiveness. You’ll be a magnet for romance this weekend, especially on Saturday, when you’re likely to attract an admirer at a party, club or concert.

Leo Love Horoscope

You may experience an inner tug-of-war between practicality and idealism in your love life now. If you can merge these two elements, you’ll have a greater chance of meeting someone stable who also excites you. Taking the lead in love (sans bossiness!) can ignite passion on Saturday. Romance can be sweet on Sunday, if you reign in expectations.

“Astrology reveals your aspirations and goals, talents, hopes and wishes, as well as your challenges en route to your goals.” – Psychic Sonja ext. 5071

Virgo Love Horoscope

This week may resemble a roller coaster ride as the Full Moon in your sign intensifies the highs and lows of emotional encounters. Feelings will still be intense but calmer by Saturday, when love can be found via a message, class or trip. Creating an imaginative ambiance and entertaining friends at your abode will bring delight on Sunday.

Libra Love Horoscope

Your emotions may vacillate between energized and depleted, depending on how others affect you. As such, try to surround yourself with positive people who support your dreams and goals. Love blooms on Thursday, a good time for a rendezvous with your sweetie. Instincts take over during the weekend, especially on Saturday!

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Venus illuminating your romance sector during the next four weeks will help you attract someone with a loving heart. Look for romance while you’re out socializing with friends. If you’re paired, finding time to have fun together will energize your relationship. This weekend, your magnetism is on fire on Saturday, while priorities can upset plans on Sunday.

“Astrology is a form of a person’s spirit connecting with their life’s destiny for their life path.” – Psychic Vivianne ext. 5489

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

This may be a wild and wacky week when you’re pulled in different directions unless you focus on what’s important. As such, others may see you as brilliant, manic or unreliable, depending on how centered you are. An intimate setting can mean love on Saturday, but watch out for a misunderstanding on Sunday.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

The desire for a spiritual and/or intellectual connection in your relationship will intensify this week because of the Full Moon. You may also find yourself drawn to people from a different culture. Look for romance while traveling or taking a class. You may meet a potential paramour through a friend or group project this weekend.

Aquarius Love Horoscope

The Full Moon can illuminate any emotional issues you have that need healing, especially those that block emotional/sexual intimacy. Taking some quiet time for introspection will help you release negativity. Your values play an important role in love this week too. A public event can bring a romantic interlude during the weekend.

Pisces Love Horoscope

This week’s Full Moon holds a mirror up to your thoughts and feelings about partnerships. So take a good look inside to see if you need to revamp your attitude or aspirations concerning committed relationships. This weekend, Saturday is an excellent time to meet someone new or go out on the town with your sweetie!

Feel like your love life is in the spin cycle? Talk with Psychic Nicholas ext. 5499 to restore balance.

7 thoughts on “Your LOVECAST®: Inspire or Unhinge

  1. Cheryl

    Im finding it hard to decide who I want to be with..ive got two men who claim they love me, and one fb friend who claims they want me too…im not sure what to do cause im dependent on one for security…

  2. Marina

    A statement made by me at a community meeting did not go well with
    some people.Is this issue going to end amicably or I will be sanction?

  3. Pamela

    My ex and I reconnected on a dating site in Dec.. Is this connection going to end up with us being together again or not.. We were together for 20 years on and off… Or is he playing a game the way it works for him.


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