Your LOVECAST®: Find Someone Hot and Compatible

Your Love Horoscope

The sexy ensemble involving Venus/Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn can help you find someone hot (and compatible!) or add some zest to your current relationship. Just watch out for miscommunications during retrograde Mercury (March 12-April 3). This weekend, some electrifying Aquarius/Uranus influences favor finding romance online, through a friend or during a group activity. Best days for socializing: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Aries Love Horoscope

A potential partner will likely make an appearance at your work or during a workout at the gym. Sharing your helpful side will accelerate romance as well. Love can be found during a class on Tuesday or Wednesday. This weekend, spending time with a friend(s) will energize you and perhaps bring a romantic encounter too!

Taurus Love Horoscope

You can be exceptionally lucky in love this week, especially on Tuesday or Wednesday, when your Venus ruler hooks up with beneficial Jupiter and sexy Mars. If you’re already paired, clear your schedule and plan a rendezvous with your sweetie. Adding a creative or unusual element between the sheets will ignite a lusty interlude this weekend!

Gemini Love Horoscope

Hosting a gathering of friends or an intimate dinner with your sweetie will energize you this week. Your way with words can bring a romantic encounter (online?), especially on Tuesday or Wednesday. During the weekend, a contact from afar may be instrumental in bringing romance. Look for love during a spiritual activity as well.

Cancer Love Horoscope

How you express your desires, humor and/or brainpower may determine your success in romance this week. Monday is an especially good time for a sexy interlude. Look for love during a trip, class or community event later in the week. Sharing your fun-loving side while exploring a new activity or locale will bring/inspire love this weekend.

Leo Love Horoscope

Sharing your expertise, either in your workplace or another venue, will draw admirers. Taking your time in the boudoir will intensify passion, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday. During the weekend, an unexpected message or intuitive insight may change your direction (concerning love?). If you’re paired, a shared activity will bring delight!

Virgo Love Horoscope

Mars in your sign connecting to Venus and Jupiter is sure to intensify your powers of attraction, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday. It will also increase your confidence, which will make you a magnet for people who admire a mix of strength and sexiness. Some saucy verbal exchanges will fire up passion during the weekend!

Libra Love Horoscope

The configuration of earthy influences that involves your Venus ruler can bring out the depth of your feelings and instincts, which in turn will intensify your physical responses. Just watch out for emotional extremes on Thursday. The spontaneous expression of feelings and ideas revs up romance this weekend, so get out and flirt!

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Escalating feelings can bring a lusty encounter on Monday. Socializing with friends or participating in a group activity may bring romance on Tuesday or Wednesday. If you’re paired, doing something together that you both enjoy will energize your relationship. Throwing a party this weekend will bring satisfaction. A tryst at your abode can be fun too!

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

Your heightened emotional energy on Tuesday and Wednesday may bring in someone who admirers your inner wild-child. More grounded influences help you see love realistically and encourage a genuine approach to relationships. Look for love during work activities. Your knowledge, humor or flirtatiousness brings a romantic encounter during the weekend!

Capricorn Love Horoscope

The social spotlight is on you this week, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday, when you’re most likely to attract true love or deepen your current relationship. Expressing what’s in your heart is the key to success. Emotions may be prickly on Thursday, however. Breaking with tradition to try something new brings romance this weekend!

Aquarius Love Horoscope

A passionate encounter may awaken your desire to merge with a lover – body, heart, mind and soul. Tuesday and Wednesday can be especially intense. Romance will likely be found during a group endeavor or community event. Socializing with friends can bring delight as well. Sharing your uniqueness through your style, words and actions draws admirers during the weekend.

Pisces Love Horoscope

Having the courage to reveal who you truly are can bring in someone who is compatible with you – and just as genuine. If you’re already paired, verbalizing your desires during a midweek getaway can launch romance into the stratosphere! This weekend, a startling insight about relationships will open the door to more love in your life.

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6 thoughts on “Your LOVECAST®: Find Someone Hot and Compatible

  1. Murad

    My time was 3:21; a little hard than I thhgout! But then again, I seem to usually get around 3:20 for all of them. They are definitely fun. Enjoy your Sunday! I gotta get back to some critiquing for my CP.


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