Your Weekly Money Horoscope for September 30 – October 6, 2013

Delayed Beginnings and Your Money

Welcome to a weekly money horoscope filled with cardinal energy that would normally suggest it’s a good time for beginnings. Well this time, it isn’t! For most of us, work and money will be a combined issue. Thanks to Mercury and Neptune, Tuesday’s a good day for generating extra income ideas, however, thanks to the Sun square Pluto (both in cardinal signs) it’s not a good day to seek funding for that great idea. Plan but don’t initiate.

Loose Lips Sink Ships

The universe likes to poke us once in a while just to make sure we’re paying attention. This New Moon is one instance where initiation and instigation are not advised. Other than Sunday, this weekly money horoscope advises us to keep our opinions to ourselves.


The New Moon clashes with Uranus and Pluto. Pardon the clichés, but the messages are: Keep your nose to the grindstone. Don’t rock the boat and don’t make waves. Adhere to this advice and you’ll be fine.

What other advice should you adhere to during the Moon’s clash with Uranus and Pluto? Psychic Brendalynn ext. 5173 has the answer!


The New Moon is smack in the middle of your house of daily work and reputation. If someone’s taunting you with a big red flag, take a few deep breaths, but don’t take the bait.


Home- and family-related expense could throw you for a loop if you’re not prepared. Also, keep your financial information in a safe place and away from prying eyes.


The New Moon advises against home-related changes, like a new roommate, just to save money. Next week Venus changes work-related issues for the better.


The New Moon, as it relates to the Uranus-Pluto square, suggests that you avoid difficult people like the plague. Arguing with a neighbor or co-worker could wind up costing you more than money.

Learn how to handle the situation without arguing. Psychic Rianne ext. 9423 has some great tips!


The New Moon falls in your house of money attraction, and it’s time to balance the budget.


Mercury is helping you bring in the cash, but the New Moon in your sign could cause some tense moments at home or with co-workers. Keep cool. It gets better next week.


This week you’ll have to pay attention and avoid making costly mistakes in two areas—travelling and family matters. Be the voice of reason when it comes to your family’s financial decisions.


There may be tension in the air when the New Moon touches your house of groups and peers. This includes co-workers. If you see trouble coming, walk the other way.

“Worry will not prevent tomorrow’s troubles.” – Psychic Kelli ext. 5130


As the host of Pluto, which is tugging at the New Moon in your career house, remember not to say too much at work, as difficult as that may be.


Tuesday’s brings you lots of money-generating ideas. At the New Moon, travel, legal and family issues could all be at the forefront. Count to 10 before you speak.


The New Moon affects loans, taxes, mortgages and even a spouse’s income. Budget wisely and save as much as possible. While this is always good advice, it’s especially good this week.

8 thoughts on “Your Weekly Money Horoscope for September 30 – October 6, 2013

  1. LJ

    Dear Readers – thanks for all of your comments – what is true is that no man/woman can live by Sun Sign forecast alone. Certainly a personal reading with an astrologer would be more applicable to you individually. But I do appreciate your readership and all of your comments – always.

  2. Woodrow

    I’m a Sagittarius, born at 9:50AM Nov 30, 1938 – Your description does not relate to me, but can affect other Sagittarius’s depending upon their “TIME” of BIRTH >>> AM or PM… It’s the time differences which separate us; some will have a great day in all they do, while others will have a
    bad one…

  3. Alisa

    I read all that is forecast for my sign but none of it is true, it never comes true. It’s really hard to believe what is written on here and then it’s all a big lie……… Right now I don’t like me and could really just dig a hole and go in side and never come out.


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