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How Each Zodiac Sign is Staying Connected While Social Distancing

How Each Zodiac Sign is Staying Connected While Social Distancing | California Psychics

Keeping the Zodiac Connected

We, as a society, are not used to social isolation. A lot of us are facing a new type of loneliness that can feel overwhelming. But we can still be here for each other, we can still have fun and be creative and social. We just have to rewrite the rule book. Here are some ideas for each zodiac sign on how to stay connected during this challenging time.


With the onset of social restrictions, a lot of Aries had to cancel birthday plans. Why not host a get-together via zoom? It doesn’t have to be birthday related, maybe get your friends together for a painting party and lead the way. Even if it’s just following along with Bob Ross on YouTube, it’s a great way to get together and be a part of something.


One great way to stay connected while isolated is by creating a separate Instagram page just for your hobbies. If you’ve been spending a lot of time at home baking, cooking, and snacking, why not showcase what you’ve been up to? Pair your recipes with your favorite beers and movies, go live, and show your friends how to make upside pineapple cake pops. Whatever cool thing you’ve created, share it.


For one of the most social zodiac signs, isolation can be hitting pretty hard. Gemini’s love to show off and look pretty, but there’s no reason you can’t do that from home. Put on a fashion show with your friends, have a makeup party, Skype while you unbox your online purchases. Make getting ready a part of the fun and then show off what you’ve got!


Routine can be really helpful during this time. Cancers care deeply about their friends and family, and often take on extra worry. It can help to have a nightly routine, where you call the same person and go over what you did that day. Regular check-ins help with keeping track of moods during this chaotic time.


It can be hard for social and creative people to feel limited, but just because you can’t have friends over doesn’t mean you can’t throw a party. 2020 has been off to such a chaotic start, but a Roaring 20’s themed party could be a great distraction. Have everyone dress up and drink martinis while listening to jazz via Zoom of Skype. Find little things to celebrate.


If you’re someone who is used to active problem solving, you might be feeling extra helpless right now. This is a great time to use your organizational skills and knack for research. Get your friends invested in helping. Maybe it’s making masks, maybe it’s compiling lists of sites accepting donations, maybe it’s cold calling senators about changing laws. There is a lot you can do to make a difference from home.


Just because you can’t go out doesn’t mean you can’t date! Skype dates are a fun way to spend one on one time with someone. Netflix now lets you share your screen and chat while you watch movies together.


Many learning institutions are offering free or discounted lessons on a variety of subjects during this crisis. Why not grab a friend and find a free class to take together? It will be fun to share what you learn and discuss it as you go.


This is a great time to learn an instrument if you haven’t before. If you already play, invite your friends to play with you online. Record loops from home, trade tracks and see what you can compile when you use creative tools in new ways.


Capricorns are notoriously hard workers, but if you’ve been let go recently and don’t know where to direct that energy, you should look into gaming. Maybe it’s Dungeons and Dragons with friends, or strangers, since a lot of groups have moved to playing online. Maybe it’s video games. If you’ve always wanted to play but haven’t had the time, this is a great way to devote your energy and feel like you’re connecting and exploring other worlds.


We live in the age of podcasts and now is the perfect time to start one. There is so much happening in the world, why not just have your friends on to talk through these changes and what’s happening in society, locally and globally. Even if you’re not going to make it public, it will be a great way to start conversations and document exactly what we’re all feeling during this crisis.


For a lot of Water signs, it can be healing to dig deeper into the darkest parts of what’s happening. It could be helpful to start a book club with your friends where you read about people overcoming dark times. Throughout human history, we have had to band together and overcome adversity. Reading about how others did it can give us great hope.

Adapt and Overcome

However you choose to do it, staying connected during this pandemic will help us heal. We must be here for each other the ways we always are, and in new ways too. Humans are creative, and we are good at adapting. We strive for closeness, and we will figure out how to maintain it even with physical distance as a barrier.

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