6 Card Career Tarot Spread to Find Your Next Steps

Brick by Brick Career Tarot Spread | California Psychics

Career Blues

Can I ask you a question? How do you feel about Monday morning?

Does a wave of nausea cloud your morning wake-up time, or does Monday feel pretty good to you?

How about this: Some days feel pretty good, a few feel really good, and over half of them have you wondering where else you could be.

Or, you know you’re in the right place, it’s just that you want to get somewhere slightly different, within the same general setting. There’s a niche of some kind waiting for you with your name on it where you know you could make your greatest contribution. What is it, and what can you do each day that would have you there in a year?

Well, this Career Tarot Spread is for you.

It speaks to all of these questions, wherever you currently feel yourself to be on finding your calling.

Related: The Best Careers Based on Your Life Path Number

Finding My Perfect Pathway Tarot Spread

This is a six-card spread that tells you what the next right steps are to get where you want to be. It looks at the here and now, as well as the future potentials you can look forward to when it comes to finding your path. Watch the video below, then read on for more in-depth information on the meaning:

Card 1: What is My Purpose in Life?

We all know, it’s not always what you do for money, but why shouldn’t it be? Any skill or service warrants a material reward of some kind, and very few of us can afford to “volunteer” 100% of the time.

Each lifetime places us within a cultural and historical context, so it’s no random mistake that we’re where we are when we are. That is part of the soul’s karmic evolution, and along with forces bigger than us, we had a part in choosing our current existence.

This includes our background, our gender, and also our innate skills, talents, and abilities. We all have a unique gift to give the world.

What’s yours?

Related: Using Astrology To Find Your Ideal Career Path

Card 2: What Motivates Me?

It really isn’t that hard to know what you want. What wakes you up and makes you feel energized? What makes you feel drained and depressed?

Which people inspire you? Which bore and depress you? Which products and services are valuable to you, personally? How can you share them with others?

If you want to work with people, which group awakens your compassion? Whose pain do you want to lift, and why?

What do you want to protect? Is it trees, oceans, or wildlife? What job titles give you license to do that?

Which are your favorite “toys”?

For example, mine are my astrology software, books, tapes, and videos. I get lost in bliss spending hours with them.

Which are yours? Are they clues to a possible career?

Card 3: What are My Strengths?

Go ahead and own what you know how to do. Don’t overestimate, or underestimate it, either way. Take stock of all the actions you perform in your day. What skills, experience, education, and personality traits do you now possess that make it possible for you to do all this?

The truth is, you’re really pretty resourceful or you wouldn’t be reading this.

Related: 8 Signs Your Dreams Can Tell You About Your Career

Card 4: What are My Weaknesses?

First of all, we all have them, even super achievers. So don’t let them stop you from achieving your dreams. Know what they are, and think about how to either fix them or work around them.

Card 5: What are the Next Steps to Achieving My Perfect Career?

Is there a hole in your skillset that only some new information can fill? How about that workshop, webinar, or training that you’ve been putting off for “someday”? What new information or skill is needed for your next step up that ladder? How can you get it as soon as possible?

What tools and techniques, mental or material, do you need to acquire? Would an update in your equipment make what you produce better and easier?

Where in your current organization, but where in other organizations, too, is that knowledge and ability really valued?

Are you willing to invest the money and time to acquire what you need to know now?

Related: Best Crystals for a Job Interview

Card 6: What are Future Opportunities That I Should be Aware of?

Just the intention to notice and be open to future opportunities is the attitude that will invite them to manifest. Could you spend some part of every day checking into new opportunities in your chosen field?

Or, maybe, a shift of mindset would cause you to see some rich and undiscovered aspects in your current situation. Circumstances change when you do.

Do you want to change into someone you enjoy being even more? 

Brick By Brick Tarot Spread layout | California Psychics

Tarot card readings give you a deeper connection to Spirit. This means you’ll get the unadulterated insights you need about your past, present, and future, but only if you read with a tarot card psychic.


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