Career Advice: Make the Most of Your Job

Career Advice: Make the Most of Your Job

Like Your Job Again

A new year typically means a new you and you could use some career advice whether you’re looking for a new job or not. Whether you’re looking for your dream career or you’re happy enough with your current gig, you’ll be sticking with your current job—at least for a while. But just because you won’t be calling it quits, that doesn’t mean you can’t make your day-to-day more meaningful. Here’s how to get the most out of your job and what to do if it’s time to start hunting for a new situation.

Will you find your dream job in 2018? Read with a career advice psychic and find out!

Shift Your Attitude

It’s easy to feel job envy when you see all the (exciting, fun, financially stable, etc.) gigs your friends have on social media. How about when you read about the start-up star who turned a shoestring-budget into a multimillion-dollar corporation and then retired at age 30? Even if you wish you had (or did) something else instead, stop focusing on what your job or career path lacks and shift your thinking to what’s positive or meaningful about your work. Maybe it’s your awesome coworkers or flexible schedule. Maybe it’s the casual dress code. Whatever it is, be thankful for it instead of focusing on what you don’t have. Simply changing your perspective will pave the way for more job satisfaction.

Find Opportunities for Growth

Maybe your job is boring and you feel like you do the same old same old every day. Talk to your boss or your team about how you all can grow both personally, as a team or as a company. Rewards come when you think about growth possibilities and taking initiative, plus you may find ways to make the days more productive and gratifying.

Rise Above the Drama

Sometimes, your workplace itself is the reason you may feel less than enthused about your job. From gossipy cliques to toxic bosses, life at the office can be challenging because of the other people who work there. If the issue is just drama, stay out of it, even if it means you’re no longer in the inner circle. If the issue is more critical, like harassment, make an appointment with HR. However, if neither of these options works for you, then you should consider making a change.

Take Advantage of Work-Sponsored Perks

Many companies offer educational perks. Those may include reimbursement for job-related classes or support if you’d like to attend a conference within your field. Use these perks to your advantage by learning new skills and networking. Your company may also have other incentives, like gym memberships, on-site yoga classes, 401(k) matching or even free lunch. Make sure you’re participating in everything available to really feel like you’re getting the most out of your job.

Research Other Options

If you’re still feeling like your current job isn’t cutting it, start researching other gigs. However, you need to think about the lengths you will need to go to in order to do what you want. Consider if and how far you’d be willing to relocate for your dream job. Decide if now is the time to change career fields and what kind of training you might need. Here’s to hoping your next job is the one you’ll want to stay at for years (or even decades) to come.

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