How to Manifest Your Dream Job

How to Manifest Your Dream Job | California Psychics

Don’t Give Up on Your Dream Job

Everyone wanted to be something when they were little, and you were no different. Maybe you dreamed of being an astronaut, a painter, or a doctor, but then you grew up and your responsibilities evolved. Are you working at your dream job now? If not, why? Because everyone deserves to do work that makes them happy, and it is possible to make what you want a reality through the power of manifestation and the laws of attraction. Here are few steps for manifesting your dream job.

Wondering what you’re meant to do in this lifetime? Read with a Career Advice Psychic to find out!

Have Realistic Goals

The first step in manifesting your dream job is to have realistic goals. There’s nothing crazy about wanting to own a business, even a unique one, but you have to have your feet planted firmly on the ground while you’re making your plans. After all, no one who ever achieved success did so overnight. That’s not to say that you can’t dream big, but you should also remember the things that people in similar situations to the one you’d like to occupy went through while you’re dreaming about them.

Spend Time Visualizing What You Want

In order to manifest the things you want, you have to give yourself the time to really concentrate on them. Otherwise, how will the Universe know what you want and help you get there? There are several ways to go about sending your intentions out into the Universe, including:

  • Meditation: Spending time in meditation is beneficial for a number of reasons, and is particularly useful for manifestation purposes. It can help quiet your mind so that you’re focused entirely on your dream job and what you need in order to bring it about. It’s in the peaceful moments of your life, when you are giving your attention over to your desires. That  is when your vibrations most closely match those of the Universe, and when your ability to manifest your desires is greatest. Of course, meditation can take many forms, and if you have trouble meditating in the traditional sense, alternative forms of meditation work just as well.
  • Journaling: Sometimes, getting your thoughts onto paper can make the big picture crystal clear. It’s also a great way to manifest your dream job, because writing something down is just as powerful as declaring your desires out loud. While journaling, make a list of everything that you want in your dream job, then let the Universe take that energy and work with it.
  • Positive Affirmations: It can be easy, when things aren’t going the way you want, to get discouraged. Negative thinking and self-talk is a common by-product of difficult times and unsatisfactory situations, but they do little to improve your dream job situation. That’s where positive affirmations come in, as they draw most directly on the laws of attraction. As you go through your day, saying things like “I am going in the right direction,” “I am working towards my goals,” or even, “I want…” will not only draw good things to you, but it will help lift your spirits when you’re feeling low.

Make a Plan

No matter what your dream job is, you’re going to have to do some work to get it. Perhaps you need some additional education, or you need to build a website, or you just need to start applying for jobs in that field. Whatever it is, make a plan that’s easy to follow before you jump into action. A plan will keep you focused, can be added on to as you learn about any additional resources you may need down the line, and will help you realize that you are on the road towards making your dream job a reality.

Take Action

Now that you have a plan, put it into action. How do you follow your heart and juggle life at the same time? Start advertising your services, or contacting the local colleges to see if they offer any courses you need. You’ve decided that this job is important to you, so now you need to decide what you can and cannot sacrifice. You have to meet the Universe halfway! Brainstorm, research, and watch the flow of information from your higher self present itself to you. It will be full of colorful ideas and resources to get you where you want to be.

Be Patient and Flexible

Being able to roll with the punches and be patient while you manifest your dream job is probably the most important step in the whole process. Things may not always go according to plan, and you may even have to make a few revisions here and there, but that’s okay. It doesn’t mean the Universe has abandoned you or that you chose the wrong dream, it just means that success can take time. Take the experience as the lesson it is meant to be, and keep faith that you’re doing everything you can to make your dreams happen.

Belief and Trust

Every step you take towards your dream job is propelled by your thoughts and your choices. You have to believe and trust you are going to make your dreams come true and use the tools recommended for your toolbox of success. The Universe hears you and is on your team, so dream big!

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3 thoughts on “How to Manifest Your Dream Job

  1. kathleen

    Thank you. This was meant for me to read today. I remind myself everyday that “I trust God’s timing for my life”.


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