Find Answers by Connecting to Spirit Guides

Intuition or Influence From Spirit Guides?

Do answers come to you automatically? If you’re like most people, the answer to that question is no. Have you ever found yourself eyes closed, envisioning your situation or silently asking your question and waiting for an idea or answer to come? More than likely, you’ve tried this option. Often we think we’re just talking to ourselves or pretending to get the answer when we do this. But is it really us or is it an outside influence?

Understanding that a Higher Source might choose to communicate with us goes against everything we’re taught. But the only way for our angels, guides or loved ones (who have crossed over) to talk to us or to teach us (without startling us) is to connect with our imagination or to feed the answers into our head. Another possibility is that the message could be coming from our higher self. Here’s one sure way to tell the difference:

If you’re mentally asking a question and you are interrupted with the answer before you can completely ask the question, then the answer is coming from a different source: your angels, guides or loved ones. The higher self always allows us to ask a question in complete form before giving an answer. Your higher self may argue with you about the answer, give you something to contemplate or throw several answers at you at once. Angels, guides and crossed over loved ones work differently. They already know what you are about to ask and simply want to help you as much as possible.

If our angels, guides and loved ones can trust us to react to their answers, they will give us more information. If we do not respond to the answers, they simply wait for another opportunity to connect with us. Our angels, guides and loved ones like to be useful, they like to stay busy, they’re our helpers, doers or busy bees, so put them to work. They don’t want to be useless; they want to have fun and to help you in any way they can as long as it doesn’t interfere with the path of another person or soul, or harm anyone. Don’t be afraid to ask for their help.

In talking with your angels, guides, and loved ones, just ask straightforward and honest questions; they know when you’re messing around and avoiding the real question. You can speak the words out loud, to yourself or you may write them down—it doesn’t matter. They will know what you’re asking of them and will respond in some way to your needs, through a thought, idea, dream, picture in your mind’s eye or they will leave an object in your path as a sign. Keep in mind your angels, guides and loved ones are there to help you fulfill your dreams and obligations. There may be times it will seem as though you don’t get what you want or what you ask for, but you will always get what you need.

13 thoughts on “Find Answers by Connecting to Spirit Guides

  1. charles sanford

    I was married to the same person for 54 years ,yet to me she is an enigma .are you
    able to tell me some of her life . without me asking direct questions?
    she believed in psychics. thanks

  2. Tamara Brantzeg

    if a relaticve is really trying to tell me something then why is it you they went through to tell me or was this email for everyone

  3. Jocelyn Permal

    i lost my brother Edwin chandra 2 yeras ago…he commited suicide …i still want to know why he commited suicide …did he commited it himself or someone killed him…

  4. Kirti

    I am looking for an easier way to communicate with my spiritual guide but it’s not happening. If there is a response from him, maybe I’m not getting it. I have tried several times and I want it to be easier. I have even tried meditation but that also did not work. Is there any other way. Please God find me answers.

  5. Carole Sanders

    I have smelled my mom’s perfume and also several things have happened to make me think my dad is around.

  6. jennifer k

    my spirit guide is a roman soldier i call marcus.he answers all the time even when i could live w/0 his comments. but he is a guy so i laugh and listen anyway!! he does not like girly questions. he leaves those to martha my other guide. marcus has told me three times when someone was sick or just @ to die. had to ask him to stop too sad makes life intresting but its great that others beleive in them too! GODBLESS!!!

  7. Brenda Lee

    All my life I have been able to physically see…and there were times I physically felt….spirits…good and bad….I’m at the right time in y life now to concentrate on communication….on a much more INDEPTH level…. Your article was comforting and inspiring. I am a survivor in many ways…but I am going through a big personal transformation now

  8. cordeliah

    we all know the dead cant talk, so how can e be sure what you are saying are true.maybe if you can tell me something about my pass, then I can procede to ask my question.

  9. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Vali,

    Nice article… go, girl ! I especially liked the very last sentence in your article : ” There may be times it will seem as though you don’t get what you want or what you ask for, but you will always get what you need.”

    Very true !

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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