Your Daily Focus: August 8 – 14

Your Daily Focus: August 8-14 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

Where has the summer gone? It feels as if we were just welcoming the longest day of the year and now here we are, deep into the dog days of summer with some of us already looking forward to shorter days and cooler nights.

When it feels as if time is slipping through my hands I try to take several moments throughout the day to simply breathe and stay in the moment to see where my thoughts take me. This week my thoughts have been as scattered as the clouds across the sky, so this week’s Daily Focus is all about taking time to center ourselves throughout the day, because there is always a moment to catch a breather.

August 8

“You are as amazing as you let yourself be.” Elizabeth Alraune

We control our lives and ourselves. How awesome and amazing you are or can become is not something to be dictated by others. If we don’t like something about ourselves or our lives, it is on us to change those things and let our amazingness shine through! Today’s word is Extraordinary.

August 9

“When something goes wrong in your life, just yell ‘Plot Twist’ and move on.” Molly Weis

Not everything is going to go as planned, no matter how much we try to control and maneuver things. When this happens, we can either get ourselves all upset, or we can laugh things off and see where the unexpected detour takes us. Today’s word is Flexible.

August 10

“I love that this morning’s sunrise does not define itself by last night’s sunset.” Steve Maraboli

Yesterday was yesterday, and we can’t judge today based on what happened then. We need to give ourselves the benefit of the doubt that we can grow and redefine ourselves and our lives so that our tomorrows are filled with new possibilities and potentialities. Today’s word is Newness.

August 11

“He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stress and worry pull from our energy reserves so easily, not to mention they rob us of the ability to enjoy life and the pleasures it holds. Dealing with problems head on usually helps with those feelings of anxiety, then we can focus on the positives in life for the balance that we all need. Today’s word is Balance.

August 12

“There is a time in the last few days of summer when the ripeness of autumn fills the air.” Rudolfo Anaya

We might still be in the dog days of summer but most of us will soon sense a faint shift in the air. We will come to terms with the fact that the reign of summer is coming to its end and with it our focus will also be changing. The term “Ripeness” here can also apply to our lives and our conscious decision to live it to the utmost. Today’s word is Ripe.

August 13

“If you come at four in the afternoon, I’ll begin to be happy by three.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Get excited about the small things in life, the big things in life, and everything in between. Look forward to those people and activities that make you smile and focus on them when you are feeling overwhelmed, or just out of sorts. There is nothing wrong with being excited before the fun begins. Today’s word is Anticipation.

August 14

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” Audrey Hepburn

Whether we are talking about a literal garden or taking the small steps that will lead to us becoming better versions of ourselves, it all comes down to having hope that tomorrow will come and that it will be better than today. What do you want to see grow in your life and what can you do to nurture those seeds? Today’s word is Gardener.

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One thought on “Your Daily Focus: August 8 – 14

  1. A.Cecilia Hiebner

    Thanks dear Daska for your positive messages. They feel so refreshing during these challenging times.


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