Your Daily Focus: December 5 – 11

Your daily Focus: December 5-11 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

This may only be the beginning of December, and it makes the most sense to wait until the very end of the year to reflect, but this year has felt so insurmountable at times that I want to take today to say— we did it! This is the home stretch, the final drag of a year that has been, above all things, a year of change. It feels like we deserve to celebrate making it this far and take this week to look at what we want to do with the final weeks of 2020. Personally, I have tried to journal or video record some of my big moments this year, and I am going to look back on them with you in this week’s Daily Focus while reflecting on the passage of time and the ever turning Wheel of the Year.

Saturday, December 5


A desperate celebration of an end.”Chandrama Deshmukh

There are a lot of quotes about December that seem to have this same sense of desperation and celebration that I am so wrapped up in right now. Maybe it always feels like this at the end of a “normal” year, I honestly can’t remember! All I know is that I do feel both the desperation and the celebration, and I am here embracing both.

Sunday, December 6

“How did it get so late so soon?” Dr. Seuss

Has anyone else lost the ability to reliably keep track of time? This year has been a crash course in self regulation, and it’s a little odd to find myself at the end of it. There were so many things I had planned for this year that didn’t happen, but so many unexpected blessings did. Funny how that happens.

Monday, December 7

“December is the holdout month, all the others torn away.” Anne Gisleson

What have you been holding out for? What is still on your list, begging to be checked off before the new year rings? We have time right now to tie up loose ends, to finalize things before we move into what is— symbolically at least— a clean slate.

Tuesday, December 8

“It is December, and nobody asked if I was ready.” Sarah Kay

I love December in New York. The lights are be going up now, and people will be bundled up in hats and… masks… It’s hard not to look at the world and see how it’s changed, and how for a short while longer we still have “firsts” in this new world. The first holiday season. Different, but comforting in its familiarity.

Wednesday, December 9

“December, being the last month of the year, cannot help but make us think of what is to come.” -Fennel Hudson

What is to come… what a question. I keep asking myself that, asking the Universe and my Tarot cards. What is yet to come? What do you hope for? What will you create? Today is a great day to journal, take some notes, and reflect on how far you’ve journeyed, and what is yet to come.

Thursday, December 10

“I’ve come to sing you a song called December.”Ryan Murphy

There is something special about this month, whether you celebrate the holidays or not. There is a sense of magic in December, and a sense of reaching the finish line. There is something so normal and relieving about the holiday season, and I think we could all do with a bit of normal this year.

Friday, December 11

“It is never over, though we are in December.” Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

This quote feels the truest to me this week. It’s human nature to want to celebrate milestones and mark the passage of time, but the reality is that we are still in the thick of things. However, we can look back on this year and see how much we have all changed, grown, and learned.

An Extra Reflection

I feel immensely proud of myself, my friends, family, and community for making it to the home stretch of such a challenging year. If you have the time this week, I think it’s a good idea to write down some memories, some feelings, some of the highs and lows that you experienced this year. It can be hard to keep track of time as it washes over you, which is why stopping to reflect and check up is so important. I’ve talked a lot about the cyclical nature of Tarot, and time itself, and how each lesson leads us into another. This has been, above all things, a year of lessons. For all of you who are here reading this, I am proud of you for making it to the home stretch too. Let’s keep going.

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