Your Daily Focus: November 14 – 20

Your Daily Focus: November 14-20 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

In this week’s Daily Focus, I decided to look to the stars and see what’s in store. Since this is such a wild and unpredictable time, it can help if we are not at odds with our own energy. I hope this will help you understand some of the emotional pulls you may be feeling, and help you harmonize and balance your energy to that of the cosmos. If you have any of these planets, aspects, or transits in your natal chart, the vibrational energy will be exacerbated significantly; however, it helps to remember that we are all collectively navigating the same cosmic obstacles in our way. While natal horoscopes look directly at individual sun signs, general horoscopes look at overarching patterns and focus on how we are all affected. As we move toward the end of 2020, I believe that it’s vital to remember that we are a unified people, living on the same planet, under the same stars.

Saturday, November 14

“Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.”Peter T. Mcintyre

Mars returns direct in Aries, bringing about a sense of self control, authority, and confidence that was missing while the planet was in retrograde. Gone is the anger and short tempers that have plagued us for the last few weeks. While the fiery tension from Mars being in its ruling sign of Aries doesn’t dissipate, it does transform into more productive and positive energy.

Sunday, November 15

“Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.”Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Tonight is a New Moon in Scorpio. I always think of new moons as blank slates, a time for deep introspection and reevaluation of self. This is even more applicable while the moon is in moody, serious Scorpio. New Moons are great times to think about what we want to fill our lives with. Think of today like an empty bag, or a blank vision board, waiting to be filled with possibilities, with both ideas and their tangible results. The moon in Scorpio is mysterious, introspective, and intuitive. Consider these qualities when looking ahead.

Monday, November 16

“The cost of oblivious daydreaming was always this moment of return, the realignment with what had been before and now seemed a little worse.”Ian McEwan

Today, the planet Venus in Libra squares Jupiter in Capricorn. Venus in its ruling sign of Libra brings a new desire to socialize, new friendship opportunities, and a slight lack of focus. The square aspect causes tension as the planets pull in opposite directions. Jupiter pulls you toward knowledge and structure, while Venus pulls you toward frivolous pleasure.

Tuesday, November 17

“If I don’t talk about it, it’s either very displeasing or very precious to me.” –Joyce Rachelle

Mercury in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus today, creating tension between the planets. Uranus in Taurus is focused on sustainability and long term plans, while Mercury, the ruler of communication, is secretive under Scorpio, and so our desire to plan is at odds with our willingness to ask for, and give, what is needed.

Wednesday, November 18

“November at its best—with a sort of delightful menace in the air.”Anne Bosworth Greene

Today, the moon enters Capricorn, bringing forth a grounding energy that will affect Earth signs and those with Earth moons most strongly. You may experience a cozy feeling as we lean into the holiday season. This is a great time to prepare your home for the season, decorate, or cook.

Thursday, November 19

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”Eleanor Roosevelt

We see the sun in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn today, building on the focused energy that the moon in Capricorn brought. This transit will bring a desire to please, to get ahead, and to assume control. The sun in Scorpio is introspective and deep, while Saturn in its ruling sign of Capricorn brings seriousness, responsibility, and long-term planning.

Friday, November 20

“A new consciousness has been emerging through the age of Aquarius, and a rapid spiritual awakening is occurring, which science, and organized religions have not yet fully tapped into.”J.J. Hughes

As the moon enters Aquarius it will release the desire for structure and tradition, and bring a new sense of exploration and curiosity that will be exacerbated and transformed in the coming days as the moon leaves Aquarius and the sun shifts out of Scorpio and into playful, flashy Sagittarius.

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