Understanding Your Daily Focus
I talk a lot about the benefits of Tarot cards as a self-help tool, and I really can’t overstate how beneficial I think it is to look within yourself daily. Tarot cards are just one way to do this, but they’re an incredibly enriching tool that’s worth getting to know. Being able to look at key elements of your life with a closer eye is always helpful, and every card in the deck will give you something to think about, whether you’re using them for divination or not.
For me, it’s important to look at all aspects of my life, and the cards offer easy insight. The cups suit asks us to look at our feelings, the swords at our minds, the wands at our passions, and the coins at our finances and careers. The trump cards, or major arcana, provide insight into different, more specific aspects of life as well. This means every card will have something to offer anyone who encounters it.
In this week’s Daily Focus, we’re examining the week through the lens of Tarot cards. Whether you want to keep track all week or just reflect for a moment, here is an opportunity to direct your energy in ways that will best raise your vibrations and align you with the Universe.
Saturday, November 21
“An Ace is always a gift, something you didn’t have before and which could potentially benefit you greatly.”
The Ace of Wands is asking you to pay attention to your passion projects. If you have been feeling stunted in any area of your life, financial, creative, or sexual, the answer is to look toward what feels good. This card is the permission you’ve been seeking to direct your attention toward something you may worry is a “waste of time”; it is not. Nothing that feeds your soul is a waste of time. Don’t forget that.
Sunday, November 22
“The Page of Cups is, like all Pages, curious above all things. Ever willing to put her heart on the line, to be vulnerable not because she is brave but because she knows no other way to be.”
Today is all about emotional vulnerability. If you’ve been putting off a difficult conversation, now is the time to have it. Don’t hide how you feel today, embrace it. Remember that your feelings don’t have to be the biggest in the room to matter. They matter.
Monday, November 23
“I envy the Fool, for at least he is willing to try new things.”
What are you afraid of? Failure, rejection, burnout? Today is a day for examining the root of your fears and trying to push through. Just because you don’t know how to do something doesn’t mean you can’t learn. Try adding “yet” to the end of your negative thoughts. “I can’t meet this goal. Yet.”
Tuesday, November 24
“Make sure to receive energy back in the same quantities with which you give it.”
The Six of Coins is a card of community, in a sense. It reminds us to lean on those around us when we need help, as well as reminding us to give help when we can afford to do so. But this is a delicate ecosystem, whether the generosity is physical attention, financial help, or emotional support, there must be a give and take relationship. Today is a good day to examine the ecology of your relationships.
Wednesday, November 25
“What you have, you’ve worked for. Don’t feel like you don’t deserve it just because there’s still further to go.”
The Ten of Coins is the card for today, and it’s a reminder to appreciate what you have, and to recognize the work that went into getting where you are today. It’s good to focus on the future, but if you’re constantly driving yourself harder and moving your goals, make sure you’re also taking time to celebrate your accomplishments.
Thursday, November 26
“What feeds your soul? Is it your family, relationships, good books, a warm meal? The Ten of Cups is all things comfort and completion.”
While the Ten of Coins urges you to look at the tangible rewards of your work, the Ten of Cups is asking you to look at and appreciate your emotional connections and fulfillment instead. This card is all about family, togetherness, and connecting. Make sure you’re appreciating what you have now, while still looking toward the future with an open heart.
Friday, November 27
“Anything can be a way out, if you need it bad enough.”
The Chariot is a favorite of mine, because I personally love escapism. I can float away on anything, a good album, a book, my own imagination. Sometimes, when things are less than ideal, overwhelming, stressful— just overall bad, it’s important to have your own little escape. Take time today to get out of your own head for a bit, you’ll feel better.
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