Your Daily Focus: October 23 – 29

Your Daily Focus: October 23-29 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

It’s officially Scorpio season. What can I say about my favorite dark and moody friends? I was raised by two Scorpios, so I think I have a bit of a soft spot when it comes to them. Scorpios embody the deep, dark, mystery of the unknown. I think of space, I think of the sea, I think of mysteries and dark hallways. Purple, black, and inky blue.

Scorpios are often said to be attractive, misunderstood, moody, loyal, and vengeful. They are less outwardly emotional than their sister signs, Cancer and Pisces, but no less deep feeling. They are just better at compartmentalizing, and choosing how to respond. They are empathic, but better at rooting out negative emotions than the other Water signs, and better at walking away.

In this week’s Daily Focus, I want to look at some of my favorite Scorpio attributes, and the energies that we will all be feeling as we move through Scorpio season.

Saturday, October 23

“I’m a Scorpio. I have different mood swings.”Craig Robinson

Scorpios are known for being moody, like all Water signs. However, unlike their sister signs, they’re less concerned with making others around them comfortable, like Pisces, or controlling the community mood through their own feelings, like Cancer. Instead, Scorpio reacts honestly, and others around them can take it or leave it. This is a great time to stick to your guns, even if the only reason is your own feelings.

Sunday, October 24

“I really am a full-blown Scorpio. Whenever I look things up about my sign, it’s like, check, check, check: thoughtful, detailed, moody, stubborn, prideful, emotional.”Selah Louise Marley

Scorpios are all of these things. They can be incredibly thoughtful and detailed, which makes them excellent event planners and party throwers. They’re moody, but they have their reasons, and stubborn—well sure, but they have their reasons there too. Even if we don’t always understand it from the outside. To be a Scorpio is to be privy to layers of detail and emotion others miss out on.

Monday, October 25

“I used to be very revenge-motivated, but that’s just because I’m a Scorpio. Now I’m more so, like, practice honesty just because it makes you feel better.”SZA

It can be easy as a Water sign to feel slighted, and easy as a strong-willed Scorpio to want to correct those perceived wrongs. Here is the thing I want us all to remember during Scorpio season: just because something hurts, doesn’t make it wrong. Just because you don’t like something, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist. Many realities exist all at once, together.

Tuesday, October 26

“Being a Scorpio, I believe in loyalty.”Payal Rohatgi

Scorpios are very loyal, and so this is a great time of year to tend to your friends, check in on them, and foster long-lasting relationships in your life. When a Scorpio makes a friend, they want to keep them forever.

Wednesday, October 27 

“Scorpios love mysteries. Solving them, chasing them, creating them.”

Scorpios love all things mysterious. They’re the friend who will fake an accent in a bar with you or spin a tale just for fun to freak out your friends. They love true crime, puzzles, and using their mind to dig deeper into the inner workings of the world, and humanity. Under this sign, we can all look to uncover things about ourselves and things about our lives and society that we may have been blind to before.

Thursday, October 28

“Scorpio’s may come off aloof and uninterested, but they are just as deep feeling as any of the Water signs.”

The tricky thing about being a Scorpio is that they feel things very strongly but struggle with dishing those emotions out in ways that others understand. Sometimes, it’s a continued intensity, taking things seriously and literally, seeing the deep emotional importance in even small tasks. Sometimes it can seem like shutting down, but this is just part of how they process. It can take a bit to connect the dots of their feelings. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you find you’re in the same boat this month.

Friday, October 29

“Scorpios are attractive, enigmatic, and magnetic.”

Above all else, Scorpios are intriguing. This is a season for personal exploration, for learning more about yourself and others, and for going deeper in every sense. Don’t be afraid to try new things, explore new ways of connecting and being vulnerable, of communicating and problem-solving. Scorpio season wants us to work together to uncover the mysteries of the world.

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One thought on “Your Daily Focus: October 23 – 29

  1. Tina Tanner

    My soulmate Robert Dallas Harding died last month there nothing to let me know how he died can you see how he died 11/08/1965 on sept 21 2021


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