Your Daily Focus: October 30 – November 5

Your Daily Focus: October 30-November 5 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

Halloween is here! This is my favorite time of year for a few reasons. I’m a winter baby, and I love when the weather gets cold. I’ll take snow and ice over heat and sun any day, and this always feels like the kick-off to winter for me, while still holding all the excitement of what is yet to come. I like the holiday season; I like the food, music, and lights. I like the way we huddle closer together, the sense of community that arises, and the sense of magic in the air. That magic begins with Halloween.

This holiday is old, dating back originally to Ireland and the Celts, celebrating the holiday of Samhain. This day is a powerful one in a lot of places. It is said the veil between our world and the world of the dead is thinnest just before, during, and after Halloween. In Mexico, they celebrate Dia De Los Muertos, honoring the spirits of their ancestors. In the UK, the tradition of wearing masks came about as a way to trick and confuse the spirits into thinking you were one of them so that they would leave you alone. No matter what you believe, even if it’s just about dressing up as someone else for a night, Halloween holds a lot of mystery and magic. In this week’s Daily Focus, let’s celebrate all things Halloween and the start of everything that comes after.

Saturday, October 30

“October was always the least dependable of months … full of ghosts and shadows.”Joy Fielding

As October comes to a close, we can look back on the long, bright months of summer and early fall, and buckle up as we head into winter. The cycle of the seasons celebrates death as we leave behind the fertile months of spring and summer and move into the days of darkness. This is the time to look into the shadows and embrace what we find.

Sunday, October 31

“Samhain is the threshold to the Season of Death.

The fertile fields of summer give way to the bare forests of autumn. As crops slowly die and winter takes over, the cycle of life is once again approaching

a renewal.”Dacha Avelin

I love mythology, and it’s hard for me to think about death without looping back into the cycle of mystic rebirth. That’s what’s so beautiful about this holiday to me. It’s all about endings–and what comes after. The harvest has ended, but winter comes in very much alive. We celebrate the life that has ended by looking to the spirits of the otherworld. This is a week for pushing cosmic boundaries and looking beyond endings.

Monday, November 1

“I was born on the night of Samhain, when the barrier between the worlds is whisper-thin and when magic, old magic, sings its heady and sweet song to anyone who cares to hear it.”Carolyn MacCullough

It’s Samhain. The veil between worlds is thin tonight, and it’s a wonderful time for communicating with spirits, lost loved ones, and creatures of all kinds. This is a night filled with magic for more than just children if you’re willing to listen and play along.

Tuesday, November 2

“Halloween is a celebration of the inversion of reality and a necessary Gothic hat-tip to the darker aspects of life, death, and ourselves.”Stewart Stafford

It’s important to embrace the darkness. The darkness within us, around us, and in the unknown. This is a great time to reflect on the things we cannot see, the things that make no sense, and the things that truly disturb us. It might be time to look at the real-life monsters around us and think about how to vanquish them.

Wednesday, November 3

“The farther we’ve gotten from the magic and mystery of our past, the more we’ve come to need Halloween.”Paula Curan

I firmly believe there is something inside of us all that draws us to the unknown, the mysteries of the world, the things yet to be uncovered. That’s why I love Halloween and Scorpio season in general. This week is great for looking into your own past, exploring ancient family connections, and personal mysteries.

Thursday, November 4

“Halloween is not only about putting on a costume, but it’s about finding the imagination and costume within ourselves.”Elvis Duran

There is something really playful about dressing up, it’s something we never really grow out of. There is something freeing about being someone else, even just for a night. Being able to slip into a disguise and live a life that’s different is enticing. Some of this draw comes from playfulness, the desire to participate, but some of it is deeper. You can use this time to explore things about yourself and your appearance that would otherwise be off-limits.

Friday, November 5

“Halloween is a reminder of the shadows within ourselves”Unknown

Above all else, this holiday lets us look at our own fears, our darker thoughts, and our desires. Being allowed to express these things through performance and play allows us to shine a light on some of these shadows. Don’t be afraid to look within yourself.

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One thought on “Your Daily Focus: October 30 – November 5

  1. Jacqueline Confino

    I always love the daily focus .it fills the corridors of my life with great excitement and hope .so Ijust wanted to say thanks regards jacqueline confino


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