Your Daily Focus: July 23-29

A Leo season header image of a woman playing a guitar in her living room. The image is tinted over an orange-purple gradient.

How To Make the Most of Leo Season

Leo season is here, and with it comes all the passion, heat, and excitement of summer. It’s easy to think of Leos as being attention seekers, but the world needs people who are willing to jump into the spotlight and fight for what they believe in.

Leos love going to parties, meeting new people, exploring elegance, and having other people’s eyes on them. However, they are also very down-to-earth. As people born under a fixed sign, Leos know what they want, even if it shifts from moment to moment. They’re friends you want on your side. You’ll want them to stand up for you, for their values, and for the world at large. This Leo season, focus on how you can use your voice, passion, and sense of showmanship to do good, protect others, and create the world you want to see.

Saturday, July 23

“Leos are fierce, loyal, and not afraid to take a stand for what they believe in.”

Leos are largely defined by their loyalty, much like a lion protector. They are both fierce and willing to jump in front of danger for the people they love. Having a Leo on your side is something to be proud of, and while you’re under this fiery sign, you may find yourself acting as a protector and standing up for yourself and others.

Sunday, July 24

“Leo, a fixed sign, will tell it like it is. They have no problem being blunt and honest, because authenticity is important to them.”

While the other fire signs can be a bit flighty, Leo is steady. However, their steadiness should not be confused with stoicism or reserve. They are steadily pushing social boundaries and remaining true to themselves. Some people may think that this is self-centered, but there is something admirable about being able to put yourself first.

Monday, July 25

“Leo is ruled by the sun. Both the sign and the planet symbolize warmth and action. They are connected to the material, the masculine, and the tangible.”

Leo season comes during summer and takes us through its peak. It is there when the sun is high and bright, and it continues back into the golden arc of its eventual descent. Leo season embodies the warmth, energy, and spirit of summer. This is the time for luxury, entertainment, travel, and financial expenses. The sun likes the material and the physical, and so do Leos.

Tuesday, July 26

“Leos are known for wanting to be the center of attention, and while it’s true that this quality can be grating in certain contexts, Leo’s ability to center themselves is a potentially valuable asset for tasks like advocating in social movements, spearheading creative projects, and moving ahead in their career.”

This Leo season, challenge yourself to take the spotlight and use it to your advantage. What are you passionate about? How are you enacting change? How are you inspiring others? You can do this on a small or large scale. Maybe you just try to raise the morale of the people in your office. Maybe you stand up to a friend or family member who has been unkind. Maybe you use your voice to advocate for the change you believe in. Leo season is the time to yell and be heard.

Wednesday, July 27

“Like all fixed signs, Leo knows what they want. They may appear enigmatic or unconcerned to the casual observer, but most of the time Leo has a plan that only makes sense to them, which is all that matters.”

Leos are, on the outside, a bit chaotic. They seem to move from idea to idea, party to party, adventure to adventure. But where a Sagittarius might get swept away or an Aries would be learning through doing, Leos have a method to their madness. They’re better planners than they let on, which is what makes them so spectacular. This is the season to reach for your dreams. You just have to put in the work to get there.

Thursday, July 28

“When it comes to the fire signs: Aries wants to try new things, Sagittarius wants to explore new places, and Leo wants to create an entirely new world—and they have the power to do so.”

Leos are major manifesters. What they want to see, they create. This is a great chance to act on that energy and use it to your advantage. The beauty of fire signs lies in their creativity, so Leo season is a wonderful time to explore your passions, artistic leanings, and eccentric interests.

Friday, July 29

“Leo season is, above all, a great time to have fun.”

With all that’s going on in the world, it’s important to find time to just relax, enjoy, and laugh. It’s nice to enjoy the warmth of the summer sun, the company of your good friends, and the small adventures that life throws your way.

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