Psychic Rogers: Your Calling is Calling

But Are You Listening?

Reader, are you experiencing a nagging feeling? Is there a voice in your head telling you that you’re meant to do something better than what you’re currently doing. Sure, you work in a corporate 9 to 5 job now, but do you really dream of owning an alpaca farm in the Pacific Northwest? Well, what if it isn’t just a dream? What if it is the thing you are meant to do? Maybe the reason you feel so unfulfilled at your job is because you are doing the wrong job. The question is, do you have the guts to leave it all and start anew? Well, Psychic Rogers ext. 5327 had the guts.

He’s Speaking from Personal Experience

Psychic Rogers used to be an airport manager with a psychic gift, heading operations for one of the busiest airports in South Asia. He had everything his advanced degrees could afford him: the cushy job, the respect of his peers, and a family with a very comfortable life. He was fulfilled in many ways, but that all changed when a woman walked into his office, screaming at the top of her lungs about her missing passport. She believed Roger’s staff had misplaced it. This was the precise moment Rogers says he had his “Eureka Moment.” He relates, “Something inside me was telling me, ‘Rogers, use your third eye,’ and I had to investigate the whole incident. I checked a specific passenger manifest on a specific flight. I just knew which flight to check. I checked the passports of everyone on that flight. When I came to the last three people, I discovered this woman’s passport. It had been stolen by a human trafficker and given to a woman to use as her own.” After this incident, Rogers stopped ignoring the nagging voice in his head and decided to pursue his calling. Are you ready to stop ignoring that nagging voice? If so, give Psychic Rogers ext. 5327 a call.

Stop Ignoring That Nagging Voice!

So why have you been ignoring your nagging voice? It’s human nature, according to Rogers. He says, “We as humans see certain signs, but we disrespect our emotional calling. However, we need to investigate and give it serious thought.” This makes sense. You think your dreams are silly or unattainable, don’t you? That’s why you’re sitting at your desk in a big office building reading this with your cruddy morning coffee. Well, your dreams aren’t silly and they aren’t unattainable. It’s just a matter of performing an emotional audit or inventory in order to see that your dreams matter and have meaning. Rogers says, “Take a look at where you are in life right now. Ask yourself ‘What do I want?’ Don’t let yourself get flabbergasted because you are too concerned with personal comfort and material things. Take an inventory of your emotions and see what you want to do. It doesn’t matter if it seems illogical or unreasonable. There are some issues that logic and reason can’t solve. Look to your emotions for answers. Otherwise, you will look back on your life and see there was no meaning to it.” Rogers knows this to be true because he is speaking from personal experience. He had chosen to give up his comfort and material things for his true calling, and he’s never looked back. Stop feeling gutless. Psychic Rogers has the tools you need to take that first step towards your true calling.

Are Your Ready?

So are you finally ready to throw all your comfort away for your calling—your dream? It seems like such a daunting task, but that’s where Rogers come in. He can help you through every step of the process, from your emotional inventory, to deciding when to quit your job, to when the best time would be or even where the best place would be to pursue your calling. You don’t have to go at this blindly. Rogers says, “A psychic can see the cause and effect of a situation. You already have common sense and your discretion working for you. Add to that psychic advice, and you have everything you need in your toolkit to make the best, life-changing decision for yourself.” So what are you waiting for? Your calling is calling. It has been calling you for a while now. It’s time to answer it!

4 thoughts on “Psychic Rogers: Your Calling is Calling

  1. Psychic Rogers


    Life is a potrait,you should take up painting to colour your soul.

    No age is late in life.

    God bless you.

    Psychic Rogers

  2. kristy

    I know how Jane feels I have thought for years about pursuing my passion for art but I’ve had negative and positive feed back on it. I had not ever painted in my life and one day I picked up a brush and found I’m not that bad and that it was a comfort zone for me. The thing that brings me out of my comfort zone is when I put my paintings out for all to see, but I really want to get them out there. Then i got scared and put down my paint brush and walked away. I want to start again but not sure i can.

  3. dmarantz moderator

    I don’t think it’s too late at all. We have a lot of articles on our blog about positive self-talk and I really suggest you take a look at them. You need to re-frame your thoughts and get rid of that negative attitude!

    Here is an article I recently did about Psychic Amanda. It talks about how we speak to ourselves and how negative thoughts bring us down and keep us in a negative space. It sound like you’re there…:

    You obviously have the talent for writing, singing, and acting, and while you’ve dabbled in sharing your talents with the world (ie, publishing poems), you admit that you haven’t pursued anything else. Well, don’t you think you should?

    I am not sure how your disability limits you, but off the top of my head, I can think of a few ways for you to explore you acting and singing abilities. I can’t guarantee that they will bring you fame and fortune, but they could be opportunities to get out there and do what you love as well as share what you love with other people:

    1. Join a local theater group. Do some Internet research and see what groups are around you. You can put on some great plays–even musicals–for your community!
    2. Join a singing group or form your own. You can even compete against other groups for prizes, or visit retirement communities and sing for the residents. You could even cheer up patients in a hospital with your lovely voice.
    3. Teach acting and/or singing. A lot of community colleges look for workshop teachers and you could be one of them!

    Good luck!

    The bottom line is that there are still opportunities out there for you. You just need to look for them and believe that you can pursue your calling and that you DESERVE to pursue your calling!

  4. Jane

    It’s to late! I am 64 now. I was told years ago that I could sing (sounded like Kate Smith). Someone who worked at Fox Studios said I was a natural actress. I have finally had a couple of poems published but have not persued anything else. Now sit here on disability and bored.


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