Remain in Control of Your Destiny

control your destiny california psychics

Destiny: it’s a concept eliciting an air of mystery and it hints at a quest awaiting you. The word destiny gets tossed around a lot, especially when people are discussing the future, goals, hopes, dreams, love and one’s life purpose. Many believe destiny plays a significant role in their lives. In fact, at different times, one might feel fated for something more, as if destined for something important.

Defining Destiny

Destiny stems from the French term destinée, meaning “intent, fate, or purpose.” Most of us see fate as something that will happen to us no matter what we do. Fate is not always seen as friendly either; it’s like some Divine hand that comes out of nowhere and, like a mythological trickster, either it gives us wonderful, unforeseen but often appreciated blessings, or tosses a monkey wrench into the mix of our daily lives.

How Do You Perceive Destiny?

The idea that destiny will suddenly steer you in a new—perhaps better—direction is quite common, and sometimes this ends up being the case. Some of us are just waiting for the power of fate to swoop down and put us on the right course so we can finally recognize and achieve our greater purpose. Still, others speak of destiny when talking of relationships with a sense there are those who are meant to be together: soulmates magnetically drawn to one another through the power of a predetermined fate.

The Wheel Spins

Admittedly, there are many things we have absolutely no control over in our lives. This energy is in “The Wheel of Fortune” of the Tarot: it is the unavoidable, inevitable force beyond human control that leaves us having to deal with the hand we are unexpectedly dealt. But must we solely resign to accept the hand destiny deals us? If so, how do we handle something we supposedly have no control over?

Blessings in Disguise

When fate brings seemingly unfavorable conditions into your life it is often a blessing, although you might not recognize it while in the midst of a situation. Not every blessing is immediately clear, especially if you are not capable of seeing the bigger picture. Our emotions can very often get in the way of our ability to see everything as objectively as we otherwise would. A good example of this is when you believe you are destined to be with a particular person, but that relationship dissolves. At first, naturally, you’re left heartbroken and wondering how life can be so cruel as to keep you and the one you feel destined to be with apart. A year later, you fall in love with a wonderful partner and cannot even imagine life without this new person—someone who is far and away better suited for you than your previous partner. In this scenario, it was the initial heartbreak you experienced that was necessary to open the door for the relationship you were ultimately destined to find.

Altering Perceptions and Accepting What Is

While it’s true there are some things that will happen in our lives that we cannot change, we have free will in deciding how we will handle each new circumstance. When the force of fate comes into play and blessings feel like a distant dream in your life, take a second look at what is happening. Ask yourself if there is another way to view the situation, or if there’s a hidden blessing or life lesson to be uncovered; more often than not, there is. By altering your perception and expressing a willingness to embrace change, you have the upper hand when destiny delivers something seemingly unchangeable into your life. How we handle a situation or choose to perceive our condition is truly our ultimate power.

7 thoughts on “Remain in Control of Your Destiny

  1. Debbie

    How do I reconnect with my angels and spirit. I closed the door to this aspect of my life when I lost my soulmate 5 yrs ago. Thank you for your time, have a beautiful day…..

  2. Deanna thompson

    I have lived long enough to know about money wrench happen in life. I have no control over situation, you can only do the best you can and things fall in place outside what seem one way become different. You roll with the punches, and hope for the best. And misundunderstanding.

    1. Bastet Ext 6694

      Hi Deanna Thompson: Thanks for your response. Yes, I agree, from time to time we have our personal strength and fortitude tested whenever unexpected events crop up and test us to our very core. It really is all about how a person gets through such times that makes all the difference. Sometimes having a terrific sense of humor and not taking ourselves so seriously helps us get through the times where we begin to feel as if we are not entirely in control of our world.


      ~Bastet Ext 6694~

    1. Bastet Ext 6694

      Hi Greg:

      Thanks so much for responding. Your words are moving and I can feel your frustration – it can seem like forever and like we are lost when we are waiting around for our purpose to reveal itself. It is at these times we must define our purpose – we can do this by putting all we have and all we are into what we do. We can define our purpose every day by doing the very best we can with whatever it is we are doing at the time. Every day is another day for us to define our purpose and we can find the most important of purposes even in the smallest of actions. For example, just a few kind words can change the day of someone who might otherwise be down, or if we act out with kindness, we can change the energies in, not only the lives of others, but our lives as well. Some people know thier purpose immediately and that is wonderful, but some of us have to create our purpose daily. Our purpose doesn’t have to come to us in a windfall. Instead, we can find it in daily ephiphanies and in our effort to be the best human beings we can possibly be. Imagine living your life to the fullest and trying to be an inspiration to people in your life every single day – imagine refusing mediocracy in your life and doing everything in a way that you are proud to sign your name to it. I think this is the way we can define our purpose when we feel we do not have one.

      For additional insight, don’t hestiate to call. The tarot can reveal pathways to your personal success.

      Good Luck and blessings,

      ~Bastet Ext 6694~

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