Signs You Might Have Psychic Abilities

An image of an outline of an eye, with the sigil of a hand and a star inside the pupil.

When Psychic Abilities Blossom

If you’ve ever wondered whether you have psychic abilities, you may be happy to learn: you most certainly do. Everyone does, though not everyone is in touch with their skills. Maybe there was a time that you knew who was calling you before you looked at your phone, or maybe you’ve sensed that someone needed you even when they were far away. Perhaps you’ve dreamed that something would happen — and later found out that it did. Those are all signs you may have psychic abilities.

To help these gifts from Spirit grow, validate them. Meditate. Ask Spirit for the gift of discernment, and ask it to bring you the right teachers. It’s important that you don’t ignore your intuitive feelings or explain them away as mere coincidences, nor should you imagine that they somehow mean you’ve gone crazy. You are entering the mystic plane, above the collective consciousness. Once you’re there, you’ll never want to go back to the way things were before.

Clues That Your Psychic Skills Are Waking Up

These gifts, which are really blessings, are meant to protect you from danger and draw you closer to both Spirit and other people alike. Some may fear intuitive knowing, often out of worry that they won’t be able to handle what they learn. What they don’t realize is that they’ll also be given what they need to deal with the coming events — and possibly even change them. Don’t fear these skills, for there is nothing for you to be afraid of.

Here are the most common signs that you are undergoing a psychic awakening:

  • You’ve often felt like you knew or could sense that something was going to happen, and it later did.
  • You are very sensitive, and negativity affects you deeply. This could suggest that you are empathic, with the ability to literally feel other people’s pain.
  • You’ve gotten a sense that you should not go into a certain place, only to later find out that something awful occurred there.
  • You’ve had light bulbs blow out or recording devices stop on their own when you were very angry.
  • You experience telepathy with your friends and loved ones. You finish each other’s sentences and make mutual decisions with each other through eye contact instead of words.
  • You saw imaginary friends or guardian angels (often the same thing) as a child or had a visitation from someone who crossed over.
  • You often just “know” things without needing to be told.
  • You find it difficult to be in crowds because the energy can be overwhelming.
  • You’ve handled an object and suddenly known information about its owner. (This is called psychometry.)
  • You see colors around people. These colors may actually be auras.
  • You’ve had an immediate sense of the atmosphere in a room — either with or without people in it — somehow knowing whether it was calm and happy or nervous and stressed.
  • You’ve thought about someone from your past that you hadn’t heard from in years, and they soon reached out to you without being prompted.
  • You’ve felt bad around a person, like you were being crushed down, without them saying or doing anything to hurt you. This can be a sign that a person has bad intentions toward you, and your intuition has picked up on it. Notably, the reverse is also true. Have you ever felt like a flower blossoming in the sun when you were around someone, free to laugh and just be yourself? That may be a sign that a person has good intentions toward you.
  • You have a strong bond with animals. You are naturally drawn to them, and they are likewise drawn to you. Animals survive using their intuition, and they can tell when you have a heart that is filled with loving kindness. They sense this positive energy and will seek you out.
  • You’ve always been drawn to the paranormal and feel the need to explore it. It is an element you feel strangely comfortable with.
  • You have natural wisdom when dealing with people, even strangers, and they seek you out for comfort and advice. Perhaps you’ve been called an “old soul.” You sometimes feel led to do something kind or helpful for someone, and then later find out that it was just what they needed.

Embrace Your Intuitive Gifts

The sooner that people accept their psychic gifts and learn to trust them, the more they can use those abilities to bring love, light, and healing to themselves and and other people alike.

Remember: there will always be naysayers, doubters, and skeptics. And while a little skepticism is healthy, automatic disbelief in anything that can’t be seen is not. Don’t dismiss your intuition just because it cannot be perceived physically. Cultivate it, and let it guide you toward positive outcomes and spiritual fulfillment.

If you need help learning about or mastering your abilities, a professional psychic advisor can teach you how to make the most of your gifts.

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5 thoughts on “Signs You Might Have Psychic Abilities

  1. Blair

    Hello , my name is Blair … I’m struggling with the fact that I have 70 % of the signs and don’t kno if it’s reality or imagination I need some sense of it all if ya have time get in touch. Much appreciation.

  2. Dianna

    I had a bad experience when I was about 8 years old, sleeping woke up to use the rest room and as I left my room I seen this short old looking person with horns and real hairy. I ran back to my room covered my head then un covered then was in my window. years later in my early teens seen it again in my bedroom window I always have felt like that person was trying

  3. Andrea

    I have most definitely experienced many odd situations, it really at first made me think I was going crazy but now 6 years later since the first experience it’s not that I’m crazy. Shew…. Anyhow it was quite an experience learning this. So I have had many times where I I knew something was going to happen and it did, and weird I randomly say something like for instance like we’re going Pluto today or something weird and later on I read an email of horoscope deal and it said Jupiter in yada yada pluto idk it just was odd and weird to me so I have many experiences. I’m still learning to open up my abilities and havig to get used to the fact that I’m not a nut. With that being said i mean like i just learned why I get way I do when I’m around alot of people, why times I get weird it’s hard to explain but I close up shut down around certain people, I’m open with certain people, and so on. I struggle with being in crowds real bad since I was very young I can remember. And few other really weird things that came to mind like I think I was 10 or so and out of nowhere i ask my cousin Amy is that dog there a begal and I had no clue it was begal it just was in my study file cabinet lol already appearantly. So I’m not sure if my comment was to long or even what I was to comment about I just know it said to comment about experience and I finally got the cahunnas to open up and comment so thanks. Thankful to have come across your site!


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