You Want That Job, Get It! Here’s How

How a Psychic Adviser Can Help You

The job market is picking up, and companies are cautiously beginning to hire. So, you want that great new job? Get out there, put yourself forward, and land the career you’re lusting after. If your energy is right, your skills in order, and your attitude sparkles, you can move mountains. If you can do that, selling an employer on your skills and talents is as easy as licking a lollipop.

First Steps to a Delightful New Career

Before you head for your dream job, center your spirit, untangle your mind, settle your heart and take a few deep breaths. Focus on exactly what job or career would light up your life and make you very happy. If you’re happy in your work, you’ll be more efficient and productive—much more likely to stay the course and move up the ladder. Define the job you seek, and be very specific.

Once you know what you want, go after it. Before you do anything else, choose a psychic advisor that speaks your language. Find someone you click with right away, like you speak exactly the same language. If you already have someone you trust, great!

Your advisor can help you find the right timing for such a big career step. He or she will show you indicators that can guide you along your path. You can begin to think in terms of the right timing, the most effective approach, the best geographic location for your new job, even what colors can enhance your progress.

No one can get the job for you, except you. But relying on mentors and advisers, using your network to find opportunity, has worked for millions of contented people.

Go After What You Want

It’s totally important that your prepare yourself for your new career. Brush up any skills you will want to show off. Polish your resume until it presents you in your most impressive way. You might consider having your resume professionally written or reviewed. If you need a specific opportunity to go after, let everyone in your network know you’re looking. Be completely positive and excited about the search so you radiate confidence.

Once you land an interview, double check with your advisor to see what you can learn. Don’t forget to do your homework in the physical plane, as well. Research the company and the interviewer, if you can. Study up on jargon and buzz words typical of your field. Be ready to look terrific, act with confidence, and present yourself as a can’t-miss candidate willing to work for success.

This is the time to put fear aside and believe in your ability to manifest your dream.

“Know that within your spiritual core you deserve abundance. Stay away from people who say otherwise. Take real action to make your goals happen. If you’re thinking about, but not taking steps in the direction of abundance, you’ll usually end up disappointed.” – William ext. 5131

Be Grateful

Now that you’ve strutted your stuff in the interview, while you’re waiting for your great news take a few moments to send your gratitude into the Universe. Without a doubt, you’ll be thankful when you secure the job—and no doubt you will get what you need in time—but express your gratitude, too, for whatever lessons you learn with each step of your journey.

“Whatever you desire for your career is destined to happen and your intuition will help you.” – Abrielle ext. 9894

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3 thoughts on “You Want That Job, Get It! Here’s How

  1. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Dear Anne,

    You have a great plan…..just follow it on thru…..and when you get on that plane, don’t look back. Your determination and courage will take you to a MUCH BETTER place down the road….mentally, emotionally, physically, even financially.
    And drom a spiritual standpoint…… because you are learning and, as a result…. growing, from your setbacks, you are also bettering your Karma.

    Wishing you all the very best!!!!!!! that life has to offer…..and remember…..the world is your oyster !!!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  2. Marc from the UK

    Message to Anne, GREAT STUFF JUST DO IT ” as the quote from William said ” take real action to make your goals happen,if your thinking about them but not taking steps inthe direction of abundance you will usually end up dissapointed”,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I was in an unhappy situation for years, I took action and daydreamed and created the picture in my mind of where I was going to be, IT HAPPENED, sometimes you will find that you are not where you were, but not where you want to be, you are therefore on that journey !!! Just do it, send that message to the universe that your ready! Good luck. Marc

  3. Anne

    Right Now:

    Planning my escape from a b/f that no longer cares about me nor do I him. Financially dependent and frankly tired of it. Tired of being his maid. Once I get that loan from a friend, I will be on the first plane out of here. Going back to school. Doing it right this time around. I wish to be financially fit, independent, able to stand on my own two feet, become self sufficient, self reliant, have my freedom, be a good enough for the next guy that wants to be with me, and be the example that I wish to be if I should have children. I’m at a point where I’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen because I am tired of living like this. I want to run free.


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