Your Daily Focus: June 12 – 18

Your Daily Focus: June 12-18 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

Summer is finally upon us! There is no better time to refocus your energy or swap out your altar than at the changing of the seasons. Spring was all about growth and renewal, but summer is about excess, enjoyment, and fun. We have all had a rough year and a half, and we all spent last summer cooped up, isolated from friends, beaches, and our normal rituals. This year, we can begin a return to normalcy and the things that make summer so special.

Think about the things that summer embodies—sun-warmed rocks, running streams, golden sunsets, and long, hot days. We have more daylight, more time to spend outside with our feet in the grass or the sand. Summer is the season of the sun, the masculine leader of the sky. The sun rules the tangible, material world—food, pleasure, power. There is no better time to make goals, look toward the future, and connect with the world. In this week’s Daily Focus, let’s look at just a few things that make summer such a special time of year.

Saturday, June 12

“Walking barefoot is a great way to connect with the earth and to ground yourself.”

One of the easiest spiritual things you can do is to simply go barefoot. Connecting with the earth in this most primal way are forms of worship, meditation, and grounding. Take time to walk around outside, or even just sit outside, letting yourself feel the earth and the sun on your face.

Sunday, June 13

“A sun shrine is a great way to ring in the summer, lots of bright warm colors, gold, coins, and plants will make an excellent altar.”

If you have an altar, now is a great time to swap it out. Take the changing seasons as a cue and let go of things you’ve been holding onto. Take a good look at what’s really serving you, and what is no longer helping you grow. Having a new visual to focus on can help with this a lot. Put up pictures of things that inspire you and use the energy of summer to seize the day.

Monday, June 14

“Laying out can be a great way to absorb not just UV rays, but the metaphysical benefits of the energy of the sun.”

Just like going barefoot, putting your face to the sun and letting the rays wash over you is another easy, spiritual thing you can do. Not only that, but it’s good for you (as long as you use sunscreen)! Make sure that you carve out time to be in nature, especially after a year of being so cooped up at home.

Tuesday, June 15

“Swimming is a spiritual experience. It returns us, metaphorically, to the womb.”

Summer is great for connecting with the earth, and swimming is another wonderful way to do that. Even in a pool, it’s easy to relax and let your worries float away, but it’s even better if you can get out into some natural water. A river, a lake, a creek, whatever! Wherever you can find running water to wash over you, take advantage of it.

Wednesday, June 16

“Cooking food with friends under an open sky can be a great way to bond, appreciate, and enjoy the outdoors while the weather is nice.”

Food is communal through all seasons; it’s what holds us together in the colder months. But in summer, we have the option to cook and eat under the open sky, another activity that brings us closer to our roots.

Thursday, June 17

“Summer is the time to be playful, now is the time for games of all kinds.”

With the Olympics approaching, it’s easy to be excited about sports, even if you usually aren’t. There are going to be a lot of fun spectacles to observe as the games kick off later this summer, and in the meantime, you can keep yourself busy by playing outdoor sports, such as running, hiking, and swimming.

Friday, June 18

“Summer is the time of plenty, the time of excess—it’s okay to be luxurious and extravagant.”

Now is the season of fun! It’s a good time to make the most of every day, create adventures, or camp under the stars. Even though there are still travel restrictions in place, there are more options for getting out and doing things than there have been in over a year. Now is the time to make up for lost time, no more sitting inside! Get out there, embrace the fiery energy of the sun and seek out good food, drink, and friends.

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