Your Daily Focus: May 22 – 28

Your Daily Focus: May 22-28 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

The names of the seven archangels can be traced back through multiple factions of Western religion, including early Judaism, Byzantine, and Greek Orthodox Christianity. In the Greek Book of Tobit, Raphael appears and says, “I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand in the glorious presence of the Lord, ready to serve him.” Like many other spiritual deities and guardians, the seven archangels correspond to other aspects of life. The planets, zodiac signs, elements, moods, and days of the week.

In this week’s Daily Focus, I want to look at each of the seven archangels on their corresponding weekdays. Each of these deities serves a different purpose, and we can look at their message to see where to best expend our energy during that time.

Saturday, May 22


“Barachiel, angel of blessings, I thank God for making you a generous channel through which God pours many blessings into people’s lives. Please intercede in prayer before God for me, asking God to bless me in all areas of my life—from my relationships with family and friends to my work.”

Barachiel is the angel of blessings. Today is a day to stop and take stock of the things in your life that you’re thankful for. As the leader of the Guardian Angels, Barachiel is confident, capable, and caring. Call on his energy today to take the high road and spread compassion.

Sunday, May 23


“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.”

Archangel Michael, or Saint Michael as he’s sometimes known, is known for being both fierce in battle and a great healer. He is said to be the one to bring down the forces of evil. If you can take an opportunity to be a voice for the weak today, now’s your chance to shine. Be both fearless and protective in your actions.

Monday, May 24


“We beseech you to intercede for us at the throne of divine mercy:

As you announced the mystery of the Incarnation to Mary,

So through your prayers may we receive strength of faith and courage of spirit,

And thus find favor with God.”

When I think of Gabriel, I think of him blowing his mighty horn to announce the return of God. Gabriel, like all of the angels, appears across Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism, and Islam. He is one of the most widely known angels and is depicted across myriad forms of art and literature. On Monday, his day, we can enter the world with a blast of music and try to face the week head-on.

Tuesday, May 25


“Archangel Uriel, angel of wisdom, I thank God for making you so wise and pray that you would send wisdom to me. Please shine the light of God’s wisdom into my life whenever I’m facing an important decision, so I can decide in light of what’s best.”

Uriel is the angel of wisdom, and so we can call on him and his energy to help us make hard choices, focus our energy when studying, or mastering a new craft. This is the day to try and learn new things and expand our horizons.

Wednesday, May 26


“Raphael of the glorious seven who stand before

The throne of Him who lives and reigns;

Angel of health, the Lord has filled thy hand with

Balm from heaven to soothe and cure our pain.

Heal and console the victims of disease and guide our

Steps when doubtful of our ways.”

Raphael guides travelers, much like Mercury, with who he shares this day, but he is also the healer. He shares his light with nurses, doctors, and healers of all kinds. This is a day to make travel plans and to focus on healing.

Thursday, May 27


“Selaphiel (Sealtiel), thou dost bow before the Almighty Lord offering angelic salutations of praise and thanksgiving. Guide us in our prayer. Like thee, we would like to unceasingly pray and worship God in the right way. May our lives be like incense pleasing to God.”

Selaphiel is an angel of protection and dreams. He brings messages between the spirit and the mortal world, and he is especially protective of children. This is a great day to focus on dreamwork, journaling, and meditations.

Friday, May 28


“Saint Jegudiel the Archangel, angel of praise to God, pray for us, that in every act, in every job, in every work, and in every labor, we may constantly carry out the will of the Lord gladly and in praise for all He has given us. Amen.”

Jegudiel is the angel of work: Hard work, good work, work for the spirit world, and work here on Earth. It’s easy to want to start the weekend early, to be tempted by Venus and Freya, the love goddesses who also patronize this day. If you need to buckle down and get things done before taking off for the weekend, Jegudial is who you need to guide you.

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One thought on “Your Daily Focus: May 22 – 28

  1. Irene Tron

    How timely that California Psychics posted this today. I will go armed with these affirmations for what looks like to be a very trying week for me.


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