DreamCast: What to Do When Men Cannot Commit Completely

Kimberly in Aurora, Colorado writes:

I have been in love with the same man for almost three years now. I believe he loves me too, but not the way I love him. Recently we had a horrible argument (per the usual for us). Anyway, it’s been three months since we’ve seen each other, and I miss him.

I had a dream about him that was so nice and calming. In my dream, I looked out my front door. My guy drove up and backed his SUV into my driveway and then got out of his truck and into his friend’s truck. He made eye contact with me, but then he drove away. I called him on his cell phone to ask if he wanted me to unpack his things from the truck and bring them into the house. He said, “Yes.” When I awoke, I felt good inside. Can you please tell me what that means?

Hello Kimberly,

I’m sorry this relationship has been such a struggle for you. The fact that your guy doesn’t love you as you love him concerns me. I don’t believe his heart is completely “at home” with you. This is depicted in the dream when he drives up into your driveway, almost coming into the house (almost connecting with you), but then drives off with his friend. You’re willing to bring his things into your house even though he’s gone. That last part of the dream, along with feeling good when you awaken, likely indicates you’re comfortable with someone who is emotionally distant.

Your chart reveals some challenges with closeness in relationships. You have an intense T-cross involving your Sun in Gemini; Moon, Mars, Uranus and Pluto in Virgo; and Saturn in Pisces. There is a battle going on inside you between your need for stability and a craving for someone who is exciting/unpredictable. However, Venus in nurturing Cancer says you really need a relationship that makes you feel loved and secure. The challenge is finding a balance with a man between giving and receiving, so you’re not the one doing all the nurturing.

Perhaps it would be best to let this man go. You deserve a partner who loves you with all his heart.

Sweet dreams,


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11 thoughts on “DreamCast: What to Do When Men Cannot Commit Completely

  1. tiffany

    when you dream you have a baby.in the dream 2 men driving, the daddy on passenger side and you are behind him and his friend driving.you are fusing with him saying the baby is his.but then you end up in the two of them face to face.but the other man is un seen just as the driver were.but the accused daddy face was the only seen as sitting behind him in the vehicle his friend drove belongs to him.but thath vehicle is the real deal that he still drive.

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  3. fitnete

    I am fitnete and I am 37 ,lastenight I saw a good baby hi was a boy I loved him to muc also hi loved me , I did’t know if he was my baby or not just whan I wake up I was teribly sad.Can anybody here healp please?

  4. Tee


  5. Gentlespirit

    A Dream So Sweet, as Cotton Candy
    Thanks to California Psychics for all the informative wisdom and insight into the work that you do on a daily basis. I would like your thoughts on a dream that I had lately and unlike the others, where I would sometimes dream of being chased and most of the time it involves an animal, this one was quite different. I had a dream, this time it was quite a peaceful dream and gave me such an exuberating feeling compared to the others dreams I have had and when I awakened I journal my thoughts. The dream I was in a place which appeared to be a stadium with bleaches and I was in the company of some friends I knew for a while and others I cannot recall so much. We were just sitting there on the bleachers waiting…for whom or what, I don’t know. I looked around people were talking softly amongst themselves and some playing chess, just waiting. Then I stood up and looked around being curious as I am, and noticed all I could see was a beautiful pictures’ blue sky clear, with white puffy clouds. The sky was all that I could see nothing more in the horizon and it seemed so close to the touch. Then I went to sit back down and told the others of what I saw and then, I awakened…. with such a calming feeling.

  6. pohlin jones

    i had a dream about a man that told me that he did wann me so i needto go on with my life he got wat he wann it was another woman ang i was just cry in the dream

  7. Di

    Hi Courtney,
    I have had one of the California psychics speak to Jeannie my current relationship and my other half has always been unpredictable he decided abruptly he didn’t want our relationship to continue. I still have these recurrent dreams of him getting very blissful me and pullling away last second. The psychic I havecspoken to said he really isn’t finished with the relationship and will be back. Between speaking with her and these dreams of him being close and pulling away im confused?

  8. Cindy

    I see this as a very telling dream. Kimberly is willing to let this guy into her life again, but he would come back as he was before, indicated by backing his vehicle into the driveway. Also, his attention would not fully be on Kimberly, shown in the dream by his choice of spending his time with his male friend instead of her. If he had come into Kimberly’s driveway facing directly forward and up to her front door, then I would say he would be open to moving forward with her in a more committed way. I agree with Cortney. This man would not really be there for Kimberly. She deserves better.

  9. mary

    So easily you say”let this one go and find one who is more”this or that”, just as if one could go to the man tree and pick a better one.It isn’t that easy!!! You might find a better one but he might not reciprocate that sentiment.Furthermore as you get older your chances for finding an available man are slim,nevermind a “better’ one.For some of us , we won’t get another chance for love…even a bad love.

  10. mila

    This is exactly what happen to me… me and my ex stay for two year like husband and wife… we are happy, i love him so much, i gave everything to make him happy, i take care of him the best i can…but suddenly everything was change when i found out, that he’s doing fling outside…. and he’s dating another girl… i felt so bad… then he say sorry… so i forgive him… then he ask me plan to get married…. after he made me happy for a two week. then he said, he’s not ready for commitment…. so i cried and cried… so i decide to go back in Phil… even im here in Phil he always calling every night… so im still hoping… i take care of my self waiting for him.. but just for one month i found out, he got new girl staying with him…
    Just because i love him… im ready to forgive him and maybe there another chance…
    Im so in pain, i want for forget him and move on… but i cant cause really love him….i hate him , but the pain is still love him after all what he done to me….
    So i decide to move on cos i know… no more chance even i love him so much…i change my number… and i dont send email or text… i cried every night…
    But one day, I’m in dating site…. one guy that i cant resist… he said he is serious. so i just go with the flow… he ask me my cellphone number… then right away he call me, he talk soft, like my EX…. he ask me to chat with him with cam… then after that he call all the time, he is single never been married… and what i found out same b-day with my EX….
    I feel i like him then later on, im thinking of him all the time… just happen last OCt,11… and just last night Oct 14. wer officially BF/ GF… ha ha ha funny… now i almost forgot my ex…. i dont mind….

  11. Greg

    The meaning of your dream is clear. You are in love with this man, but a man cannot fulfill you. Jesus Christ is the one who will fulfill you.


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