How To Get Advice in Dreams: A Psychic Answers

A blog header for Getting Advice From the Dream World. It is a dark purple image with a circular cutout containing Psychic Marin's image. Psychic Marin is a pale-skinned woman with long, dark hair. She's wearing a dark blue blouse and silver flower-shaped earrings. She's smiling at the camera.

A Question for Psychic Marin

Mary in Fall River, Massachusetts writes:

I have visions that happen sometimes. I have had dreams of people, and what I dream happens. I can tell what is going to happen before it happens a lot of the time. It is very scary. I know what people are going to say before they say it. My gut tells me if things are going to work out or not. I don’t know what to do with this ability, or how to control it.

Marin’s Response: How To Use the Dream World to Your Advantage

The dream world is a strange and fascinating realm. Philosophers and psychologists have hypothesized about what the dream world offers us and why it exists. Sometimes, dreams can be metaphors for our life, offering us a different perspective on our day-to-day living. Often, we dream about problems and issues that are disturbing us, and sometimes our dreams can offer us solutions. Have you ever wondered if you can specifically enter into the dream world for the purpose of finding a solution to a problem, or program your mind prior to falling asleep to aid in prophetic dreaming? The answer is yes, you can, and I am going to tell you how it can be done.

To understand the optimal conditions for dreams and dream recall, it is important that you understand the sleep and activity patterns that the brain undertakes each night as you sleep. There are two primary phases of sleep: NREM (Non-rapid Eye Movement) and REM (Rapid Eye Movement).

During NREM sleep, the brain cycles through slower phases of brain activity, and there is very little dreaming. During this slow-down period, you may experience a sudden tweak or jolt in your body after you’ve hit the pillow. You will gently begin to lose conscious awareness of the external environment and you will thoroughly relax. This phase offers you a little “cat-nap” and is not likely to lead to notable dream recollection. However, it’s great for an energy boost in the middle of a long day.

REM sleep is the phase of sleep that facilitates most memorable dreaming. During this time, the body also undergoes temporary paralysis, most likely to protect one from self-damage by physically acting out scenes from the vivid dreams that occur during this stage.

The human body typically completes a sleep cycle involving these phases every two hours. If you sleep the typical eight hours, you have approximately four opportunities for deep dreams and dream recollection.

Everyone dreams, but not everyone remembers their dreams. The most important aspect of working with your dreams is recalling the fine details that are often forgotten immediately after waking from the dream world. Below are tips to help you program your dreams so you can seek information and preserve your dreams, offering you the chance to analyze them later.

1. Keep a Dream Journal

Keeping a dream journal is a must for anyone who desires a stronger understanding of their dreams. You can either set a piece of paper and a pen by your bedside, or you may opt to purchase a fancy dream journal. I prefer a piece of paper. Often when I make notes, my eyes are still closed, grasping the faint images that would otherwise disappear if I were to open my eyes. By keeping my eyes closed and allowing my hand to scribble barely legible notes on a piece of paper, I am able to collect more details. Sometimes I can even sketch images.

My notes look pretty scattered and meaningless, but it is amazing what I can recall when I look back at my notes. In certain writing, I can instantly remember images associated with the words I wrote, and the large, messy penmanship has tremendous value. I simply can’t achieve the same results by waking, sitting upright, and opening a dream journal while trying to remember images and also trying to write neatly and articulately in a bound journal. My notes are dated and kept in a three-ring binder. With time, your scribbles won’t look so disorganized. Rather, you’ll begin creating a sketchbook of dream poetry.

2. Program Your Mind

Before going to sleep, program your mind so it will know what to expect. Tell yourself, “I am going to have a dream tonight, and I am going to remember it in detail.” Allow the repetition of this chant to send you into NREM sleep as you consciously prepare yourself to retain images and messages from your dream world.

3. Set Your Topic and Ask for Advice

When drifting off to sleep, begin thinking of the troubling situation or issue for which you desire assistance. Call upon your guardians or guides to deliver advice in the form of images or spoken messages when you are sleeping. It can be easier to obtain a solution when you are dreaming, as compared to when you are awake, because your conscious mind has the ability to interfere with or criticize suggestions… Also, in times of confusion, emotions are so heavy during waking hours that it can be harder for the mind to hear a faint solution. The dream world removes these conscious interferences. You can connect with your guides more easily, and you’re less likely to ignore their advice.

4. Set Your Clock

Your goal here is to awaken while in the middle of a dream. Set your alarm clock to wake you in the middle of the night. You want to wake up during one of the REM phases of your sleep pattern, as this is your most common time in the dream world. I suggest 3:00 a.m. Be prepared to wake up very disoriented, but don’t attempt to regain awareness of your surroundings. Instead, immediately try to recall the images and messages you were receiving in your dream. Additionally (or alternatively), set your alarm clock for 20 minutes before you usually wake up in the morning. By creating a rising time different from your usual schedule, you are more likely to wake during a REM sleep phase and will have a better chance of waking mid-dream.

5. Mentally Capture Your Dream

Instead of quickly getting up whenever you wake in the morning or in the middle of the night, spend an extra few minutes with your eyes shut, reflecting on any lingering images or words you were given in your dream. Recapture specific scenes, including people, objects, colors, and locations from the dream world, noting any remnants in your memory. Recite these images over and over in your mind so that they become clearer and don’t fade.

6. Write It Down

As soon as you wake, begin journaling. You may want to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water, but this is not the time to get comfortable. You have a specific mission, and that mission is to preserve the few remaining details which, if you can remember them, could unveil more memories. If you get up to go to the bathroom, your conscious mind awakens and the dreaming mind disappears, along with all those precious details.

The Dream World Has a Lot To Offer

Freethinking Thomas Edison, the American scientist best known for his invention of the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the electric light bulb, was a prolific dreamer who relied on programmed dreaming to aid with his designs and inventions. Conscious dreaming is a tool for channeling your ambitions and creating an action plan to make them a reality. Sweet dreams!


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One thought on “How To Get Advice in Dreams: A Psychic Answers

  1. cutie2christy

    ive been with boyfriend for four years and since ive met him there has been so many strange things thats strange ive never experienced befor and these things scare me , but even more hes mad at me now and has dissapeared i dont even know if hes ok i tried calling him but theres no answer i just tried to stop him from leaving because he wanted to take a trip four hours away from here i didnt understand why and besides i didnt want anything to happen to him on tis trip so i said i wouldnt watch his daughter so now hes mad at me my family keeps telling me that he doesnt even love me im so confused help?


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