What Does It Mean When You Dream of Falling?

A falling dreams graphic, showing a drawing of a woman falling through the sky. The image is colored with an orange-to-purple gradient.

The Meaning of Falling Dreams

There are many different types of dreams, but one of the most common — and most disorienting — is the falling dream. Consider: you’re in the middle of a dream (sometimes pleasant, sometimes not) when, all of a sudden, you’re falling. Falling dreams can be alarming. Luckily, if you understand what the dream is trying to tell you, you can alleviate some of the stress and fear that may accompany it.

So what does it mean when you fall in a dream? Well, this type of dream can have many different interpretations, which are usually affected by the factors that surround the fall. As with all dream interpretation, context matters. That said, falling dreams usually tie back to something that you’re anxious about.

Waking Up Before Hitting the Ground

One of the most common falling dreams is the kind in which you wake up before you hit the ground. This can be upsetting and disconcerting. You might wake up in a cold sweat, clutching the bedsheets and kicking the blankets off until you realize that you’re safe and that the fall was just a dream.

It turns out that there’s a veil between the dream world and the waking one, at least to our brains. Sometimes when you dream about falling, your brain thinks that it’s actually happening and snaps you awake with a shot of adrenaline, resulting in something known as a hypnic jerk. This connection between your physical body and your dream experiences can be why you dream of falling, only to wake up before you hit the ground.

Falling in Darkness

A dream about falling in the dark can be pretty scary. Since shadows can often represent the unknown, these dreams might mean that you’re plagued with uncertainty. If you have a big decision ahead of you, or if you are not sure what you want to do next, dreaming of falling in the dark can be your mind’s way of manifesting that fear.

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Being Pushed in a Dream

What if you dream of falling after someone has pushed you off something? Your mind could choose anyone, from a rude stranger on the subway to someone dear to you at the edge of a cliff. When this happens, pay close attention to the identity of the person in your dream. If they’re someone you know, it’s possible that they’ve recently made you feel hurt or put down. They may not have your best interests at heart. Alternatively, it’s also possible that their company triggers some latent feelings of insecurity from deep down inside you.

If you were pushed by a stranger, you might be wary of someone new. The dream can also be a warning about an unknown person in your future. In contrast, if you trip yourself and fall, that may mean that you’re worried about making mistakes and are in danger of self-sabotaging.

Falling Through the Sky

Like dreams where you fall into darkness, a dream about falling through the clouds can symbolize your journey into the unknown. The clouds themselves can provide some pillowy comfort, letting you know that it will be okay. This type of dream may represent an upcoming change in your life, positive or negative.

Falling Into Water

When you dream of falling into water, the meaning of it largely depends on how you feel once you’re submerged. Are you calm and serene? Or are you struggling to stay afloat? A dream in which you “go with the flow” can represent your willingness to accept whatever comes your way. On the other hand, if you’re having difficulty while in the water, you may be feeling in over your head in your waking life.

Falling and Hitting the Ground

Falling and hitting the ground in your dream can be a painful experience. The pain may mimic some actual distress you’ve experienced (or are currently experiencing) in your waking life. If you fall to the floor in a dream and are not hurt, it may be a testament to your ability to pick yourself up and keep going even after disappointment.

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Preventing Falling Dreams

The separation between actual and perceived danger can make it difficult to decipher what your falling dream means. Unfortunately, falling dreams are often associated with negative emotions, in sharp contrast to flying dreams, which often indicate positive feelings. Ultimately, if you want to understand your falling dreams, you’ll need to figure out whether your negative feelings are based in reality. There may be a serious concern that you need to address, or it could just be random anxiety seeping into the dream world.

If you want to prevent falling dreams, consider creating a soothing nighttime routine. This may include a respite from screens and electronics. You may also want to surround yourself with relaxing scents and play comforting sounds, such as low music or ocean waves. Keeping a dream journal can help you decode the cause of these falling dreams so you can come up with an action plan. Take note of how you feel before and after you wake up from sleep. The answers may be right there in front of you!

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One thought on “What Does It Mean When You Dream of Falling?

  1. Carol

    Ii dreamt i was up in the sky falling through the white clouds . I taught oh i will have my pillows in my bed to land on if i can not stop falling on then i just woke up


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