26 Traits of Mom

What makes a mom? Since today is Mother’s Day I thought it would be appropriate to take some time to put down on paper (well, internet paper that is) some of the most admirable and special qualities about our mothers. Not every one has a close relationship to the person that gave them life but we can still show a little gratitude for the 9 months of nausea, back aches, swollen feet, frequent urination, lack of sleep and of course, labor … on this day we dedicate this to you, mom.

A mom is …

1. a person who endures physical pain to bring you to life
2. a person who is willing to give up their body as they once knew it
3. a person who sacrifices
4. a person who shares
5. a person who loves almost unconditionally (or maybe unconditionally if that can exist in human beings)
6. a person who takes care
7. a person who is always there
8. a person who taught you how to walk, talk, get dressed, go to the bathroom … well, you get the picture
9. a person who made your lunch for school
10. a person who supports
11. a person who listens
12. a person who has understanding
13. a person with patience
14. a person with pride
15. a person who works incredibly hard and still comes home to cook dinner
16. a person who cries with you, laughs with you, celebrates with you, and is proud with you
17. a person whose cooking, voice, smells and clothes can revert you to a 5 year old in less than a minute
18. a person of comfort, protection, acceptance and hope
19. a person who watches you grow, helps you learn lessons and shakes it off with you when you fall down
20. a person who will worry themselves sick about you
21. a person to look up to
22. a person who wants nothing but the best for you
23. a person who deserves appreciation
25. a person who deserves admiration
26. a person who deserves to be celebrated today

What makes your mom so wonderful? We hope all the mothers out there enjoy their special day!

3 thoughts on “26 Traits of Mom

  1. Gretchen Swisher

    A Mother Is Someone very special,unique ,who loves u more than any other an unconditionally an expects nothing in return who will always b their when no one else is other than God, make many sacrifices and try their best to stay close even when your grown.

  2. Barb & Tim Yale

    I did not wish my mother a Happy mothers Day, Because I don’t make her or my father happy. I have not talkedto either of them in months. They do love me and I believe they haven’t since I was little. If they cant control me and this includes my sister they don’t want nothing to do with me. I gave them my heart all my life and they gave me material things. That is more important to them. But I havemoved on my husband and I. Holidays are hard but we get throught. I was disowned by my parents 4 time already . 4 times o many

  3. misskrystal

    Bravo! In general, there is nothing like a mother’s love…
    I thank God everyday for my mom-miss krystal


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