In Memory of Psychic Tansy

In Memory of Psychic Tansy

We share this news with heavy hearts, Psychic Tansy, passed away yesterday morning. This is a devastating loss to our psychic family. She was an active member of our community and inspired everyone to do and be their absolute best. Tansy always made time to lift her friend’s spirits. If a friend was in need, she checked on them every day. Her infectious energy would reassure you and set you straight. She was a no-nonsense woman with unmatched generosity and kindness. She always gave 150% to her clients, friends, fellow psychics, and pets. She was always able to say the right thing at the right time!

Tansy began reading with California Psychics in April of 2010. We knew we had found someone special the minute she started on the line. We loved hearing from her. She was so funny and caring! Everyone loved working with her. Tansy specialized in love and career issues. She particularly enjoyed real estate predictions and helping those with LGBT-related romance concerns.

When asked about love and romance differences she wrote: “There are several ways to see if it is true love in the relationship one is experiencing or if it is simply a romance that will fade, in time. One way is to ask if there is true respect on both sides. Does he or she respect your beliefs and opinions or does the other person brush them aside as of no importance? Can you depend on the other to be there when you really need help in real life? It is one thing to give presents, but quite another to go help your loved one change a flat tire in the cold rain on the interstate! Do you feel accepted and appreciated for who and what you really are? Does the other suggest changes you should make in yourself, never happy with the person that you are? If that person feels you should lose weight, wear different clothing, or have different opinions, perhaps they should look around for someone who better fits their specifications!”

Tansy LOVED cats and always found room for more of them. Before becoming a professional psychic, she had employment connected with business, real estate, corrections, and veterinary medicine. We plan to leave her profile up for the next week so that clients may watch her video and read her bio and beautiful testimonials.

She is survived by her loving husband Paul, a host of friends, and the many adorable cats that she rescued. We miss Tansy terribly. She touched our souls and enhanced our hearts. Tansy was a phenomenal human being!








84 thoughts on “In Memory of Psychic Tansy

  1. Nevaeh

    Tansy will be missed by me. I had the pleasure of meeting her at one of our CP parties. And I loved her honesty about everything. She loved her husband very much and her cats. She had a quest for knowledge and always made me think of what could be. Tansy we spoke about heaven I know you’re there. I’ll miss you and think of you often. Love, Nevaeh

  2. Logan Ext 5089

    To a beautiful earth angel who has graduated to the highest level! My prayers to Tansy and her family, she will be greatly missed!

    Blessings and Much Love!

  3. Burke @ 5655

    Jennifer, Your tribute for Tansy is beautiful ..

    Thank you for doing something so hard in this enormous loss for our CP Community ..


  4. Violet

    I met Tansy at one of our fantastic holiday parties…she was truly a gem of a human being. My condolences to her husband. The community has lost a caring and compassionate person.

  5. Rika x5376

    I just met her once and certainly did not have the bond that so many of you do, but I offer my prayers, to her family and to all her clients and all to all the psychics here that loved her so very much. I know this is really hard for many many people.

    R.I.P. Tansy … I know you are one BIG BRIGHT star now!

  6. Penelope

    I never met Tansy and only spoke with her a few times. I loved reading her posts, her energy and her incredibly uplifting spirit, as well as the encouragement which seemed to come from a never-ending well. This news of her transition comes as a shock and although her time here among the physical is complete, who she is lives on forever, especially within the hearts of those who loved her and those she loved in return. My love and prayers go out to her family and friends, and may they continued to be comforted in the coming days.

    Tansy, you are a blessed being who touched my life and you will always be remembered with deep appreciation. Thank you!

  7. Willow

    So sad to hear we had lost another well loved Psychic. My thoughts are with Paul, the moggies, her family and friends. Found this poem and wanted to share it……….

    When Spirit reached down
    And collected her soul
    She reached up knowing
    She had to go

    Slipping away peacefully
    Her body remained
    One final look back
    She smiled again

    Reaching home again
    A place she’d forgot
    Past memories came flooding
    With splendor and awe

    Spirit gave back sights
    We can not imagine
    She finally found
    Her home back in Heaven

    We will remember her daily
    She does the same
    We Love her always
    That will never change

    When it’s your time to go
    There is one thing I know
    That she will be smiling
    All the way home

  8. greta

    I am so sorry to hear about Tansy. I send my sympathy to her family and pet friends. She is such a loss to this world, not only those who knew her. She will be missed.

  9. Burke @ 5655

    Now Tansy endlessly sparkles ..

    As diamonds of light surround her loving husband, family of furs and our CP Community … All on earth will deeply miss her intelligent, intense spark of beingness .. and unequalled, compassionate caring for one and all ..

    May there be sequins in Heaven!!

  10. Eden

    My dearest Tansy, it is with such a heavy heart that I am hearing this news. Your mission here on earth was completed. You delighted us with your wisdom, your stories and your immense capacity for love. Rest well, sweet Lady. May your loved ones find comfort and peace.

  11. Amelia at ext 9772

    Dear Tansy – your loving, delightful, funny soul will always shine. We will all miss you but we will also remember the wonderful love you brought to us. We learned many things from you and I am sure we will continue to learn as you continue your journey. You will forever be in our hearts.


  12. Psychic Cecilia

    I never got to meet her, but, her beautiful Spirit and Loving essence shine through in her photo… I wish I could have known this lovely lady.
    My prayers go out to her family and friends at this very challenging time.
    Much Love and Light,

  13. Lalita

    Such truly sad news! I was honored to meet Tansy in person and she was/is such a light. We know this- Heaven will shine so much brighter with her as an addition. For those that are still here don’t doubt for a second that she will come visit… this sort of warmth and love does not fade.

  14. Brooke x5685

    Tansy will be solely missed. It took a second of meeting or speaking with Tansy, to just fall in love with her spirit. She always had love and support for everyone she met. She was a mother to not just every furbaby she came across and rescued, but to also stray children. She has been called home to help those that still need assistance in another realm. My thoughts, prayers and love go to her family and friends that she has left behind.

  15. Maggie x5027

    My condolences to her family and friends. It is a great loss for us here at CP and she will be missed terribly. Blessings. RIP Tansy.

  16. Psychic Carya

    I am so sorry to hear of your passing. I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting you, but my prayers and blessings extend to you and your family.
    Blessed be,
    Carya ext 5729

  17. Kyra

    Dear Mr T, this is how Tansy always referred to you in her posts on the forum, where her love for you would shine in all comments. I loved the stories she told about your life together, she was in love, happy, surrounded by the beings she adored, she had a good life. She had a GREAT life!
    I’m sure you know how many hearts and minds she touched in her work here and behind the scenes in the forum she was loved and respected, part of our Family. She always remained positive in all things and always had a kind word for all to lighten their load.
    Please know you are in all of our hearts and prayers and that Tansy is only a thought away, always.
    With love,

  18. seha

    I pray for peace and love for Tansy and those close to her heart. It is obvious she gave much goodness to this world.

  19. Esther

    my dear tansy of assisi, what a real treat to have meet you my dear tansy, it was so wonderful and in a way magical to talk to you, you could make any situation so easy and so much fun, this was the last thing i expected to read today my friend, that god need it talk to you maybe he was sad and need it some good stories and a good laugh and he said bring me my favorite daughter she ll now what to do. but even then my heart is in pieces right now, i feel like i lost a sister, but you know something tansy nobody here will ever forget about you. god bless you

  20. Psychic Dawn

    This is a difficult loss for all who knew and loved her. Prayers are being sent out, with Love and Light.

  21. misskrystal

    I was so lucky to know Tansy. We had a great connection. She reminded me so much of my mom’s side of the family. I felt right at home with her. I felt so understood by her. I could talk to Tansy about anything. I can honestly say I have never met anyone in my life like her. She cannot be replaced. I will always remember you, Tansy.
    I am so glad I met you. Rest in peace my dear friend. The Kitty Angel is now in Heaven. God bless you for taking in all of those cats.
    I am going to really miss you! Miss Krystal

  22. Psychic Cameron Ext 5412

    I simply don’t have the words. Tansy was very special to me, a real friend. She was always so loving, supportive, positive and encouraging. When I first became part of the California Psychics’ team, Tansy was one of the first psychics to welcome me and I will always be grateful for her support. I will miss her courage, her warmth, and her humor. Lots of people say about people they know, “she was one of a kind”, but in Tansy’s case, it was absolutely true. Thank you Tansy for blessing us with your joy, we were lucky to know you!

  23. peyton x5312

    Tansy, Now you can dance til the sun comes up! (In your purple sequins!). Thank you for being my friend. I will never forget our 2012 Christmas trip! We met up and flew on the same plane to Burbank, Brendlynn was also on that plane!! The morning after the party, We met Wren and Gelsomina before heading off to Santa Monica where we played in the sand, then to the La Brea tap pits where you insisted on taking a sample home. Got lost going back to the hotel and you as my co-pilot psychically got us back safe and sound! I’m sure you were met at the rainbow bridge with all your wonderful animals that you have cared for. Sending Paul and your kitties lots of love. Give Wren a big hug and kiss from all of us. XOXOXOX

  24. Rose Mary EXT 9549

    ” If all the beasts were gone, men would die from a great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to the man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth.” Chief Seattle to President Franklin Pierce…
    How well Tansy knew this and showed it to all of us. You are greatly loved Dear Tansy and will be well remembered!

    Rose Mary

  25. Asia x5486

    Truly saddened by this. Love to her family and friends. Many blessings, and a very well written article…Asiax5486

  26. robin

    Dance from one life the next sweet Tansy. Your light will forever illuminate earth.

    until we meet again

  27. Yemaya

    Tansy always had the right words to say, she was indeed a gifted and divine reader. My prayers go out to her husband, Paul, and all her loved ones. We join you in your grief.

  28. Faith ext. 9608Faith ext. 9608

    Very sorry to hear of Tansy’s passing. We will miss her lively spirited discussions and humor filled communications with all of us. May Tansy’s spirit soar with the Angels and may Paul find comfort in knowing her love. Sending my love and blessings of peace to her family and animal family as well. Enjoy your new journey Tansy! We love you.

    Blessings, Faith ext. 9608

  29. Devyn5303

    Tansy, you will be sorely missed! You kept us all in stitches with your humor and stories. Tansy was a phenomenal psychic and an earth angel for everyone she came in contact with. She was a great champion for both the two footed and four footed kind and never missed an opportunity to put things into action. I am sending my prayers and love to her family. Tansy has touched so many and left a legacy of love and service.

  30. Danu ext 6304

    I am so very sad to hear this news. When I first started, months ago, she said some very kind words to me. Her energy was so beautiful and uplifting. I know that she will continue to inspire.

  31. Stevie

    I am so very sad to hear this news. She was so full of life and a wonderful soul. You are greatly missed Tansy. xxxooo


  32. Devyn 5303

    Tansy is such a bright light. She kept us in stitches with her stories. She was a brilliant earth angel with her rescues of the both 2 and 4 footed kind. Her humor and never give up attitude is something to be truly admired. She was a phenomenal psychic!! I know that her spirit of love and service will continue to be felt by all those she touched. Sending lots of love and prayers for her family.

  33. Psychic Lucy

    This leaves me absolutely speechless. We are lucky to have known such a joyful spirit. Hang in there Mr.T. You know she will be around you, always.

  34. Kallista, ext. 9623

    Thank you for this beautiful elegy for Tansy, Jennifer. It had to be difficult for you to write. Tansy was such a wonderful help for anyone who needed her. I’ll always be grateful for her kindness and care. She helped advise me about my cats. I’m so sad she passed. God bless her and Paul and all her fur babies and loved ones.

  35. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    It is with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes that I write this….Tansy was just THE BEST !!!!!

    A funny, warm, down to earth person, a great psychic , ….just a great human being.

    Her love for animals was well known, having rescued MANY homeless animals, finding those animals good homes, and giving a ” forever ” home to 16 cats herself.

    Tansy , truly, will be missed . She made the world a better place to live.

    Rest in Peace, Tansy

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  36. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    In the gentle blowing of the wind the ashes of life
    fly into the sky closer to heaven-
    The body rests-
    The mind releases all the pain and suffering-
    The wind carries the thoughts of loved ones upward to the clouds so that there is familiar energy
    to embrace our dear departed Tansy
    Her spiritual journey was one of great accomplishment
    And I will miss her.

  37. emma

    Tansy Tansy Tansy! Just the name brings up light and incredible energy…always such a quick wit and sensing the irony in so many things, turning those into a positive smile. Just the glimmer in her eyes could make me smile! Blessings to those she leaves behind, and those she has touched and continue to touch…I’m sure that won”t change! Blessings to those here, two legged and four who will continue to feel her….bet she wouldn’t have it any other way!

  38. Johnnie

    My heart goes out to Tansy family and our family at CP. RIP beautiful Tansy. Know you are loved and missed by all.

  39. Maeve

    I was so blessed to know Tansy well. We met when we were both at CP for pictures etc.Thank you Jennifer for bringing us together, I will be eternally grateful. We clicked immediately. I came to know her as a friend but it became more than that. She was a long lost sister returned , we had finally been reunited ! We often talked for an hour or two at a time, several times a week before she got sick, then she wasn’t able to talk as long. That didn’t mean that the conversations were less wonderful. Rarely did she complain about her circumstance, she was always concerned about others.

    She came to visit last night. I felt my living room washed in love overflowing. My kitties were chirping and showing off. Tears of joy spilled down my face. I love you Tansy and I look forward to more visits. NOW YOU ARE FREE !!! NO MORE WHEELCHAIR !!!!

  40. James

    With her work here on Earth completed, she now has been called home to work with her guides ad the Beings of the Highest Realms to inspire, protect and guide us from the highest elevated realm. Her family will come to know that her selfless service carries on for them and us. Bless you Tansy, thank you so much x

  41. Denisha

    Sorry to see this sad news. Prayers and Love are with Tansy and her family. My heart is heavy to hear about this wonderful woman’s passing. I didn’t get to know her well, but loved her energy and her posts.


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