In Memory of Psychic Francesca

Psychic Francesca ext. 5500 Has Passed Away

We are deeply saddened to share that Psychic Francesca ext. 5500 has passed away. We are filled with grief and miss her beautiful energy. She had a delicate and extremely kind way of connecting with others. Francesca always made everyone feel comfortable and at home with her warm demeanor. She loved to channel information in order to help others find the clarity they needed to better navigate the hurdles and joys of life.

A Positive Force

Always a positive force, Francesca once wrote: “This is a time to be without fear and move now into the light energy that has permeated our planet. You have a fresh opportunity to look at the path you have chosen. May you use this time to allow your dreams to lead you to courage, to freedom, and to peace of mind. You have so much to look forward to. Be in joy, in your light, in your own integrity and live in the moment with joy and peace.” Francesca was a true source of inspiration and a constant bright light.

A Seasoned Reader

Psychic Francesca was born with her gifts and had a strong connection to her guides. Her life experience filled her with much wisdom, and she loved sharing her wisdom with her clients. She even worked with government agencies on psychic research. Francesca never failed to help others discuss their concerns and make the best choices for their life paths.

An Incredible Woman

Francesca began reading with California Psychics in June of 2011. From the moment she connected with us, we knew we had met an incredible woman. We loved getting to know her and appreciated how truly focused and detailed her spiritual work was.

Francesca’s bio page will be up for another week so clients and colleagues can pay their respects. You can also view her video about following your dreams and her audio bio on that page as well.

Francesca is survived by her twin sister and a host of friends. We will miss her, but take comfort in knowing that we can still feel the warmth of her beautiful smile.






77 thoughts on “In Memory of Psychic Francesca

  1. Paige Ext 9158

    Thank you, Francesca, for all the comfort and wisdom you gave to so many over the years. May the Higher Power ease the pain of your family, friends and clients who I know loved you so much.

  2. Pilar ext. 5677

    Francesca is with the God Most High of the Universe now and as she shared love and compassion for everyone here on earth she will continue to shine the Light for all of us that she has left behind. Many blessings to her family and friends.

  3. Psychic Beverly

    The passing of a truly beautiful soul who inspired and guided us!! RIP Francesca, your light will continue to shine in each of us!

  4. Psychic Sterling x 6326

    She has stepped into the Light and become one with all, continuing to beam her brilliance, love, inspiration, and blessings for everyone to receive. Sending special healing love to her family, friends and loved ones..

  5. Glynn x6383

    I’ve only been on CP for a very short time, and I did not know Francesca personally. When I logged on today and saw the news of her passing, I felt a deep pain of loss in my heart. I wish peace and blessings to her family and friends and to the clients she so well served.

  6. Aisha ext 5865

    Prayers to Francesca’s family. friends. loved ones and clients.
    She will be missed on CP but will surely be available to assist others as she soars into the ancestral realms
    Blessings of swift wings to get you there Francesca!

    Aisha x5865

  7. Vali ext 5062

    Such an inspiration and beautiful soul sister. May your blessings extend in to, and from the afterlife, as well. Peace to all your family and friends. Please guide us with your gentle spirit.
    Vali 5062

  8. Roxanne x5767

    May Creator of all bless you and keep you. You were a bright light and still are! I pray peace and comfort to your loved ones. Rest in Peace Francesca.

  9. Psychic Lucy

    You are a presence so real, uniquely beautiful. Thank you for sharing a piece of our journey at CP and may the angels enjoy your “play” now. You are missed

  10. Danni

    My God’s grace bring peace and comfort to her friends and family left behind. My her soul soar to its next levels of joy.


  11. Tajah

    We are all diminished by losing you. Knowing your life was dedicated to serving humanity through spirituality and love consoles us all. Namaste!

  12. Joyce

    So sorry to hear this news…sending prayers of love to her friends and family. Rest in Peace Francesca, wishing you much bliss on your new journey home <3

  13. Libby

    My dearest Francesca, U r so missed, but your journey continues with the light, your love so kind, I am sure u are entertaining your guides, my thoughts and prayers to the family.

  14. Isaac

    I feel the love radiating from her! She is amazing as she proves such energies transcend this world to any place higher. I am committing this to memory. Peace and love, Francesca.

  15. Jelena

    My thoughts and prayers go out to her family. May your wing be strong and carry you through the other realms with grace and peace. You will be greatly missed by all those who knew you and from those of us you may not have known you well. The void will be great to US all. R.I.P. sweetie as you fly to greater heights in peace.

  16. Quinn ext.5484quinn ext. 5484

    having the opportunity to meet Francesca was one of the best parts of my trip to California Psychics a year ago this month. it was during the Mercury retro as heart breaks to read this news – she was a rose without thorns, one of the most gentle people I have ever met.
    sending love and light – prayers and strength to her family. Francesca can hold her own no matter what – have fun with your guides and all the spirits in your circle.
    much love – Buddha bless,

  17. Robin

    In Love and Joy, Francesca ,from this world to the next.
    May you be forever free, dancing in the Winds of Summerland.


  18. peyton x5312

    So sad to hear this. You are in GREAT company now. I know you will continue your work and bless so many people that you have already touched. Sending prayers to you and your loved ones!

  19. Logan Ext 5089

    May you continue to be the spark of light, love and divine wisdom as you continue on your journey. Prayers and healing to your family and friends.

  20. Aliza Ex.5844

    The angels are singing in your honor, Francesca. May you rest in peace and may your gift live through all the lives you have touched. Namaste. Aliza Ex. 5844

  21. Psychic Tenley

    My dearest Francesca, I am a better person for knowing and loving you. Go Rest High Upon That Mountain, sister, your work on earth is done “

  22. Amelia at ext 9772

    God Bless your sweet soul dear Francesca. I never had the pleasure and honor of meeting you in person but I was always drawn to your sweet, soft smile! You will be missed as I see you were loved by many!

  23. seha

    Saddened when someone with such kindness leaves us. I pray for her to make her journey well. Francesca’s family and friends are in my thoughts.

  24. Kallista, ext. 9623

    My prayers are with Francesca and her loved ones. Thank you for such a beautiful, poignant, and heart-felt eulogy, Jennifer.

  25. misskrystal

    Although I did not know her, I can tell what a big heart she had & how much she cared for people, her friends and family, CP and her clients. RIP
    Miss Krystal

  26. Kelli x 5130

    Dearest Francesca,

    Your smile and light live in our hearts. Thank you for being a source of love and inspiration. You are loved and remembered well.

    Blessings and prayers for you and your loved ones, Kelli x 5130

  27. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Rest in Peace, Francesca.

    I’m sure that her light is shining as bright among the Angels in Heaven, as it was for all of us here on Earth.

    My prayers go out to her family and friends.

    Gina Rose ext.9500

  28. Johnnie

    Rip Francesca, Love, Peace and Light be with you. My thoughts and prayers go to her sister and friends and all that knew and loved her.


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