2013 Chinese New Year Forecast

The Year of the (Water) Snake

The second New Moon at the beginning of the year marks the entrance of the Water Snake. Fluid, easygoing movements allow us to move about effortlessly as we change jobs, partners, ways of thinking, expand our horizons, delve into the history of life and allow wisdom to be present in our everyday lives. Read on as we explore the 2013 Chinese New Year forecast.

As Lord Shakyamuni Buddha called the animals to bid them a farewell before he made his transition from this earthly realm, we look at what the year holds for each animal that lives in your heart. Get more personalized advice, contact a psychic today!

Rat (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

The Snake hungers for your wealth, which can make this a tiresome year. Protect yourself from the hunters. Do not make investments without counsel and if possible, stay away from spending lots of money. It is a great year for you to enjoy the abundance of love. There will be much to learn so open your mind to the creative side and go with the flow. You will nourish many in educational ways.

Ox (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Big bucks await you as you work hard and love every minute of it. This year you must open yourself up to communications on a higher level. Your quiet ways will cause misunderstandings, so it is a time to speak up. All problems will be resolved if you are open to talking about them.

Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

No gossiping allowed, dear Tiger. This year, disappointments come from the opposite sex, be it friendship or loveships or work related relationships. Keep your thoughts about others to yourself. Money is balanced; no big losses, no big gains. Intellectually you will find many interesting topics to talk about, keeping a tranquil vibration going throughout the year.

Rabbit/Cat (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Making a positive move this year affords you more time with family. Being mindful of what seems to be coming at you from many directions keeps you balanced. Awareness is the key for a good year. Save some money early on. It could be a lifesaver down the road.

Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Business takes center stage as you ponder new adventurous ways to invest. It is a busy year, taking you away from family. Keep this in mind and plan quality time with your loved ones so you’re happy as well as them. Take time to use your creative energy.

Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Stability is the key for the Snake this year. Keeping everything in order. Pacing yourself and staying cool in hard situations helps maintain a good lifestyle. It is an empowering time for you the whole year through, so use this oomph energy to accomplish goals that move you forward down the road. Do not allow your ego to be snug. You are wise enough to be humble.

Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Holding down the fort in friendships and love is of the utmost importance. You work tirelessly and keep the financial stability secure. Keeping yourself healthy makes you a bit isolated—stay close to home and enjoy your private time. Use it to workout, meditate and to maintain your health.

Sheep/Goat (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Power, position and popularity make this a year you will not forget. People that have clout come into your life, giving you the opportunity to regain all that was lost in past years. There will be travel and income from the unexpected. Delays might occur only to service a purpose, so stay focused. In the end it will be perfection.

Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Upsets at home causes you to get out more than usual, yet put you in a position of usefulness and happiness. Be careful what you say and to whom you say it to. If possible keep quiet and reserve your thoughts for yourself. It’s a good time to write to get the uncomfortable vibrations out of the way. This is a happy year for you as long as you are mindful.

Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Avoid rumors, starting them or having people talk about you. With that said, it is good to avoid drama in general. You progress and maintain a steady flow financially. Strange things can happen so keep your eyes open and stay alert. Some sneaky vibrations around you ruffle your feathers if you are not aware.

Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Wag your tail all day long; this is a year of good fortune and joy. Family life could not be any better. Your financial picture is bright and growing with the excellent level of work you produce. Keep your mind and ears open to advice, as it will propel you in the future on a positive note.

Boar/Pig (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Keep a tight lid on your money and spending. This aggressive year allows you to join forces with a person you respect. Working out, meditation and mindful thinking are very important to take the edge off, as there is an uneasy vibration that you cannot put your finger on. Stay true to yourself and you will have success.

24 thoughts on “2013 Chinese New Year Forecast

  1. quinn ext. 5484


    HI joshua – wish it were my chinese asto. there are only 12 animals in the 12 year cycle.

    other animals have totem power… all animals have some type of spiritual meaning.

    buddha bless,

  2. joshua

    more about the rooster, and where does all the other animals fit in, i have noticed some other animals in people that are not in ur chinese astrology?

  3. quinn ext. 5484

    HI evelyn p. buo February 12, 2013 at 9:46 pm
    YOU WROTE – i need more info about year of the pig. what are the don’t and do. how to grab the good fortune

    PIGS are very honest and artistic for the most part. you need to use your talents to progress in life. good fortune comes when you are in tune with the people you have in your circle. connections help you this year to move forward. be true to you.

    buddha bless,

  4. quinn ext. 5484

    HI – alem February 12, 2013 at 7:24 pm
    YOU WROTE….recently broke up with my boy friend we have 2 yr old beautiful daughter together , very worry about my life born 1976 no job no money please advice me it mean a lot for me peace and love for u

    OKAY stop the worry… it takes to much energy to worry. you are a dragon and very powerful. this year flows better than last so you get to glide smoothly. the hard work you have put into life will pay off for you and you will find a new love, a new job and much happness.
    buddha bless,

  5. alem

    recently broke up with my boy friend we have 2 yr old beautiful daughter together , very worry about my life born 1976 no job no money please advice me it mean a lot for me peace and love for u

  6. quinn ext. 5484

    hi Shaikh – when born in january or february you need to know exactly when the new year started. not hard to find out, just type in your dob for chinese new year and you find out.

    lovely lucy – if you were born in 1934 you are a dog. the cycle is a 12 year run, so do the math… i figured you were born 1934 if you are 79??? hope that helps.

    hi suzanne gauthier- happy birthday to you. great year ahead, stay close to your hearts desires, wisdom gained this year is used throughout your life.

    everyone else, thank you for your comments. much love and happiness…

  7. anonymous

    when i dig deep into the mystical information provise by the stars, I have a tendency to read the peole that I believe are trying to play with my integrity. So, I go ahead and say things that I may regret but I say them because I want the truth no matter what the results bring and it usually
    makes a major dent in my most cherished relationship because I have studied astrology and peoples
    body language since I was a teenager I do not question my judgements or my instincts, given the
    information the I have researched. thanks astology .com

  8. suzanne gauthier

    Dearest Quinn,
    Hope this year brings you many wonderful blessings for you and your family. I was born feb 22 1953 and I know I am a snake and may I please ask you what is in store for me this year. It has been a tough ride for many years and it would be a a blessing for some good news. I am new to this and hope you answer me.

    Suzanne, Canadian

  9. lucy mckena

    I am 79 yrs. old .and I am very fortunate tha I am in relatively good health. Just wish for happiness and good health for the rest of my life.

  10. vinodkaodia

    I love one girl very much, But my mom & Dad were very oppose to her i don’t like to break the heart of my mom & dad but now what to do my mom & dad were in old age one of my wrong decesion make them very hurted. The girls BOD:15/01/1986. 80% of Astorologer advise to do Love Marraige Please suggest.

  11. Yogesh

    Please advise me on my this year how am I going make it through I still hurting and I need a partner lover so please advise when I am going to find a partner for life and love for life.


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