3 Ways to Meet Someone This Holiday Season

Alone for the Holidays? Not for Long!

For the single among us, the holidays can seem like the loneliest time of the year. But they don’t have to be. The spirit of the season is actually one of camaraderie, and what better way to encounter amor than in a friendly, festive setting?! Here are three ways to meet someone during the holidays.

Give the Gift of Your Time

It may sound silly – volunteering in order to meet someone – but here’s why it’s not. First, you’re not doing it solely for gain, your main goal is to do something nice for people who need it. Secondly, people who give their time to good causes are not only giving by nature, sometimes, they’re lonely, too. So, by spending Thanksgiving morning in a Soup Kitchen or wrapping presents for Toys for Tots in December, you’ll find yourself in the company of kind-hearted people. There, if nothing else, you’ll make some new friends and expand your social circle. Meanwhile, by spreading positivity, you’ll attract some in return!

Don’t Pass on the Invitations

Sometimes, when we’re single especially, it can be tempting to turn down invitations to holiday festivities for fear of going alone. That, however, is exactly why you should go to all the parties you can. There are bound to be other single people at your friends’ office parties or your neighbor’s cocktail soiree. So stop feeling self conscious and get out there. If you’re not open to meeting people, how do you expect to encounter your soul mate?!

“Love and relationships are kind of like jobs, we change constantly until we find that right one that sticks around for the long haul.” – Lacy ext. 5494

Celebrate Your Singlehood!

Desperation isn’t pretty. And as tempting as it is to sit around mourning the fact that you’re flying solo this season, try to relish in it instead. After all, soon enough the time will come when you’re figuring out who’s family to see when and which things traditions you have to compromise in favor of your partner’s. But in the meantime, you have a lot to be grateful for and that’s worth raising a glass. So rather than look at what you don’t have, celebrate what you do. Happiness, after all, is a most attractive quality!

“It’s not about making someone else happy or them making you happy. You have to be satisfied and happy with yourself and your own life – you have to feel whole. When you feel whole you will automatically put out the type of energy which will also attract a person that they themselves are whole. Thus, two wholes can come together and form a greater whole – this is far more powerful than two parts trying to make but a single whole.” – Hayden ext. 5424

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4 thoughts on “3 Ways to Meet Someone This Holiday Season

  1. Reed x 5105Reed x5105

    Very well said, everyone!

    Remember that “single” and “lonely” are not the same thing. If you are single and don’t want to be, focus on the aspects of your life that are positive – such as your independence and freedom.

    Stow away the negatives for now. Neediness and desperation are not attractive, so celebrate the positives – family, friends, freedoms, spirituality, generosity, and gratitude.
    Make your own list of positives because the longer you look for them, the more of them you will find, and the happier you will be.

    Reed x5105

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Wonderful article……. all 3 points are fantastic advice.

    I especially liked the part about volunteering !!!!!!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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