5 Relationship Tips From Men About Soulmates

Why Don’t Men Believe in Soulmates—or Do They?

I have heard many women say they wished more men believed in soulmates. When they say this they really mean that the men they find never seem to take their relationship seriously. There may be some differences in linguistics, but I can almost guarantee that there are plenty of men who believe soulmates or at least their equivalents—sometimes even to their own peril.

Here are five tips on how to be a better soulmate collected from men’s experiences.

Men are Emotional

A 2001 Gallup poll suggested that nearly 95 percent of men in their 20s are searching for women who give them inspiration, confidence, fit with their lifestyle and share in their spiritual beliefs. If you consider this list of emotional needs, you’re basically looking at one definition of the perfect soulmate. In other words, men are looking for their other half. The problem is, such high expectations leave most women a few centimeters short of ideal. However, considering that most men are visual creatures, they don’t realize this until their object of affection has started to like them back. The first tip is to give men plenty of room in the beginning of a relationship, as their initial excitement does not guarantee your relationship success. Also, keep in mind that what men want most from women is not a bunch of sex, but an emotional connection.

Men Do Not Like to Fail, Especially in a Soulmate Relationship

The odds of finding your soulmate are much higher than being struck by lightning. Yet when Roy C. Sullivan’s (a man who had been struck by lightning seven times) soulmate relationship failed, he chose to end his life. Men do take their relationships seriously, especially when it comes to failure. The second tip is to give a man the chance to better himself, as all too often we act like jerks because of the women who have let us get away with it. Also keep in mind that many men have been rejected so many times, they actually want a woman to make the first move.

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Hearts in His Eyes

Despite the fairytale visions of the way women see love, it is actually men who are more likely to fall in love at first sight. In fact, about 10 percent more men than women fall in love instantly every day. Men are visual creatures, but this makes them even more likely to believe their initial sexual attraction is a sign that they’ve found their soulmate. The problem is, in a world of excess, the possibilities may seem endless. Tip number three: Don’t be opposed to second chances, as many men don’t realize what they had until it’s too late. If he’s a good man and worthy of a second chance, he should make the effort and prove it to you.

In a World of Excess

In studies, married men from a century ago reported being much more satisfied with their relationships than they are today. The difference is that men have so many more choices now. The world has become a mega shopping mall of soulmates. Today, a man can go online and choose from a collection of faces and traits, as if he were looking for a sofa to match his drapes. In reality, studies show that men actually make their most educated decisions about a soulmate when they are faced with fewer choices. This is because the brain feels less stressed with fewer choices. The fourth tip is that you’ll have the best chance of scoring a soulmate when you minimize his available choices—meet him in a smaller city or town, on a dating website, etc.

Do you need to realign your priorities so your soulmate is attracted to you? A life path reading from Psychic Brendalynn ext. 5173 can transform your future!

Competition From the Media

Women have a lot more competition from the media, compared to several decades ago. In other words, The Bride from Kill Bill might be a tough act to follow for the average woman. However, you don’t have to be the most amazing woman in the world if you know how to make a man feel good. The fifth tip is: The fastest way to any man’s heart is to make him feel great about himself. What makes a man feel good, you ask? He wants to know that you trust him, have confidence in his abilities and think that he is the sexiest man in the world.

“You will find your soulmate if you live from the higher aspects of your personality.” – Psychic Fiona ext. 5178

3 thoughts on “5 Relationship Tips From Men About Soulmates

    1. Natalie

      I’m looking for mr right and have had no such luck as of yet. I’m a decent person open minded and not picky.

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