5 Tips for Finding True Love

5 Tips for Finding True Love

Don’t Settle for Anything Less

Everybody wants true love, but many of us aren’t able to find it on their own. If you’re feeling alone or if you’re stuck in a bad, one-sided relationship, it’s time to make a change. Here are my five tips for finding true love.

How close are you to finding true love? Call Psychic Arwen and find out!

1. End a Bad Relationship
If you’re in a bad relationship, get out! You really can do better, even if you thought you were with your soulmate. The great thing about soulmates is that we get more than one. You could have six or more if you know where to look. Don’t stay in a relationship that’s going nowhere. If your partner says they don’t love you, they just want to be friends, or they don’t believe in commitment, take them at their word.

2. Date People Who Are Single
Don’t waste your time being the other woman. A married person will only bring you grief. They get the best of both worlds, but what do you get? Besides, do you really want to be in a relationship that was founded on a lie? They’re cheating on their spouse to be with you and there’s a good chance that they’ll cheat on you too. You deserve better.

3. Don’t Confuse Sex With Love
It’s okay to be in a “friends with benefits” relationship if both of you are between relationships and you can remain emotionally detached. It’s harder than you think! Don’t expect this type of arrangement to evolve into a relationship, because chances are it won’t.

4. Don’t Try to Change Them
If you go into a relationship thinking you can change everything you don’t like about your partner, you’re setting yourself up for heartache. If you can’t accept them for who they are, you don’t belong together. It’s true, people can change, but they hardly every do it just because some else wants them to.

5. Meet People With Common Interests
Participate in activities you enjoy to ensure you’ll meet someone with common interests. If you like to sing, join a choir or go to karaoke night. If you’re into fitness, join a hiking club or gym. If you’re spiritual, go to group meditation or join a religious organization. Pursuing hobbies can lead to love! If you have an online dating profile, make sure you include your hobbies and interests to increase your chances of meeting someone who likes the same things you do.

Your special someone is out there, but unless they’re some kind of delivery man, they aren’t going to come knocking on your door. Go out and do your part to find true love.

Psychic Arwen ext. 6419

7 thoughts on “5 Tips for Finding True Love

  1. sandra

    Hi it sure is different trying to date these days. A healthy sexual relationship is part of finding the right person who shares the same ideals as you. Finding the right person who has no ego is so difficult these days as well as finding someone who still goes to church that doesnt smoke or drink.

  2. Psychic Arwen

    Juliet, I met my husband when I was in my 40s! It’s better than settling and then realizing 20 years later that you married the wrong one. You will find him.

    Natasha, you are doing all the right things and it will happen in God’s time.

    Olinka, I would be happy to give you a reading.

    Dawn, you are totally correct. good analogy.

    Dave, it’s good that you can be so open about your feelings. You need a partner who is compatible with you intellectually, emotionally and sexually. Feel free to call me for a reading.

    Thanks so much to everyone for your comments!

  3. Natasha

    Great advice. I can relate to several of these. I can’t wait to find my soul mate. I’m doing what I can to be open and put myself out there.

  4. OLinKa

    Hello, My name is OLinKa and I’m born on 09-09-1958 at 08:10 am. I’ve been divorced for almost 3 years now, and I would like to know if one Soulmate will come my way soon? I would like a loving young man, passionate, loyal, gentle, security with financial, and will love me the way I am, and he must love going to Sunday Services, and how soon will he meet me? Can you give a reading on my request?

  5. Dawn 9777

    Great article Arwen!! All of your points are excellent! I especially like #3. Sadly, I talk with people every day who want to know when their FWB “relationship” is going to evolve. 99% of the time it won’t. With compassion I will offer up this analogy. Say you’re taking a college class of Chemistry. It’s difficult and you don’t like it. You want to know when this class will turn magically morph into English Lit, which you like a lot better. The teacher would look at you like you were nuts if you asked that. This is the class you signed up for!!!! It’s not changing! If you don’t like it, don’t take that class!

  6. dave

    is it a Capricorn thing or just me. I have an insatiable desire for the sensual, erotic, spiritual parts of sexual expression. I am always thinking , dreaming an contemplating orgasms. my friends tell me to be less open , meaning in a public forum, very open minded, so I must heed there advise. too many times I shared things an I was embarrassed seeing others less than laudable comments not orgasmic more empty or impotent feelings. therefore, I wont say more for now an I wanted to ask some questions. damn, I wish it was not public I was fixing to …… your a psychic you


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