Back Together on Valentines Day

One year, my client called quite upset. She and her boyfriend had recently broken up and Valentine’s Day was close upon her. The day of love was very special for them — they met on that day and always celebrated it as their anniversary.

She had not heard from him since the breakup, and with a sad heart, she was calling to see if there was any hope left for them as a relationship. She also strongly stated that he was very stubborn and she just knew he would not come back to her.

We looked into her relationship as it was, and what was on the horizon. As I was seeking her situation, it came upon me that he had not created “closure” for himself, and I indeed did see him reaching out to her. He was sad also and he did want to see her again and to celebrate their “day.”

She really didn’t believe me, as she was so sure he was gone and they were over. Though that was true from appearances, he was desirous to see her again and be part of her life. The only red flag I kept seeing was if they were not careful they would fall back into the picking on each other stuff, which usually started an argument and disappointment and hurt settled in again.

So this time I strongly recommended that they both sit down and talk to each other, empower each other and seek for a way to communicate together to bring fun and happiness back in their lives. They needed to learn how to talk a different way, create a better approach to their issues. She thanked me, and was hopeful but still sad.

The day after Valentines Day I got a call from her and indeed he did give her back his love and many flowers … with a ring. She was truly grateful in her heart that they had another chance to make it work!

8 thoughts on “Back Together on Valentines Day

  1. Faisal Khan

    How can I have my LOVE back I am waiting for her for so long But I don’t have any contact with her, I have only her e-mail but she did not reply me.

  2. Pingback: Valentine’s Day Do’s and Don’t’s | California Psychics Blog

  3. Pingback: What to Expect From Men on Valentine's Day | California Psychics Blog

  4. kristi

    I wanted to know if you see me getting back together with Phil? I have been seeing him for a while and recently he told me had been seeing someone for 2-3 weeks that was Jan 19th. Right before that things were very good for us & around Dec. 18th I asked him to marry me. Now i am crushed and very hurt. I love him and can’t believe it. did he love me and when might he contact me and see me again? I tried to ask him to start over but when he told me he was still seeing someone I was hurt asked to just know him over again.

  5. marialaloca77Maria

    Congradulation on reliving happiness that once brought nothing but saddness. It’s truly a blessing. I dated my first love on and off for 17 years. We we married for 7 years on Valentines and truthfully, he was always away on OUR DAY! For years I resented him and the day. Today, & for the first time since a young teenager, I found the love of my life. A true sweetheart. Now that I divorced him just recently in Dec. I don’t feel guilty anymore or recentful at him anymore. I finally let go and moved on. Congrats on the reuniting with an old love. I finally gave up after 17 years.


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