Break the 10 Worst Relationship Habits

It May Be Difficult, But It’s Not Hopeless

Are you wondering how to make a relationship work? Do you feel your personal relationship with your mate is in jeopardy? If you have relationship problems, don’t worry. These are some of the worst relationship habits that can actually be solved. Our friendly psychic team can help you solve your worst relationship habits. Here are the top ten worst relationship habits that need to be and can be broken.

1. When Sex is Non-Existent

While there are many other valuable connections to be built on in a relationship, sexual intimacy is very important. It allows you to re-connect on an intimate level and strengthen the trust between the two of you.

2. Too Much Time with the In-Laws

Make sure you take time for each other and away from family functions. Being with other family members is wonderful, but sometimes it can be stressful on the relationship.

3. Too Comfortable: A Time Not to Let Yourself Go

Many couples find their comfort level rises when they are together. Don’t forget to keep your appearance up and keep up activities such as exercise, grooming and outside fun. If you let yourself go in a relationship it might turn on you, and your partner may not be as interested.

4. Too Much Time Apart

It is fantastic if you have your own individual lives, and if you focus on hobbies and friends, but it can limit the bonding of your own relationship. Visit friends and engage in hobbies in moderation.

5. Be Thrifty, Not Expensive

Consult your partner about big purchases. This can be a major relationship problem, because the trust is broken when you’re not honest about spending money on large items. Buying a new pair of pants or some T-shirts is fine without mention; buying a new car isn’t.

6. PDA’s are Important

While smooching in the public eye only encourages comments such as “get a room,” little gestures of love and affection are great. Many couples take advantage of having their loved one around 24/7. A little touch to the arm, a caress or multiple hugs works wonders where a relationship is concerned.

7. Fight Fair

Couples who throw sticks and stones at each other and call each other names rarely survive their relationship. Be nice, don’t hurt the one you love. Agree to disagree when needed, and walk away when tempers flare. Finding yourself arguing just to argue? Talk to Psychic Josie ext. 5520 to regain balance in your relationship.

8. Say Sorry

When you know you’re wrong, say it. Don’t hold back in a pride stance. Couples have more and more relationship problems when they don’t know how to apologize. Speak sincerely when you’re wrong, and break one of the worst relationship habits out there.

9. Don’t Sweat the Small Issues

If your partner forgets to pick up the milk or failed at making the pasta right that night, leave it alone. Couples who remain strong respect each other, and don’t get upset over such trivial issues.

10. Communication is Key

This is the worst relationship habit any couple can ever endure. Communication is the most important action couples need to survive in their relationship. Talk, express, write to each other, call or text on a daily basis. Keep each other in the loop, and tell your partner your feelings when you feel them. Don’t hesitate; life is too short and love can be grand.

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13 thoughts on “Break the 10 Worst Relationship Habits

  1. Tamara Nicholas

    Yeah, I share these philosophies, too bad my ex couldn’t give me the only thing I ever asked of him. Open/honest communication. He could never be man enough to admit what he did or does because he beloved he must be the one who was if is perfect in the eyes of anyone he knows. His loss. He will never find another like me.

  2. felisa caspe

    hello ! right now I’m having problem with my habby i find out that he’s having affair with other woman he’s been doing this for the fast 3 yrs. I only fine out to he’s i pad taking with that woman. You know what i cry a lot cause so much i trust him asking my self WHY ? he do this to me after 23 yrs. of married to him…. Right now I’m still her because i had a son and mother in law on side of me and she telling me that leave him alone want day he will realize what he’s doing is wrong ! Right now i really don’t know what to do pls. helf me and need your advice… thank you verymuch !!!!

  3. Kay

    Today I/we are experiencing too much comfort in our relationship that we lose sight of what our plans in life! Like getting married, having children, permanent job, having our own house etc, etc, etc. We have experienced too much fun and enjoyment being together. We have gone through being very much madly deeply in love with each other as if being happy of the moment is only what matters most. But now we have reached early middle aged couple and still no definite plans at all; just enjoying our togetherness! And it’s not good! For we have come to realize that love is not enough! We got to lay down our plans in life. What do we want to achieve? A year from now? Two years from now? Five? Ten? Till death do we part? And these need to be addressed immediately before its too late. Plan. Plan our work and work our plan. Maybe one day we will wake up and then oppss… we are now old. We are not that strong anymore, energetic, flexible as when we were young. Our drive will not be the same, so we must and we need to act now! So help us! Or is it really us or we need to change partner?

  4. Joycee martins

    I have tried to put in my best in a relationship, still is not working for me. The guy in question seems not to be serious wit me so what do i do to make the relationship work for me? Cos i love him and i dont wanna loose him.

  5. Julia

    This is very interesting, it comes at a good time when Christians are in a lent period. it will or it has already helped me to evaluate my love life with my partner and I am able to see where i went wrong. thanx

  6. dorunbyrd

    Well, frist I got my lady a ring…that is a diamond ”only $ 600 .. I told her went I can afford a bigger ring then …I would be ready to marry her.. next thing I notice..was that she come and give me a ring that was not white gold… and I told her ..I did’nt
    like it and take it back..then she said this is ”only” a temporay ring to wear….the ring she is paying on is a ring set …that is for the wedding set is her’s the other is my … hear this she show me her down payment on it was just $ 200 dollars ..but the cost is $ 4000 I told her get a something less she come with pictures of a set of rings for $ 3000..I told by the time we pay for then, it will be paid off next year..and then maybe we can get marry…now the whole thing turn
    me off… now she come up with headach and don=t give me none… I got her by ten years to short .,..,.I work hard pay my bills on time live by my self..and said my self why not go and get with some lady.. that don’t want too get marry and just be with that person and go out ttoo dinner,show, movies, est…and I know that lady will be happy on the gifts i give her ..she will aloudme all the happyness that a men need ,,so he will not go out looking for some other lady ..what do you think….get back…To; Whom it may Conerns …thank you
    look for your comments

  7. amanda

    its true for what i have read i will try it becouse it happen to me so often.and lam always afraid to say him.thanks alot be blessed

  8. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Fighting fair is important…..

    remember, you are in disagreement with somebody that you love and care about, not a stranger off the street…..LOL LOL

    so fight fair and stick to the subject at hand.

  9. basu

    good essay. Especially in relation, comparison with the third person…. what will be effect?
    Some times, a small word makes the bedroom hell.


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