Break With Tradition and Create Your Ideal Relationship

Is Monogamy Necessary?

I feel that relationships can be monogamous on more (or less) than just a physical aspect. If you start a relationship with the idea that it’s forever and neither party will ever have a physical encounter with anyone else, I don’t think that is very realistic. However, I don’t think cheating on someone with whom you have vowed to be physically faithful is a very good idea, either. It undermines every aspect of both relationships: the one with whom you are having the affair and the one with whom you have vowed monogamy.

We live in a world that is spinning so fast that everything is based on instant gratification… and sometimes that is too slow! We can track the temperature of Mars on our cell phones, we have to have more and faster and better of everything! We are constantly inundated with sex, beautiful bodies (most of which are not even real!) etc. Subliminal advertising is at an all time high and we are hungry for things we would never imagine wanting. It was much the same at the end of the Roman Empire. It is the way of our culture now, too.

I am a lesbian involved with a transgendered person, and I have a rather unique perspective about the institution of marriage. It was denied me for many, many years. Suddenly, with the change of one letter on a driver’s license (from an “F” to an “M”), I could now marry the same person I have been with all these years. One letter was changed and now we would be blessed by God and country! I view marriage completely differently than before. Now, to quote my beloved Mae West: “Marriage is a great institution. I’m just not in the mood to be institutionalized!”

I counsel so many people who are in love with a married person. It is a wickedly difficult place for the one who waits as well as the one who stays at home and wonders. Even the “cheater” is usually perplexed, unless they are of very low moral fabric and just enjoy the chase. Those kinds of people have no business ever being married!

Sometimes love stays for a season. Sometimes longer. Sometimes, one love will last for an eternity, but it will last in our minds more than our lives.

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4 thoughts on “Break With Tradition and Create Your Ideal Relationship

  1. LUCY

    Hi Jesse: As always you write from your highest place of the heart. Love and marriage like a horse and carriage (I think that’s a song) come in so many different forms. All are good, some last – some don’t. Believing in something bigger is a blessing that brings hope. And, although life will throw many curve balls I do believe that for some luck gives them the opportunity of one love for a lifetime. I believe that is rare and very beautiful

  2. Jacqueline

    Hi Jesse,
    Great article, love your take and thoughts on relationship.
    Thanks for sharing your personal story,
    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  3. misskrystal

    Tthank you Jesse, for sharing your experiences, and I want you to know how interesting I always find your blogs. Good to see you on here. Missed ya 🙂
    had such a wonderful time meeting you, and I hope to see you again, real soon!
    Blessings, Miss Krystal

  4. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Jesse,

    I enjoyed your article…….

    I feel that marriage can last if the couple starts out basing their union on the idea of UNCONDITIONAL love……..rather than a perfectionistic idea of love.

    Over the past few decades, I’ve read for many couples now celebrating their golden anniversary…….some had made mistakes along the way, true…..but their partner loved them unconditionally and was willing to give them the chance to redeem themselves…..which they did.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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