Can iPhones Reveal Infidelity?

Does your iPhone secretly track your every move in the world, and also log everything you do online? Recent, disturbing news points to just that—apparently Apple has a secret backdoor program that logs your every move and stays hidden within the iPhone, but which can be accessed by Apple developers. Now that the existence of this secret backdoor program has been revealed, will jealous lovers be able to access it (or pay people to access it) in order to discover whether their mate has been cheating or not?

The India Times reports:

LONDON: iPhone users beware! Make sure you’ve got nothing to hide, or your phone might reveal your secret flings. It has emerged that iPhones have an ‘infidelity app’ that can secretly keep track of love cheats and could be viewed by a jealous spouse.

Two British software developers recently exposed that the Apple iphone saves the user’s locations and movements, along with a time and date stamp, and stores them in a file. It then copies the data to the owner’s computer whenever the two are synchronised.

“Apple has made it possible for almost anybody – a jealous spouse, a private detective – with access to your phone or computer to get detailed information about where you’ve been,’ the Daily Mail quoted Pete Warden, one of the researchers who discovered the file, as saying.

Warden and his fellow researcher Alasdair Allan have set up a web page giving away a programme that lets Apple users check what location data their phone is storing. Other GPS-enabled smartphones do not have the same function, they said.. if a thief were to steal an iPhone, he could extract the location database directly. And anyone with access to an iPhone user’s computer could run Warden and Allan’s application and see a map of the phone’s movements.

What do you think—is this an incredible violation of civil liberties and privacy?

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2 thoughts on “Can iPhones Reveal Infidelity?

  1. vivian

    the former governor of california is NOT really to blame, some of the blame goes on his wife. She left her bedroom matter wide open for another woman to provide his physical needs which produced the mental needs of wanting his physical needs . a wife has the role of being a lady for the public and a w-o-m-a-n in private for her husband and thats exactly where his wife failed.

    Hell, he should have looked me up to be jelly on my jelly-roll and it will be our secret and nobody business but our.

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Very interesting…….

    Is it an invasion of privacy ? I’d say probably, yes.

    But people had better get used to it with all of the latest technology at hand and to come in the future as well.
    This could also be seen as a beneficial feature, even life-saving, under certain circumstances.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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