How to Create a Vision Board to Manifest Love

Creating a Love Vision Board | California Psychics

Manifest the Love You Want

Finding love in 2020 was not an easy prospect, and the long period of physical separation that we’ve been living with since has not done much to help it. All relationships have been affected by the past year, and those looking for love haven’t had it easy at all. There are still ways to draw love to you however, even if going out to meet someone is not quite yet in the cards, and it starts with creating a love vision board.

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Design Your Love Life

Whether you’re single and looking for the perfect partner, or attached and hoping to rekindle the magic, making a love vision board is a helpful way to manifest whatever you want in the love department. Here’s how to create one that’s tailored to your goals.

1. Decide What You Want in a Partner/Relationship

The first step is to meditate on the kind of relationship or partner you want. To do that, take some time to sit with yourself without distractions. Simply close your eyes and sit on the floor. Or, write down your thoughts as a stream of consciousness—whatever serves you best. Concentrate on the type of person you want your partner to be, the values they will have, and where you will both be in the near, middle, and distant future together. If you’re already attached, ruminate on the best aspects of your partnership and how you’d like to grow together in the future. Be sure to be very specific though, or what you receive in the future may not be what you were truly hoping for. If you want pets with your future partner, specify “animal lover.” If you dream of traveling the world with them, write down, “world traveler.” And if you’re not great at cooking, maybe ask for someone who loves to be in the kitchen. The more specific you can be in your desires, the better.

2. Gather Imagery

Using old magazines, cards, letters, pictures, or any other material you’d like, and start choosing photos, phrases, and symbols that represent your vision of love. It doesn’t have to be symetrical or perfect, you just have to stay true to what you want to manifest. It doesn’t matter so much what your vision board looks like. What matters is what your board represents and that it also reflects what your heart desires.

3. Set Time Aside for Creation

When you’re ready to put the images on the board, make sure you’re in a good space for doing so. Put on music that matches the mood of your board. Maybe also light a candle (red or pink, to represent love) and give yourself time to freely create. This project isn’t one that you should relegate to doing while you’re watching TV or if you only have 10 minutes to spare. You want to give it the time and attention it deserves. Make love a priority and you’ll soon reap the benefits.

4. Check in With Your Board Daily

Revisit your vision board in order to stay on track with your love goals. Take a moment each day to look at the words and pictures you’ve collected and keep your wants and needs for romance in the forefront of your mind. As you continue to think about your vision for the future, you’ll be able to effectively will it to happen in your life. The power of manifestation is very real, and very potent, especially when it comes to love. Be sure to keep your vision board somewhere you frequent each day, such as your desk or night stand so that it will be easy to create the habit of meditating with it daily.

5. Trust the Work You’ve Done

Now that you’ve created your vision board and you have a set routine of daily meditation with it, don’t fall into the temptation to do anything more with your vision board. Allow the care, energy, and love that you’ve poured into your vision board to work for you instead and inform the Universe of your hopes and desires.

Love is On the Way

A love vision board is a wonderful first step, but don’t let that be your only step in finding or regaining your perfect relationship. Keep talking to new people if you’re single, or trying new things to spice up your love life if you’re in an established relationship. Don’t stop planning for your future just because you’ve put your desires out into the Universe, because the perfect solution probably won’t just drop onto the front porch one day. The Universe has your back in all of your endeavors now though, and will enhance your manifestation energy as you move towards that perfect love that you truly desire and deserve.

There’s nothing worse than romantic uncertainty, but you don’t have to navigate the ebbs and flows of love alone. A love psychic is always available to help and a psychic love reading is exactly what you need to get your relationship on the path to forever.

Learn more about our psychics from real testimonials. For more insight about love and your astrological chart, get your free birth chart report or check out your weekly love horoscope.

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