Experiences Reading for the LGBTQ+ Community

Experiences Reading for the LGBTQ+ Community | California Psychics

Creating an Environment of Acceptance

Here at California Psychics, helping people is our primary goal. Our psychic advisors get on the line each day with the hope of making a positive impact on the lives of the people they speak to, and with the intention of helping in whatever way they can. As a company, we hold the LGBTQ+ community close to our hearts and would like to share a few of the heartwarming interactions that our advisors have had with members of the community over the years. For, as one of our psychic advisors so aptly put it,

“From what I’ve seen, the LGBTQ+ community is going through the same thing everybody else is right now. They’re worried about gas prices. They’re single and looking for someone to commit to and spend their lives with. They want to get married, have families, and be able to celebrate their love and their lives as proudly as anyone else in this country has always been legally allowed to. It’s kind of important.”

-Psychic Jonathan

Please enjoy this truly heartwarming story from Psychic Josslyn, as she interacted with a member of the LGBTQ+ community over a number of years.

“There are times when I log into California Psychics when I am not scheduled because I know the Universe needs a messenger. On this particular day, calls were few but one stood out. This caller was asking if they were ever going to be happy. That’s a deep question to get anyone to look more closely.

When a caller first connects with me, I ask for their hair and eye color because it helps to confirm the pictures of clairvoyance for me. And, it helps clarify their aura colors surrounding them, allowing me to understand their life path. Typically when someone masculine presenting has blue in their aura as this caller did, it’s very likely they have a lot of feminine energy. They also had a super-strong violet aura that was like a solar flare; to me, it meant that they have a BIG role to play on the planet to make a difference in both their life and the lives of others. I kept getting this feeling that they were in transition and it had nothing to do with crossing over. It was my first time working with someone transgender.

So I asked, were they considering changing their life? I saw moving boxes and clothes in a pile but I didn’t get the image of a new building or house so I was confused. “Well,” they said,” “I’m going to finally do gender re-assignment. Will I be happy?” Wow, how big and courageous and did I mention what a BIG role she is playing on the planet!

Happiness is an inside job,” I often quote. And after we chatted about our soul and sole purpose, we had this very beautiful moment and a strong message that came through for her, from her father on the other side, that simply exclaimed love is an inside job. When we love ourselves, we find joy. When we find joy, we find happiness. How we find love, how we express our love, and who we love is the journey, not the destination. I was in tears at how simple, yet important, that message was for this caller.

I did crack a joke about how fun (and lucky!) to get a completely new wardrobe and I understood the pile of clothes image that came through – she was donating their “male” clothes and my validation was what had given her the confidence to continue on her sometimes challenging and difficult path.

She checks in every so often and is doing very well. Her name is Michelle. She is receiving the physical, mental, and spiritual help on her journey she needs and, even though I don’t remember readings, I did remember to ask, “Michelle, are you happy?” She said yes! She loves her new clothes and finally feels like herself after a very complicated journey. Wow! How BIG!!”

Psychic Josslyn

Here are a few stories and thoughts Psychic Saba shared about her experiences reading for the LGBTQ+ community.

“I consider myself an ally to the LGBTQ+ community. My line is a no-judgment zone and I tend to attract creatives who don’t label their sexuality. People who don’t like boxes are especially drawn to me because I’m able to help them navigate relationship issues within a world that insists on labeling everything.

Sometimes I speak to clients who are dating people who have yet to accept who they are. If you are dating someone who isn’t proud to be with you, it can be painful because no one wants to be someone’s secret.

Married, engaged, and committed LGBTQ+ couples have benefited from my training as a love coach.

I’ve also dealt with my share of heartbroken members of the community. Breaking up can be especially painful when you have mutual friends in the LGBTQ+ community. Several clients have expressed deep pain around not only the loss of love but also losing the sense of belonging they had when they separate from the friend group they connected to through their partner. Supporting a person through that tough time means understanding one’s life purpose. It’s always bigger than romance.

We are living in an amazing time for people who can finally be who they are. I’ve helped trans clients make peace with their judgmental family members. There have been gay couples that were on the verge of breaking up due to lack of family support who were able stay to together and realize they were very much in love. Lesbian couples have reconciled after speaking with me. No one wins without honesty.  My goal is to always encourage radical authenticity. By being more yourself, you inspire others to be who they are. ”

Psychic Saba

It can be difficult and frightening for anyone to open up about their struggles. For many in the LGBTQ+ community, it can be even harder. Conversations with a California Psychics advisor are safe, understanding, and entirely confidential. We are always here for you. As one of our psychics so aptly put it:

“I would love to talk to more members of the LGTBQ+ community. We’ve all noticed an increase in their calls. We learn so much from reading for them, just as they learn from us. It’s great! All of us have the same thought: We’re reaching out to them now, we’re here to listen and not to judge. Give us a call because we want to help. That’s what we want you to know.”

-Psychic Emerald

You have a life purpose. Wondering what you’re meant to do? You won’t know until you get a life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics. A life path psychic can help you find what you love so you can love what you do.

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California Psychics is the most trusted source of psychic readings. We have delivered over 6 million discreet and confidential psychic readings by phone since 1995. More than a prediction, we are your guide for life’s journey. Serenity, happiness, and success are just a phone call away. With over 400 psychics online to choose from, you’re sure to find the best psychics for you. Call one of our trusted and accurate psychics today! Confidential and secure, real psychics, accurate predictions, 100% guaranteed.

6 thoughts on “Experiences Reading for the LGBTQ+ Community

  1. Quinn ext.5484quinn

    hi jonathan,
    i love that they lite up the empire state building in ny when the bill was passed…
    better health care for those who earn it working can now share it with their spouse.
    adoption of children – should be much easier
    respect for the bonds of a spiritual union in the eyes of goverment. after all it is all about the heart.
    ~~~metta waves~~~

    -quinn ext. 5484

  2. Cameron ext 5412


    I think a lot of people will benefit from your wisdom and honesty. Thanks for this article.

  3. Jacqueline

    Hi Jonathan,
    I could not agree with your article more, very well said, times have truly changed and will continue to change, people are becoming more spiritually awake, within being spiritually awake, there is no judgement toward anyone for any reason, this is part of a new great, fabulous world, this is the awakening process.

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  4. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Jonathan,

    Very well written and timely article…..well done !

    I also read for the GLTB community as well…the soul has no gender and knows no gender, this I learned when I crossed over twice….
    …and I especially liked your last paragraph where you say that we are not prejudiced in any way…..this is very true….all clients are treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality at all times…..always.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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