Finding Your Soulmate by the Stars

A Soulmate Quiz

Do you want to find your best romantic match? Well if you take this soulmate quiz, you’ll discover which zodiac sign is the best match for you. Answer the questions honestly, record your answers and discover your soulmate!

1. What’s your favorite thing to do when you have free time?
A. I love exploring nature.
B. I love to work on arts and crafts.
C. I love to sing or play music.
D. I love to cook.
E. I love to travel.

2. How would your friends describe you?
A They would say I’m giving.
B. They would say I like to socialize.
C. They would say I’m dependable.
D. They would say I’m a go-getter.
E. They would say I’m imaginative.

Find out if they’re you soulmate or just a fling. Psychic Anasela ext. 5154 can tell you!

3. Which traits do you look for in as soulmate?
A. I look for a soulmate who is sensitive and kind.
B. I look for a soulmate who is adventurous and charming.
C. I look for a soulmate who is reliable and loyal.
D. I look for a soulmate who is determined and ambitious.
E. I look for a soulmate who is creative.

4. Which trait would you not want your soulmate to have?
A. I don’t want my soulmate to be moody.
B. I don’t want my soulmate to be egotistical.
C. I don’t want my soulmate to be a worrywort.
D. I don’t want my soulmate to be subborn.
E. I don’t want my soulmate to be jealous.
F. I don’t want my soulmate to be superficial.
G. I don’t want my soulmate to be aloof.

5. What would be your perfect kind of date?
A. I like to go on swanky dates to fancy places with fancy food.
B. I like sporty dates where I get to watch or play sports.
C. I like low-key, comfy dates where I can stay at home or go to a familiar place.
D. I like romantic dates with candlelit dinners and stargazing.
E. I like unique dates full of surprises and unique cuisine.

Plan their perfect date. Psychic Phoebe ext. 5231 knows how to sweep them off their feet!

6. What kind of lover are your drawn to?
A. I am drawn to a lover who is energetic, passionate and confident.
B. I am drawn to a lover who is loyal, possessive and sensual.
C. I am drawn to a lover who is creative, erotic and likes dirty talk.
D. I am drawn to a lover who is nurturing, loyal and touchy-feely.
E. I am drawn to a lover who is generous, indulgent  and has a take-charge attitude.
F. I am drawn to a lover who is reliable, innovative and a perfectionist.
G. I am drawn to a lover who is romantic, easy-going and indecisive.
H. I am drawn to a lover who is passionate, intense and secretive.
I. I am drawn to a lover who is spontaneous, honest and optimistic.
J. I am drawn to a lover who is humorous, patient and traditional.
K. I am drawn to a lover who is friendly, independent and secretive.
L. I am drawn to a lover who is romantic, creative and compassionate.

Let’s see how you did! According to astrologers, the zodiac signs that most frequently match your choices will be your best zodiac mates!

Question 1:
A. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio, Capricorn
B. Pisces, Aries, Leo, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
C. Gemini, Taurus, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces
D. Libra, Pisces, Cancer
E. Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius

Question 2:
A. Taurus, Leo, Cancer, Aquarius, Pisces
B. Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Libra
C. Leo, Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius
D. Aries, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn
E. Gemini, Pisces, Leo, Libra, Capricorn

Question 3:
A. Taurus, Leo, Cancer, Aquarius, Pisces
B. Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Libra
C. Leo, Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius
D. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn
E. Pisces, Leo, Cancer, Libra

Question 4:
A. Aries, Pisces, Cancer, Libra
B. Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Libra
C. Gemini, Virgo
D. Aries, Scorpio
E. Taurus, Scorpio
F. Sagittarius, Libra
G. Capricorn, Aquarius

Question 5:
A. Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn
B. Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio
C. Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius
D. Leo, Gemini, Taurus, Virgo
E. Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces

What else do you need to know about your perfect soulmate match? Psychic Michelle ext. 5396 can tell you!

Question 6:
A. Aries
B. Taurus
C. Gemini
D. Cancer
E. Leo
F. Virgo
G. Libra
H. Scorpio
I. Sagittarius
J. Capricorn
K. Aquarius
L. Pisces

Take a look at your answers. Is there any one sign that sticks out the most? Are you surprised by any of your answers? Now that you know what you looking for, it’s time to get out there and find the person who is your soulmate according to the zodiac.

21 thoughts on “Finding Your Soulmate by the Stars

  1. Salina

    or the questions that you have asked within this find a soul mate quiz I could never answer because of a simple fact it is far too much of an information overload and none of these particular questions come nowhere near of any given expectations for what I am seeking as all what I see is a group of questions that I can’t come anywhere near to grasp, but for anyone else happy hunting grounds and the best of British and take care with this one.

  2. Bella

    Yes mostly Capricorn Scorpio tied … Then Leo – Virgo about the same lol lol .. If you noticed both off set the other 1 IS a mirror if me = 2 grounded 1 intense but I liked IT .. 1 VERY adventurous 1 KEEPS me grounded & we gave a kid together = we be been bffs 4 38 + years lol .. lol it works I agree when my test results true 4 me since I was being really honest lol .. = “” it ISA what it is “” .. I’ve only ever had 5 mates of them then signs Virgo , Leo , Virgo , Scorpio & a that damn Capricorn man who I thought WAS the love of my life lol U C that’s what get 4 thinking 2 hard about lol ??? Yes u do I DO NATA besides law lol .. = 40 years of my life come & gone as of 0101 OF my life on these men = There’s my math NYC !!! lol lol I know my humor is still dark 😉 psps don’t 4 get 2 call ms Quinn OR if U can hold on until I get 2 NYC we can call her together make her day let ms. Quinn DO a 2 for 1 deal lol lol, ha-ha but since I can’t talk good U can talk 2 her 4 me N NYC u C lol I just want a detailed relationship reading she said it would take 30 mins 4 that lol I bet or at least that long !!!! 🙂 🙂

  3. vickie galligan

    after being married for 40 years I really should have divorced my husband after the affairs, and other problems but tried keeping my family together but before my mom passes I will have to decide whether or not to keep him because I will inherit money and I know he will have ways to talk me into giving him some which I wouldn’t mind if he wouldn’t have done the things he has done. now I am interested in someone I only know from the radio he is a dj and facebook friend and never met him personally but I am 9 years older but i don’t even know if i would have a chance with him i don’t know what to do

  4. virgo

    For the questions that you have asked within this find a soul mate quiz I could never answer because of a simple fact it is far too much of an information overload and none of these particular questions come nowhere near of any given expectations for what I am seeking as all what I see is a group of questions that I can’t come anywhere near to grasp, but for anyone else happy hunting grounds and the best of British and take care with this one.

  5. Alexandra

    There is more to compatibility in mating than that. Consideration must be taken about
    each individual’s personal chart, then the comparable chart of the 2. I have been legally
    (physically estranged for 7 years), married for 50 years to my husband who is a Gemini, Taurus Asc. and Moon in my natal/ascendant sign Saggitarius. The intense physical attraction
    towards him from me was beyond understanding, since the emotional response to me from
    him was MIA. I DO believe ours was a KARMIC union and once the debt was paid by either
    one, we each moved on from the marriage… very happily I must admit.

  6. Bella

    Imagine that “” another Capricorn ” as #1 4 me lol , I have never had the connection I have EVER had like I did with another Capricorn , like myself b4 , ha- ha lol it was off the charts it’s like I finally found my mirror image OR the other 1/2 of me … Yes I also have a strong “” Leo Virgo & yes a Scorpio “” connection yes looking at it now yes that does makes a lot of sense 2 me with their own different unique characteristics in each 1 of them I did like about them @ the time … where was this 30 years ago ??? & imagine that yes it’s so true 4 me … thank you what a fun trivia game 2 do lol lol .

  7. Desiree Starlight Breitfeld

    Where My soulmate Shaun White be when Dezz meet him? Will Dezz marry Shaun White or will he marry Dezz first?

  8. Bella

    To whom it may concern ::: I left U a cryptic
    Message on Fridays 11-22 article “” about how 2 attract a UR soulmate “” … No more chit chat about UR soulmate plz .. I DO get it ha- ha Lol lol happy holidays 2 all !!!!!

  9. Janice Schelsky

    I have found my soul mate, I love him but, will it ever go anywhere? We have fun together but, he takes things to serious. I love to joke around with him but, he gets mad and I am just joking with him. Should I stop this or shoud he just loosen up and laugh it off?

  10. Nancy

    This was awful. There are misspellings in your piece and the answers give me several common signs like a crap shoot. Such a scam.

  11. Nancy

    What has happened to a past strong connection of 4 year relationship where he abandoned me 8 times, only to call me to tell me that he got married “out of spite” to me. Will we reconnect in a healthy way?


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