Get to Know Our New Psychic: Sonja ext. 5071!

Astrology Gifts to Guide Your Love Life

Welcome our new California Psychics advisor, Psychic Sonja ext. 5071! She combines her clairvoyant skills and spirit guide communications with extensive astrological knowledge. I got to chat with her and learned about her abilities and experiences as a psychic astrologer.

Sonja came into her psychic gifts through her mother’s lineage. Her psychic grandmother Esther taught her about her psychic abilities after a childhood out-of-body experience. “My grandmother said, ‘You have the gift, use it wisely.’ I needed that gift for my life, but it didn’t exclude me from life’s challenges and heartbreaks. I understand because I’ve been there.”

Interestingly, she can begin a reading using your own birth information, but from there branches out to connect to important people in your life—anyone from a lover, friend, family member, spouse, or business associate. “I can look at a chart and see everyone important to you.”

Sonja explained more about her work: “I’m a 28 year student of my beloved astrology. If you furnish me with your birth information, I can see everyone in your chart: your husband, parents, brothers, and sisters and what they do and their inner lives. In a nanosecond, I can see if there was early childhood dysfunction, if there’s unworthiness, fear, or self-esteem issues. Maybe people do not know their birth time, so I do a rectify chart for those. And I have Swami, my most intimate guide who speaks to me and gives me information.”

Her readings are ideal for gaining insight on your love life and relationships: “Everything is about love. I often talk to callers about love affairs. It rips my heart out. I understand because I’ve been there, and it’s torture. That’s why I draw those people to me, to validate who loves who, what to do to make this happen, and when to walk away. There’s a lot of guilt, hurt, and anger. You need patience and understanding of the person. When you understand the person you know what to do with them. But so many don’t understand their partners, so I bring that information in.”

Sonja gave me a sample reading. After asking for my date, time, and place of birth, she gave me in-depth information about how my chart influences my life. For instance, she addressed the influence of Aquarius in my chart. I never knew that Aquarius played an important role for me, and as she explained, I had an “Aha!” moment. I saw how Aquarius describes the unique aspects of my personality, which make me understand why I feel like I’ve often marched to the “beat of my own drummer.” Sonja combined clairvoyant insights about my past and future with my astrological information, and at several points her guide Swami confirmed this information as well. She connected quickly, and her bright, engaging personality put me at ease.

Exclusive offer: New customers can speak to a psychic for ONLY $1 per minute. Select your psychic advisor here.

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23 thoughts on “Get to Know Our New Psychic: Sonja ext. 5071!

  1. chloe

    sonja or renee whatever your fn name is im sure it is fake just like you are. You are a sociopath souless person who speaks to loving caring and hurting people to make money off of them.You are a parasite and i hope you suffer back what you deserve for what you do to people.

  2. nousheen

    dear sonja my d.o.b is april 06 1983,
    time of birth is 03:30am,
    place of birth karachi ,Pakistan when i will get married .thanks

  3. Sonja ext.5071

    Thank you Gina Rose, Quinn, Althea, Claire, & Agnes. I truly feel like I have finally arrived home! It’s been a long road.

    I am honored to be a part of this wonderful group of enlightened souls.
    Thank you for having me.

    I hope to meet you all at the holiday Party.


  4. Devyn 5303

    Hi Sonja, I look forward to getting to know you. I know you will love California Psychics and we are lucky to have you!

  5. Angie

    My Dod is 3-14-69 morning early Gainesville TX.anything. about my pass. Ans future. No believed in this so would take make me believe.

  6. Agnes Ext. 5400

    Hi Sonja! It is nice to have you here at California Psychics. I am very impressed with all that I’ve read about you. Take care.

    Agnes Ext. 5400

  7. bob scott

    date birh his june 18 1938 born england mdo not no what time ,can you tell me what will happen in the year ahead thank you bob

  8. char

    Hello Sonja… I”m seperated from my husband of 33 years and it has been a very hard and difficult for me in the letting go dept. I would like to know if this is the end of our marriage or is there still a chance that we can or will ever get back together again. and will i ever trust and love him again he cheated on me with a stripper and that reallly hurt me our daughters and grandkids our youngest is a special needs and she is having a hard time with his absents he has gotten his own home and at the present time i live in our old home. He has moved all his belongings out he and i are very stubborn people I am a scorpio 4,1951 time(?) he a cap.24,1948 (?) what i like to know does he love me or is it over for good its been 5 months since he left i need to know so that I can move on or wait and see how long its going to be please answer Thank you and God Bless you for your gift

  9. LUPE

    My boy of 8 years is always arguing with me for any little thing he doesn’t spend time call or text intament with. Me he says he been depressed but he hangs out with his boys happy talking but when I do come around he acts like he bored. And irritated. So o leave because he ignores me. When I’m there. Its tearing me up inside.

  10. Dolores

    Is my life going to have needed changes that are required
    finally – positively money-wise – to have & buy needed things?

  11. ashim

    would look to try her once. But what I feel every one tells about
    past, haven’t seen anyone predicting about future correctly.

  12. Virginia

    I was born 3-25-1960 in the morning. I am going through divorce now. I want to know if the man I am presently seeing is mister right

  13. liljana ilievska

    Dear Sonja

    Here are my birth information:
    date of birth:October 07 1964,
    time of birth:01:20 AM,
    place of birth:Skopje, Macedonia.
    I would like to tell me about my future.


  14. Chigere medard chiedozie

    I was born on december 1983 on wed,in my home town orlu imo state nigeria,i dond no the time i was born.

  15. -quinn ext. 5484

    welcome sonja – what an honor to have such a lovely reader join this great group of spiritual beings.
    with metta,


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