Have Fun, Have Sex

What Casual Sex Can Do For You

We all love sex. Yet, so many us deny ourselves when we’re in between relationships. Whether it’s out of guilt, fear of STDs, concern over being seen as promiscuous, or any one of a myriad of other reasons, the truth remains that responsible casual sex (you know, the protected and preferably not with a total stranger kind), is not only fun, it’s good for us. It’s a confidence booster, if you’re looking to get back on the horse after heartbreak or a perfect primer for diving back into the more serious dating pool. In short, there’s a big difference between being consciously casual and indiscriminately sleeping around. Master the former and you’ll be surprised by the benefits!

It’s Empowering

When sex is for the sake of sex, the people involved are not looking for further commitment, they’re looking for satisfaction. That means they’re less likely to worry about feelings and more likely to demand what they came for. Think then, of how you’ll feel when you achieve your stated goal – an orgasm. What’s more enjoyable or empowering than going after what you want… and getting it?

“Define your sensuality and sexuality according to what makes you happy.” – Psychic Agnes ext. 5400

It’s Invigorating

An NSA (no strings attached) roll in the hay allows you to indulge in all the pleasures of sex with none of the insecurities that come along with relationships. You’re not worried about whether he or she will love you tomorrow so long as they’re giving you pleasure today. Thus, you’re able to experience what’s happening in the moment, rather than worrying about what it may mean for your future. You’ll come out energized, rather than emotionally exhausted!

It’s Good For You!

Everybody needs release. Beyond getting your blood flowing and your heart pumping, sex releases all kinds of wonderful hormones to help you relax and rejuvenate. Get it on regularly and you’ll be happier and healthier – with lower blood pleasure, better heart health and a glowing complexion. Skip it and you’ll feel pent up, frustrated and cranky!

It’s a Confidence Booster

What feels better than being desired? Nothing! Having sex makes you feel sexy. Feeling sexy makes you radiate confidence. Radiating confidence helps you attract attention – and potential partners. One of those people may be of interest for more than just sex but for a relationship. It’s up to you to know the difference!

“Attracting sex is simple. The hard part is when someone believes that sex and love are the same or that one will naturally lead to the other. ” – Psychic Reed ext. 5105

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5 thoughts on “Have Fun, Have Sex

  1. Joe

    I found my soon to be ex cheating on me seven years ago I have been separated and filled for my devoice for over a year and to this day I have not had sex with no one in the past seven years and I have met my soul mate but she lives 2,000 miles from me and I am saving my self for her. I fill if you go to bed, talk to a other woman, or go out with someone in between finding your true love it is called cheating.

  2. Cristiana Anton

    ..excellent point of view, “arise” !! I totally agree with you on this one. On the other hand, I´d like to add an inquiry I have had for quite some time: aren´t we human beings that need more than just the physical aspect of life?.. Even though this can work for a while – and it can have all sorts of complex implications, such as a transition phase to something superior – it is not meant to work forever, without any exception. You end up feeling hollow and emptied out inside if you go after what satisfies your physical hunger, and nothing more. And then, complications can arise and you may get attached to the other without initially wanting to. This being said, why in the world should we act “cool” and pretend to be something we´re not?
    The author speaks about worrying less about their feelings for us, if they´re going to love us tomorrow, or that we may finish the act emotionally exhausted.. Well, that goes for a non-satisfying relationship, which should be ended and healed, not sought after and prolong it with low-quality sex. A real relationship doesn´t involve worrying about someone´s feelings, simply because you intimately KNOW they exist. And if you don´t, well then that is called “doubt”, dear S.K. Smith. And has nothing to do with a true relationship.
    My opinion is you can have all the things you mentioned, without having to run from your fear of commitment, just because you attract wrong partners emotionally. And this is what you´re talking about here. Fear. Deal with this, heal, and you won´t be going after casual sex. True orgasm has never been more profoundly satisfying than in a relationship based on these 4 things: commitment, honesty, respect and intimacy.

  3. arise

    I’m happy that this point of view works for the author. I just want to point out that it won’t work for everyone. You can form a bond with someone even when you don’t intend to. You can form one more quickly than you expect. Then it may take more time than you expect to work through (let go of) that bond – similar to the grief process after any loss.

  4. Mark Taylor UK

    I wold like to congratulate the author of this article, it was informed and non judgmental! Just a word of caution though! STI STD’s etc, are more common in the late 40′ to 50’s age group as they are the long termers who are now free to let there imaginations and old school values go, so be aware ! You would not give a starnger your credit card number, so don’t give them your most valued asset, your health!


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