He’s “Crazy About You” Meaning

15 Things He’ll do if He’s Crazy About You

Guys can be hard to read. Are they really into you or are you just getting played? It’ll take more than a sparkle in his eye (or on your finger) to prove that the man is crazy about you. Here are 15 ways to tell if he’s bananas for you:

Related: Dating A Libra Man 

1. He dresses to impress.

Not all guys are fashion conscious, but we do know that it is important to make a good impression when it really counts. Things like job interviews, Mother’s Day, weddings, and dates with the special woman we want to impress call for something nicer than a t-shirt and baseball cap.

2. He takes you out on a real date.

A guy who is crazy about you asks you out on a real date where he makes the plans, picks you up and pays for everything. And when he takes you home, he doesn’t try to push you into having sex.

3. He is playful.

When a man is happy and confident in himself, he becomes very playful. Playful teasing is how a guy expresses his admiration. Most guys know that women like to laugh, so if he cares enough to joke with you, he will make sure you feel good whenever you are together.

Related: Dating A Leo Man

4. It takes him forever to say goodbye.

This should be obvious, but some women might misconstrue this to mean he is waiting around for sex. In this scenario he is not pushing you towards the bedroom, but dragging his feet to the front door. It makes him feel good to be around you, and he is not ready for that feeling to be over.

5. He maintains physical contact in public places.

When a man is crazy about you he makes sure the world knows you’re together. He will hold your hand and kiss you in public. This shows that he is proud to have you by his side.

6. He displays your picture.

When a man is confident about your relationship, he displays your picture. It could be at his apartment, in his wallet or on his Facebook page.

Related: What’s It Like To Date A Virgo Man

7. He looks at you when you’re looking at something else.

Do you ever catch him looking at you out of the corner of your eye? You could be watching TV on the couch together, or maybe you are talking on your phone or putting together a scrapbook. If he’s looking at you and smiling (even when you’re not looking at him), that’s a good sign that he’s crazy about you.

8. His touch.

A man’s body language will always give him away. Does his touch feel strong and romantic or is it light and barely there? Does he make eye contact when he is being romantic or does he look away?

9. He answers his phone.

If you call, and leave a message, and don’t hear back from him for awhile, he is not that into you. Bonus points go to the guy who will take a call from his lady when he is out with friends!

10. He takes care of you when you’re sick.

You know that wedding adage, “In sickness and in health”? Well, it’s true. A guy in love will want to be with you even when you’re no fun, and not looking your best.

11. He shows interest in your friends and family.

If your friends and family are important to you, they’re also important to your guy. If he loves and admires you, he will make the best effort to impress your nearest and dearest.

12. He tries to be a better man.

The right woman will inspire a man to go back to school, get a better job or quit smoking. You bring out the best in him and if the feelings are mutual, he will bring out the best in you.

13. He includes you in his future plans.

Whether it’s buying a house, getting married or having kids down the road, if he’s including you in these plans, chances are he’s crazy about you.

14. He cares about your opinion and seeks your advice.

When he has a problem does he come to you for advice? Do your opinions matter to him? If so, this means he wants you to be on the same page about things.

15. He keeps most of his promises.

Guys can’t keep all their promises, but if your guy keeps most of his, he’s a keeper. If he’s crazy about you, he doesn’t want to disappoint you. If he does disappoint you, he will make an effort to do better next time.

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38 thoughts on “He’s “Crazy About You” Meaning

  1. Naughty

    This so does not describe a man who is a Gemini. Depending on his “mood” I may get all or just a few, but not all the time. I think it’s different, when they were once married for a L O N G time, & then cheated on…

  2. Angela

    Yeah, this is a good article. Its good to know the signs but like its saying ultimately is “actions speaks louder than words.”

  3. Rose

    It’s true , but be careful they can be over into you. A stalker . Also I agree about the family thing it’s not deceitful . It’s respectful to want to show your best side to the family . It doesn’t mean don’t be yourself. Not all guys have all these qualities. Some may overcompensate for others. But it’s a fair and good guideline. Other problems the above people have is the effort part . As well as the warning sign intuition they were getting played . Use your instincts ladies. Don’t ignore them.

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  5. Patricia

    I would like to thank Eric for this list. Listen up, ladies! This list is guide or gauge in which you should use to find out where your guy’s head is. There is no absolute value, here! For most, this is a wonderful guideline to determining what his intentions are. However, there will be some exceptions to the rule, as with any rule. There are no guarantees when it comes to the heart and where its intent lies. In some relationships, you will have a real man, who loves you with all his heart, while others are still on the hunt for something or someone better. It’s just the nature of the beast. Talk to your man, ask questions frequently, and most importantly, watch his actions. Remember, what comes from the lips and mouth can be deceiving, but it is damn near impossible for anyone to fake their actions unless your profession is an actor, and even then the act is over when the script comes to an end. Follow the actions of his heart, not his eyes and lips.

  6. j.

    Eric, I like your articles–they’re a cut above most. I think you’ve described the ideal here, and even then only for HEALTHY, stable men. Narcissists don’t do many of these things, even when they care for someone. Still, a fine list.

  7. Laylaa

    Hi, these are some awesome points. I doubt a great guy will carry all of the mention points, however, if he carries at least 10/12 of the 15 points, i believe you got yourself a bonus and a keeper ladies!!!!….Love it Eric…

  8. Colleen

    This does not describe an Aquarian. They never match any quidelines when it comes to the heart. I wish they would, it would be so much easier!

  9. D

    This is rubbish my ex husband did all of those things and I discovered he’d been cheating on me for three years. This is just not reliable I’m afraid.

  10. diwata

    im experiencing some of those things with my close friend >he was getting good grades since i told him to better study more.he used to hold my hand, treat me for meals, and always smiling and joking with me., but he never told me yet the 3 powerful words of love, i wanna know if hes already into me

  11. Chrissi

    Well after 23 years of marriage I don’t get much of any of these- then I had menopause during the time he was undergoing treatment for cancer so our sex life isn’t too healthy either- I dried up and the artificial stuff makes me itchy – I do try to show affection to him- but well I suppose with guys it’s all tied up with the sex

  12. Karin

    Everyone is different, some men are shy, not the romantic type, I have been in three totally different relationships. One man was touchy freely, one was surprises all the time, and this one now is very loving towards me… He says treat me the way you want to be treated… With love and respect… I think a guy is into you when your ‘into ‘ him… Ps. I suck at relationships

  13. Victoria

    *sigh* I was dating a guy who did all of this and even told me that he was crazy about me. Then one week he started to become distant & soon after just broke up with me because he needed “more time with his guyfriends”. We hadn’t been dating that long and prior to the breakup he wanted me around all the time. I guess I tend to attract men who are unstable in some way….. Sad because I thought he was a good guy and I honestly do miss him 🙁

  14. Victoria

    *sigh* I was dating a guy who did all of this and even told me that he was crazy about me. Then one week he started to become distant & soon after just broke up with me because he needed “more time with his guyfriends”. We hadn’t been dating that long and prior to the breakup he wanted me around all the time. I guess I tend to attract men who are unstable in some way…..

  15. Nataya

    ok I do all this for my guy im head over hills in love with him,just lost his baby since then we fight daily and im considering leaveing him even though im madly inlove wit him lately I just want him to go find someone who can carry his baby to full term.and not

  16. Diane

    I have to comment about these statements. The guy that just broke up with me (by an email) did absolutely every one of these points. I thought we were just a fabulous couple. I was totally & completely blind sided when I received an email saying that he felt it “was unproductive for us to continue our relationship.” This is after being with each other practically day & night for the past year. So, how do we really know for sure???

  17. Claudette.

    Me I love a man that is very romantic,and love most of the same thing I love bto do. I love to walk by the beach at night holding hand,and lay ion a blanket wand klook at the stars,there soooo beautifull.

  18. khan farrukh

    there is no man in my life like this,but i like if some like this who cares me and make me happy all the rime.

  19. Rayze

    (No. 11. He shows interest in your friends and family. If your friends and family are important to you, they’e also important to your guy. If he loves and admires you, he will make the best effort to impress your nearest and dearest.)

    This statement is asking something which is in a grey area. If a partner does everything in their power to get along with your family members but they refuse to budge & just don’t want to get along then it’s a waste of time trying to impress someone who can’t stand the sight of you. Which ultimately shows that the family members who don’t want to get along with another family members partner are disrespectful & rude. There shouldn’t be a reason to “impress” anyone, you should always be yourself otherwise you aren’t being true and are merely being deceitful.

  20. shana

    Well think this doesn’t always conclued a relationship sometimes it could be vice versa and a girls way of showing she likes you or sometimes the guy could be a shy guy

  21. Benie Mike

    …Hmmm, my boy is not all hundred percent of all that is mention or said here buh am glad he is fill in to almost all what is said and most of d reason why is my bad: he hates third party to me I like to share out talk with his people for advice xpecially his yngr sister and he doesn’t like it dou I stoped and still yet he doesn’t rili tell me things buh what matters most he knows I dnt ve the heart to hurt him and I knw someday soon he ii trust me again.

  22. Debra K

    I am so crazy for this artist he calls me periodically and tells me when I love myself to get in touch with him? what does all that mean? I feel he is commitment phobic


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