Is It OK to Let Men Watch Porn?

Porn is a fact of life. Unlike any other time in history, it is instantly accessible to anybody with an Internet connection—and that raises a lot of questions in terms of how people deal with that fact, and not only for parents. Porn can play a factor in adult relationships, as well—and has traditionally been seen as a hurtful “leak” from the love fostered within a relationship. But as our society changes at an increasingly faster pace, some are suggesting that perhaps the best thing to do is to just relax and go with it.

The Daily Titan reports:

Pornography is not something the vast majority of people talk about. You don’t stop by the coffee shop in the morning and have friendly discussions about the weather, gas prices, international crisis and conclude with how nasty your favorite new adult talent is.

If you’re committed to someone, however, that subject should probably come up at some point or another, since, if you’re a man, statistically you’re looking at it anyway.

For the sake of being fair, let us dismiss the general knowledge that far more men enjoy pornography than women. Whether man or woman, if we are in relationships in which we know our partners consume porn, we have some moral and ethical decisions to make.

The simple answer to whether it is acceptable to allow your partner to view porn is: Yes, of course it is. We’re not all going to be 12 years old forever—adults enjoy sex.

What do you think—is it acceptable to allow your partner in a relationship to view porn? Do you see it as a threat, or a healthy expression of sexuality? How much is too much? And not only that—is it unfair to consider porn a male issue, when studies are showing that nearly as many women view porn, as well?

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3 thoughts on “Is It OK to Let Men Watch Porn?

  1. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Far more men, single and married, look at porn than the women in their lives realize….or wish to acknowledge.

    If, IF, it doesn’t get in the way of the couple actually having real sex than I would say fine, ok….enjoy.

    Porn can be one of many sexual tools used to keep the sex alive and fun, creative and interesting in any relationship.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  2. lab4720

    I understand that all men look at porn at some point. In a way, it makes me feel like I am not enough for him. But from another perspective, sometimes it turns me on too and I love my guy more than anything and would never go past looking at it. However, some men go to porn sites where they connect with real people, create profiles, and have cyber sex. Is that too far?

  3. chloechloe


    This is such an excellent question and it’s something that has come up in many of my readings.

    Whether or not porn is a destructive force or enhances sexuality in a relationship really comes down to each individual couple.

    I think what really needs to be examined is whether or not it creates insecurities; that is the key to whether or not it’s a healthy addition or a destructive force.

    Thanks for sharing this Krishna!

    Love & Light!

    ~Chloe [ext: 9421]


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