Unhappy Marriage: Liam Intervenes

Suzie Asks:

I am in an unhappy marriage which is coming to an end. At the end of last year, a work colleague and I seemed to suddenly collide with each other! The passion was unbelievable. We’ve slept together a few times since. He split with his partner a few weeks ago, but is now unsure of the decision. I have deep feelings for him – is there hope for us?

Liam ext. 9290‘s Response:

Greetings, Suzie, and thank you for sharing this situation. It is certainly one that insists on courage, and I see you coming to a time in your life which will require the most ardent resolve. It would be all too easy to capitulate now, to wander back along desperate tracks, and return to the lonely desolation of your marriage. But I sense that you are a strong person…You have both power and will, so I will advise you to venture onward into the unknown, instead.

Your spirit depends on extricating yourself from a person I can feel devouring your energy… your spouse. I really need to address this problem first, because I feel a dangerous vibration in connection with this man… A current of hostility which keeps me on edge. There is something about your husband which is quite sinister, and not in a fun, wicked way… I feel he is going to be a very difficult person to deal with in the separation… He will be very volatile. He will try to make you suffer. Please, be careful of him and secure good legal counsel before you do anything.

Having dealt with that, I will move on. I see many paths opening before you, many twists in the script of your life. All of them are interesting, but a few are a good deal more painful than you’d like. In answer to your direct inquiry into this fellow with whom you’ve fallen in love… I do feel that there is more than a chance that the two of you will come together. However, the road won’t be easy. The paths of such passions seldom are. I feel that this man is drawn to you. Right now, he watches to see what you will do in your marriage, because he is unsure what to do in his. His former partner still has a hold over him. She watches too… to see what he will do. Everything in this situation is all heat and simmering stagnation.

On the brighter side, I sense that the passion of you and your lover is a powerful thing – a once in a lifetime sort of thing. And it has a transformative energy. It has already awakened you from a long and miserable slumber, and this is just the beginning of a new and fantastic journey in your life. I am, however, concerned about your happiness in the long run. Passionate relationships are often difficult. I sense that there will be a time when he will wish to have other lovers. That time will come sooner than you think, and is likely to torment you. If you remain with him through this, you will likely find your passion for him lagging… even dying altogether. Over the years, you will both experience times of contempt for one another. Such times are quite normal in long term relationships…The real question is if the relationship – even with all its trials – makes you happy overall. And I fear that in your case, with this particular lover the answer to that question in the years to come will be no. This relationship makes you happy now, and therefore, I suggest you keep it for now. Treat it as the rare and precious experience it is, knowing that all that lives has its season, and then must die. Don’t hold on when this has run its course. To love like this, even briefly, is a marvelous gift. Touch it for the moment, and know it is for the moment only. A loose embrace is best.

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12 thoughts on “Unhappy Marriage: Liam Intervenes

  1. Jan

    wonderful article. a lot of it applied to me. atleast to my past. when the time comes, all the blinders fall off and you really know what it is you want to do with your life. unfortumately, i went with my heart and didnt think things through. i learnt my lesson. but i believe i was meant to learn these lessons .

    great article, please dont stop writing

  2. Pingback: How to Make Sure Positive Changes Last | California Psychics Blog

  3. donna1

    I like this answer to the above post, Liam. I think you are dead on. A narcissistic lover can be quite passionate and EXPERIENCED in pleasing the opposite sex. This probably IS this ladies situation in her desperate time of need, and when she is so vulnerable.
    Her lover just may be temporarily seperated due to repeated such issues with his wife. Probably because his wife may have had contact with someone before her, d’ya think? She should do some research on the narcissist and see if this could possibly fit her situation. The married narcissist choses a certain type of spouse to fulfill his narcissistic supply. He will likely mend the way with her if she is the type, and financial loss is an issue of impending divorce.

    Yes!! Way to go!!

  4. shal8

    Hi Liam,

    I love reading your column! you have such great advise for everyone and I totally love your way of thinking! Lots of blessings to you!


  5. misskrystal

    Hi Liam, thanks, I am glad someone thinks I am mysterious lol
    that is so nice of you. Thanks for inspiration and cheer for the future possibilities of my team. You get me.
    Sports and regular life do have similarities-the hope, the natural rush, the ups and downs and the desire and the will to triumph.

    Once again, your writing is stellar. Keep these coming, please.
    Miss Krystal

  6. liam - ext. 9290

    Suzanne, my editor and my friend, words could never express the gratitude I feel in regard to all you do. What we are, we could never be without you. I don’t think alot of folks realize that this fleet is powered by a super awesome team of editors and writers and specialists of all sorts who keep us afloat daily. They never stop keeping it real. If anyone deserves accolades it’s you guys. Suzanne B, Jennifer T, Julia and all the crew … Thank you always.


  7. liam - ext. 9290


    Thank you, my brother, for such a grand compliment. I hope that all is well with you. It is always a pleasure to hear from you, and indeed, it is in honor to be in your company. Keep up the awesome work, my friend. You are very, very much admired for your most incredible talents and insights.

    1. SuzanneSuzanne

      Both of you are incredible spiritual masters. In fact, a shout out to all psychics from CP is well overdue. You provide immense healing and support, as emissaries of the Universe!

  8. liam - ext. 9290

    Miss Krystal,

    And you, my friend, are talented and mysterious and wicked cool … Your kind words are very dear to me, Miss Krystal. Hope you know that.
    Are we ready for football? I believe you mentioned that your team is to play the Longhorns at some point early in the season. Fear not. Texas is still hobbled in pure terror after what happened to them in last year’s BCS championship game at the hands of Alabama. Roll Tide!


  9. phillipphillip

    “when the time is right for the marriage to end, the catalyst will appear.” We see this so very often. I am proud to be on this board with you my brother. You are wise.

  10. misskrystal

    Congrats Liam on all of your achievements. I always enjoy your articles. You are a brilliant and original writer, and a wonderful asset to CP. Thanks.
    Blessings, Miss krystal

  11. liam - ext. 9290

    Hail and well met, Lady Gina Rose. I hope all is well. Thank you so much for your kind words and congratulations. I find myself in esteemed company these days it seems.

  12. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hail and Well Met, Sir Liam…….

    Wy to go !!!!!

    ….. and Congrats by the way……

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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