Relationship Advice: Should You Always Be Available?

Sometimes the Best Relationship Advice is to Tell Him You’re Busy

When you first meet a guy and you really like him, it’s natural to want to see him all the time—especially when he wants to see you all the time too. But if you’re making yourself too available to him, then things may not turn out exactly as you hoped. Check out this relationship advice.

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What a Guy Wants

A guy wants a confident girl with an active and busy life. You had friends, family and work obligations before you met him and so did he before he met you. Now that you’re together, you should fit your alone time in with whatever else is going on in your lives. This means you shouldn’t clear your deck and cancel any plans you have to be with someone. Don’t fall off the radar and push everyone and everything in your life aside for someone else. If you do, you’re saying their time is more valuable than yours.

The guy you’re dating should be fine with you being busy. He should be open to rescheduling if he really wants to see you. Just remember that being too busy is as bad for your relationship as being too available.

Are they too busy to make time for you? Get a relationship reading from Psychic Venice ext. 9561 and find out what’s really going on!

The Consequences of Being too Available

1. Your friends and family will feel neglected if all of your free time is devoted to the new guy in your life. They’ll be hurt if you constantly cancel plans with them to be with him.

2. If you make yourself too available, the guy you’re seeing will eventually lose interest. Men like to pursue women who are “hard to get.” You’re not a challenge if you’re always available whenever he wants to see you.

3. You’ll lose his respect. If you’re willing to drop everything for him, anytime he asks, he’s going to think you have no life outside of your relationship.

4. If the relationship doesn’t work out, you’ll find yourself suddenly alone, having ostracized your friends and family.

Feeling lonely after your breakup? Psychic Megan ext. 5621 knows how you can reconnect with friends and family. 

Should You “Play Hard to Get”?

“Playing Hard to Get” isn’t necessarily the solution. If a guy asks to see you and you’re busy, just reschedule the date. If a guy asks to see you and you’re available, by all means get together. But if you make yourself too available to him, realize he has nothing to pursue anymore. Don’t let him assume he can see you anytime, because that never works in the long term.

Has he suddenly lost interest in you? Psychic Violet ext. 9662 knows his true feelings. Call her for some relationship advice. 

Give him a chance to miss you.

And for more relationship advice, don’t hesitate to call one of our talented psychics. They are waiting to help you!

8 thoughts on “Relationship Advice: Should You Always Be Available?

  1. LJ

    Dear Jennifer:

    I’m so sorry you’re going through such a rough patch. The best advice I ever got about gossip is this: “Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see.”

    Turn a deaf ear to gossip and try speaking to your hubby about rekindling what you once had – if you’re both on board with a relationship tune-up, who cares what all those relationship whisperers are saying? Good luck to you Jennifer.

    xo LJ

  2. LJ

    Michael: Good point. And I’m glad to see that there are men reading the California Psychics’ blog. Sometimes our articles seem gender biased, but really they’re not. You can apply the same advice to your own very male life. Women typically seek advice on relationships more than men, so it’s good to see that men are paying attention. You can not only apply this advice to your own life, but isn’t it wonderful to get the girl’s perspective on things? Relationship articles written for women are really a man’s magic ticket to get inside a girl’s head and see how very differently the two sexes think sometimes. It’s priceless insight; run with it.

  3. jennifer

    please help me people around town are saying my husband is cheating i have been with this man for more than 20plus years i just wish things were the same a couple years ago please help me help get though this really hurtful time

  4. Theresa Hendrickson

    Eric Ojeda is a KEEPER not an player and Theresa an KEEPER I like it Simple

    We trusted us together forever and LOYALTY

    Our parents broke us up he and me that is really the issues the TRUTH

    great times turn into sour times

    we have a great life together forever I have CHANGED for him and for REAL

    met his PARENTS before at his HOUSE and I can not LIVE without him forever.

    They say to MOVE ON not the issue.

  5. alice

    I have a question about this topic I was doing just that being too available, and he took a break 2x now he wants to know how we can be friends. He does not want a relationship.


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