Psychic Rogers: Love Trends and Relationship Changes After 40

Love Trends and Relationship Changes After 40

For many of my callers, turning 40 seems to bring on a nasty phase of life where nothing seems to be working out. And when it comes to love, men and women change differently after that age. For example, men may want more spice in the bedroom, while women may want more gravy on top of their conversations with their partners. There are plenty of relationship changes!

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So what is really going on? And, what can you do about it? Let’s start with some of the common complaints I receive from my female callers who are over 40 or have partners who are over 40:

“I feel like a dinosaur.”

“My phone used to ring off the hook.”

“All he wants to talk about is sports and politics.”

“He used to love it when I teased him. Now he takes everything personally.”

“He used to want to know everything about me. Now I feel like he is being distant.”

If you’re over 40 and you’re having these feeling as a result of relationship changes, your relationship is struggling.

Stagnant Waters

After 40, our love lives can feel like stagnant water. There’s no flow or movement and we fear they’ll sink us. But few of us have the courage to do much about it other than look the other way. Unfortunately, not admitting to the reality of your love life or attempting to escape from the situation won’t solve your romantic problems. It’s high time for couples in their 40s to get away from their love illusions and pull their heads out of the sand!

Work on It or Move on

Be brave enough to work on your relationship, or walk away from it all together. But working on a relationship to make it better takes a lot of time, emotion and effort. Are you willing to commit to that? Is your partner? Conversely, if you don’t walk away when you need to, you risk contaminating every good memory you’ve made with that person. Why drag it out when you don’t need to?

If your relationship makes you feel like there’s nothing special about you, then you are stuck in the wrong place and you need to get out of it. Anyone who has the power to make you feel ordinary is too important in your life and so you need to let them go. Dealing with a lover’s indifference is one of the toughest things for my callers over 40 to handle, and making a bad thing work is not a great idea.

 Life is too Short

Your inner spirit is always encouraging you to be happy and feel content, but it is ultimately up to you if you want to stay with someone who doesn’t make you happy. Life is too short to spend it with someone who sucks the happiness out of you!

There’s hope for each of us—at any age.

Someone, somewhere is looking for someone exactly like you! So don’t let fears about never finding love again keep you from leaving the person you’re with. Eventually, everything is going to be better. You will meet someone, someday, who hugs you so tight that all your broken pieces will stick back together and make you feel whole.


34 thoughts on “Psychic Rogers: Love Trends and Relationship Changes After 40

  1. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Gemini,

    As you seem to be a grown up and sensible lady!!.

    I would give it to you straight, that you shouldn’t think that there anything that you and your life has its own way of treating us with what is right for us.

    It takes decades for us to figure out, why those things happened to us?, and in what way was it been beneficial to us.

    Staying alone till a mature age not only gives you an overview of things that also gives you a hope to still have a share of joy.

    Some guys loved you, but had fallen into their usual place of habit and routine.
    Some other guys who were fond of you, felt trapped and failed to give you the kind of ” emotional ansthesia”, you always wanted.

    Some men did emotional cheating on you and they all left you with a feeling of being emotionally low, and got you retired from the idea of dating!!.

    I fully respect your feelings and who join you with my prayers to enable you to get eternal peace.

    Love and regards



  2. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Wendy,

    You have felt and understood every pinch of what I had tried to convey through this blog!.

    I would want to have the privilege to honor you for the brave decision on this front.

    It must have made you undergo through hell when you took a severe action, on this hollow relationship to rediscover your individuality.

    The problems you had stated is exactly what most couples go through, once the clock has timed up showing them the harsh realities and dynamics of marriage.

    Becoming a wave in a noisy sea is better than being impunity in stagnant water.

    My best wishes to you and your kids.

    Love and regards



    Hi! Rogers, Thank you so much for answering my e-mail. I do appreciate your reply. But,
    I am going to retire from dating it is too emotionally draining and let down to many times. I
    tired of men playing games. I am going to concentrate on myself.
    Thanks Gemini 55

  4. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Gemini,

    First of all kudo’s for courage and persistence.

    We all need that bit of devine intervention to find our soul mate.

    Age, 55 is not too late, to find a relation in fact for most people life begins here.

    Just keep your emotional space occupied, things will definitely fall in place.

    Love and regards



  5. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Allison,

    Thanks a ton for sharing your valuable thought on the subject.

    Allison, the article is targeted for people who have crossed the vital mile stone “40”, wherein one has exhausted all the options of staying in a happy relationship.

    Just for food for thought, majority of people who are above 40, getting into deep financial crisis are mostly the ones who have been into long term unhappy relationship!.

    Take or leave it, life all about choices we make, all of us have the liberty to choose the options befitting our given situations.

    Love and regards


  6. Psychic Rogers

    Dear June,

    Thanks for your appreciation.

    You are right on the cusp of getting the emotional breakthrough of your life!!.

    Nov24-2014, and beyond a new journey awaits you, all the best wishes for the same.

    Love and regards



  7. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Rosye,

    The Law of attraction and Law of attachment go hand in hand.

    It seems you are at cusp of a new start and willing to see the rays at the end of the tunnel.

    Life, always gives us a renewed opportunity and chance, i hope it all depends how well are we prepared to embrace the positive change.

    Love and regards


  8. Psychic Rogers

    Dear AZ,

    Thanks for your valuable inputs on this blog!!.

    Age 40, is a milestone where person is supposed to learn life lessons, get the right emotional formatting, and posses the right share of common sense.

    After sustained efforts if things do not work out that definitely calls for food for thought, to re-asses before one reaches a point of no return.

    Love and regards



  9. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Sarah,

    Thanks for your appreciation.

    I know all of us reach at certain stage in our lives wherein we face a situation which is like ” emotional blind spot”. This is where we need guidance laced with ample of common sense.

    Love and regards



  10. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Nicole,

    The article focuses on the situation where nothing more is left to be done!. People are getting used, abused, abandoned and still are waiting for things that are not meant to be okay anymore.

    Love and regards



  11. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Delores,

    May I know your age group?. As they say when you find your true love, age becomes just a number !!.

    Love and regards


  12. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Suzy,

    Sometimes our visual appeal is what that goes wrong for us!!.

    Your glam might attract number of men towards you, but the right kind of emotional and mental connection is left out.

    With the right kind of preparation, you sure would achieve the left out factors as well.

    Love and regards



  13. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Jula,

    The abusive relationship seem to have put you in a situation where your mother was few years ago!.

    You need not live a stagnant life like this, there is someone out there for you so you shouldn’t be afraid of being alone because if you isolate yourself for a while, then it might bring answers to things that are still left to be figured out in life!.

    When we stop chasing wrong things, we give the time for right things to catch us.

    Love and regards


  14. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Ann Marie,

    It is not about walking away from someone who used to be your craze and passion at some point of time!. Relationships and love are two way street, where one of the two might be a firm believer like you and other might be the exact opposite!.

    The idea still is to be happy in life right?. What could you do if the other person has totally given up?.

    Love and regards



  15. Psychic Rogers

    Dear Carole,

    You definitely have a point, but this article is meant to prompt the option of being a happier person, for people who have put their heart and soul into a relationship where no good is bound to happen by struggling to make it work.

    At last, research suggests there is direct and definite correlation between ” Mid career crisis and unhappy relationship”. The more a person chooses to stay in a unhappy relationship, there is a higher risk of being negatively affected in work and profession.

    Love and regards



  16. Psychic Rogers


    Being single at your age takes courage.

    I can see you are bold enough to take stand for your belief and wants rather than settling down for something below your interest level. I would advice you to make a timeline for your life events to analyze where you have gone wrong.!!

    Love and regards



  17. GEMINI

    Thank you Rogers for your article. I have heard this this over and over again, but frankly
    I am 55 and still no one. I have already dated more then ten men and I have decided to
    retire from dating. I really do not want to be 100 and fine that someone at that age who
    would want anybody.

  18. Wendy

    I have been divorced for 3 years now, after one month short of 18 years. It was an extremely painful decision and one I did not take lightly. I spent a lot of time feeling very alone in my marriage, just going through the motions and raising our 2 children. Nothing special, no appreciation, no tenderness, only selfishness, fights over finances, placing blame, controlling, not healthy. When I read the comments about “walking away” and people just “giving up”, I get preturbed, no one should judge anyone else for decisions like ending a marriage. We are not here to judge others’ decisions. Everyone’s circumstances and situations are different. Life is too short to be in a marriage that makes you feel alone. And believe it or not, some people refuse help and it’s hard to work on a marriage if BOTH people don’t want to or care enough to save it. Stop judging and start encouraging

  19. Heather

    I enjoyed reading the article since I turned 40! Unfortunately for me, still no man, marriage or acting career. So I see you can still work until this all happens. Best wishes to you.

  20. Carole Huggins

    I agree with “AZ” , life happens, people interfere, problems arise,debts including homes, cars, insurances, everyday mundane “stuff”. But we are grown adults, even at times acting and expecting not to have problems. But didn’t we have problems when growing up and didn’t we,
    have to rise to the occasion and work through these problems? But here we are with that “person” we promised to love through thick or thin, and we are just going to walk away! I am all about resolution and learning to communicate, with love and respect for each other.

    Regards for a better life,


  21. AnnMarie

    I think that advice was horrible. So many people giving up on marriages today. It’s easier for them to walk away then stay in and work on your marriage. Once a time ago, you both fell in love and couldn’t be without the other. I believe that if both partners work on it together, they can fall back in love. It takes time and a good amount of effort , but in the end every marriage is worth trying to save. And always remember it’s ok to ask for help on the outside. It’s not a failure. We all need a little extra help sometimes.

  22. jula

    I really needed this article, having been in a bad relationship with a selfish, lazy and angry
    man for over 31 years. After reading a terribly abusive letter by him today, I was grateful
    to read your article as it made me realize that I don’t deserve to live this way anymore. I
    can choose freedom, rather than be in a crippling relationship with this person. Fear of being
    alone kept me stagnant in a relationship, but I realize now that I must overcome my fears
    and enjoy my peace and quiet being alone for awhile, until I meet someone more compatible.
    As to all those naysayers, as a children from a broken home, I was glad when my parents lived
    apart and stopped beating on each other. My mother found passion, and freedom and my dad
    found several new loves. Both were happier, so us kids were consequently happier.

  23. az

    What ever happened to unconditional love,,,,yeah running away from the problem might make you feel temporarily better, however, if you haven’t fixed the problems, and believe me we always play a part in the breakdown even though we don’t want to admit it, what makes you think that the problems wont resurface with someone else.
    I think the article is one-sided,,,,,it focuses more on running away.
    What a nice family experience, nice for the kids, nice for finances, nice for pets….should I go on.
    The problem is that people are too lazy to work on a marriage, that’s the problem.
    Do a survey 10 years later on the people that divorced in their 40s and see if they are happier or whether they made the right choice…most people that did are not happier and they regret the choice. Unless the person is abusive, you really should try to work on a marriage and not split. So easy to divorce and not deal with our life lessons…instant gratification is what the world focuses on today…nothing else. Its no wonder we are in such a sad state as a whole.
    But whom am I to say….Regards

  24. Rosye

    This is extremely beautiful article and very true. I was in the position to move on to have my happiness. The universe has been working so beautiful, impossible is becoming possible. Thank you.

  25. Nicole Besser

    Good article but it would have been nice to read more about how to approach working it out at least as much as walking away…

  26. Allison

    Terrible advice. So many divorces for that very reason. What happen to death do us part?
    Many couple divorce because their love life gets dull. Do something about it. Get more creative in the bedroom. Buy some sexual toys. What about the children? Divorce leaves lasting scars and emotional problems for all family members.

  27. Suzy

    Physic Rogers,
    That was a beautifully written article I read today.
    A positive inspirational message to me.
    I am 70 attractive, look 10 yrs. younger. Married 48 yrs. tremendous ups and downs in a international marriage. Suddenly I’ve had it. None of my needs were met but I kept trying w bounteous loyalty. I pray I will find someone soon to lift my spirits. All astrology readings point to this soon.
    I sure would like to see this while I am in good health and could enjoy a blessed union.

    I almost feel like why do I have to wait so long for a special someone compatible.

  28. Delores

    This is so very true I wish I had this advice 20yrs ago because my life would
    have been so much better had I gotten out of this marriage . We both would
    not be where we are now with so very many regrets and to afraid to leave at
    our age now.


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