Top 50 Signs He’s Into You

All Signs Point to Love

For women, this is a list of signs that he is, in fact, into you. For men, this is a list of ideas for you to try on the woman who you are into! Keep in mind that men prefer to show their love through action while women need to hear it. So, the best thing to do is give your woman verbal reassurance frequently AND continue to do things that make her feel special.

1. He “checks in” because he wants to, not because he has to.

2. He brings you to family events and introduces you as his girlfriend.

3. He makes delicious meals for you.

4. He talks about your future together.

5. He does not stop until YOU reach orgasm too.

6. He comments on your posts and pictures on Facebook frequently.

7. He likes everything you wear and any way you do your hair.

8. He gives you original nicknames you have never heard before.

9. He spoons you even though his arm falls asleep.

10. He writes you little love notes and leaves them in your purse or lunch bag.

Not the best writer? Psychic Summer ext. 9898 knows what words will melt her heart!

11. He watches your favorite show with you even if it is the 3-hour season finale.

12. He will read a book or listen to a CD that you recommend to him.

13. He gives you massages when you are stressed or sore.

14. He takes you out on dates to places he knows you will like.

15. He lets you pick the movie you will go see, even if it is a “chick flick.”

16. He invites you to special events with his friends.

17. He enjoys holding your hand in public, as well as other forms of PDA.

18. He does not keep in touch with his exes, especially ones that flirt with him!

19. He keeps up his appearance for you.

20. He is open and honest with you about his financial situation.

“Being honest with ourselves about our own relationship with money allows us to stand back and gain more clarity when it comes to money issues with our partner.” – Psychic Quinn ext. 5484

21. He says, “I love you” and means it every time.

22. He looks you in the eyes during your lovemaking.

23. He is the first one to bring up exclusivity and monogamy.

24. He compliments you frequently.

25. He gives you plenty of kisses and hugs, especially after any time apart.

26. He likes whatever you cook for him (or at least eats it and appreciates it).

27. He does romantic things for you on Valentine’s Day and anniversaries.

28. He enjoys fixing things around the home.

29. He is so attracted to you that he gets an erection before you even touch him.

30. He worships your body.

31. He responds to your texts, emails and calls right away.

32. He asks for your opinion on things that matter.

33. He shares his secrets with you.

34. He tells you about his past traumas.

35. He makes time for you no matter how busy his schedule.

36. He drives to your place often instead of you traveling to him.

37. He tries hard to impress your parents.

38. He will do favors for you.

39. He trusts you to do favors for him.

40. He makes it clear to everyone that you are his woman.

41. He courts you.

42. He asks about your day.

43. He wants to know your goals and dreams.

44. He is willing to talk out your relationship issues or go to couple’s therapy.

45. He picks just the right gifts for you.

46. He likes to buy you jewelry, shoes, purses and other girly things.

47. He takes you on vacations.

48. He cleans up before you come over.

49. He gives you bites of food off his plate.

Food can be very sensual! Psychic Pauline ext. 5777 knows which foods will please your partner’s palate!


The items on this list may seem pretty obvious. But when a guy is into a girl, it should also be obvious. One should not have to wonder whether or not someone is into them. If after several months of dating you are not in a committed, monogamous relationship and/or you do not feel that he is that into you, it is time to pull the plug on that union and pursue someone who makes you feel like a princess!

44 thoughts on “Top 50 Signs He’s Into You

  1. Angela

    I like this article because I am in fairly new relationship and I can say that he has put his best foot first. He has taken time out for me in more ways than one. He is worth seeing and exploring where this is going with us. He is older than me but just the same he is attracted to me. He lets me know what is going on with and vice versa. I am looking for this to be a healthy and loving relationship and I know that time will all things.

  2. LYRA

    relationship is good ant the start…. or maybe few years but after few years maybe welllll

    i dnt knpw…….monotony is there….more responsibilities falling in line…mmmmmmmm

    men wants younger women….mostly but not all…

  3. scarlet

    All the above things were done by my Ex. still he became my Ex. I dont think it works always. Guys do leave even if they are into you

  4. marc from the uk

    Oh great! this article puts alot of presure on men! I hope women do not fully expect all these all the time! It is after all give and take, EQUALITY I believe is alive and kicking ?????? lol. I wonder what another Author’s reply would be??

  5. Betsy

    its sounds to good to be true,after being married twice and find this man is sounds too good to be true i smile when reading these 50 lists and all off them has met with my new Boyfriend that i only knew for 5 months all i wish for now is i hope that he will never change,good luck everyone.i am so happy i finally met Mr. right for me.

  6. Marsha

    Good morning all … I had all of this for years ! But mine still managed to cheat on me by websites in meeting other woman and left me and his for a woman off of one of them websites .. Thought I was the princess !! U guess nothing last forever !! Cryed , cryed .. Realize gods got a plan in my future , just got to sit and wait !! I wish everyone happiness Nd a life full of love & peace ….

  7. Leslie Ann Warren

    He Use 2 Luv Me Like That & Now It Is Every Blue Moon??!! I’m Sad Now Jus Readin This Crap??!! Blessings!!

  8. jawed

    HI there,
    I am an old man married since for the last 36 Yrs,pushing the life like empty.woman’s
    are very typical and hard to understand them.I lost my self.

  9. Autumn

    This is sad moment for me it brought me to tears; I have forgotten what such treatment is. The opposite counts for my relationship, and whoever I’ve been involved with. I have infactlost trust, this surely must be fake…

  10. Dave

    I think love is about giving and taking on both side. The majority of your list I can agree with.
    A sign of the times, what to expect or hit the high-way Jack; when the list of the perfect man /woman is too high; satisfaction is never reached. Lonely-ness is no-ones friend.

  11. Araanza

    This list is great! And I truly believe that if he can do at least half of it, it’s more than good, my “sweet thing” is doing most of these things but I don’t know, if it is because we just see each other once a week!!! But he is great with me everytime that I see him!!?

  12. Achol

    Hi radimperio I felt sorry for you that someone treated you like that. I’m a female who like to treat my man with respect , kindness, honesty love and caring which I gave so much that I ended up with nothing. Some women ruin chances for others out there some day a gentleman like yourself could get caught in wrong and deceitful relation that can scare you guys away from ladies and stop you from trying other woman. Sorry I wish you the best but please don’t give up there is happiness a long the way keep hunting. Thanks Achol

  13. Hawk8414

    For one thing, you make it sound like it’s all about the woman. That’s just wrong right there. It has to be about both people in the relationship and no, she cannot be clingy! If she is clingy then he has a problem and she needs to back off. Give a man his space, let him breathe, let him have his time. If he is really into you, he will always be around. And stop being so needy, girls! Go out and get your own lives! Stop trying to build a life around a man! He has his, you need yours.

  14. shadedlotus

    I’m lucky my man does many of these things and even tells me he loves me. I can’t wait to travel and meet the rest of his family in another state for a week.

  15. Linda

    My man dose so much of the 50 things but one I would like to hear and that is I LOVE YOU. We have been together for 14 months and he planes trips with me pays for them and treats me so well i call him my mister wonderful.. I just don’t understand why he has not said I LOVE YOU!!!! By the way I have not said I love you but in a card..

  16. Emilia Banagale

    I love this kind of list because most of it are doing him for me even though we are couples already.. so what do u think? He is so much in love with me and never left me or find another girl replace in his heart? What can u say..

  17. Rose

    I’m not the slightest bit interested in a fella at this point of my life, I’ve been married several times, and a widow, all I’m interested in is > my income.

  18. Stac1

    I’m into my 69 relationship, and yell a lot when he does these things, and he is sooo good. I just love him and everything he is! Hope this helps anyone with the January / July relationship, even if the mix isn’t in your sun signs. Ours is in both and the ascend ants, it gets hot up in here 35 more years to go Please!

  19. nicolas

    The best is yet to COME. I’m in to YOU those fifty points and I would personally add another 50 points more to make it a 100% ! Hope we are even. To love a princess you have to feel like a prince. I’M IN TO YOU ! 🙂

  20. Joanne

    My sweet Jelly Bean {nick name} does all this for me and more.He is truly into me.He makes me feel like a princess…I am a very lucky woman.Thank you sweetheart.I Love You…..

  21. john trujillo

    wow what a list for a man to do for a man to do for a lady 50 items,you women make it hard for a man ,no wonder why i stay single and want to be alone in life,By the list you just made i wouldnt find time for myself to fly fish and do things i would want to do ,like go to ball games with friends and watch final four games with the buddies,i treat a woman nicw tell her she is beautiful and do the things you talk about but not everyday,everyday is different,i dont want to marry i want to have my own time and date on the side,yes i want a woman that is flexable and does like sports and fly fishing is a must,but Summer doing this everyday would not leave a man time for himself,i look at you Summer WOW! you are sexy and i can treat you kind gentle and loving and care to be in your arms,to kiss your beautiful lips,i love your smile,your eyes are beautiful,i love the way you wear your hair,if you were my woman i would be nicw to you but hopefully you could see that i am true to you and only you but i need time for laughs with my friends as you do also,i can love you and search your whole body with every breath i breath with kisses following ,yes there would be lots of love and sexy moments of touching and petting,i like your lips for you would get lots of kisses,i would take you around my friends and know that you are my woman and would trust you to desire only me as i would you,i am that way a one woman man,if down the road you were holding my heart in yours i could probably marry you but for now im a single but yours and no other woman could interfere with my heart and touch for you,this is an example the way i am,doll i dont have to call you for i would trust you till you prove me a reason not to do so,i am kind and have friends that are dogs and flirt with any woman but that is not me ,i respect woman and treat them as friends for the woman i love has my heart and i can push any woman away from my desires for they belong to you,but my remark was a man never has the time for all 50 things you mentioned and in time he can accomplish all you said,but as for in the loving i am always their to please her first and hoprfully she can please me,i have size and girth ,in the bedroom she is always my desire,i love touching her to her desires,just talk to me and ask dont demand,Summer i know a woman loves being everything to a man but men like the out doors ,i am a country man,i am tough and not every thing i do is for the woman in my life,but she is on my mind all the time and in my heart,right now im single and have no special woman in my life for i have not found her,if you ever need a awesome country man im free just ahd to throw that in,hahahahahere i am flirting with you for i like your looks and i do like your list,especially your desires in the bed room for i would love to look in your eyes while i love you and you love me ,wow kisses from you wow sexy i love the smile that shows in your eyes bet you are married and the man you have desires you all the time,wow i would love to help you dress for work and shower with you,scrub your backside and wash your hair with a massage in hot water and have you as tight as you can against me,that lucky man he is,keep sexy Summer you are and never stop your 50 items but let a man spread it out so he can have time for himself,remember men have desires also especially a woman in a garter and nasty longerie in the bed room like net stockings wow on you you would make me hard all the time,ahh love ! keep happy and remember some men that cant desire a woman dont have confidence in himself,i do and need time for myself,so woman dont smother the man also,for he will walk away,not only you will ,Summer im not rich but if you want a man that loves to love and fill your 50 desires i the man IM 5ft 11inch average body,getting over a accident a bull hit me head on and im back and just need a broken wrist heal ,im a tough man and love country life but i can relocate for any woman as long as she is the right woman,my favorite love position is the woman on top pleasing herself then pleasing me letting me touch and lick her whole body and kiss slowly especially around her thighs and ass,i am a thigh and ass man but also love lips your lips are very kissable i am a awesome kisser im told and i also like moving my hands slowly on the arch of your back to your tummy and thighs,you are pleased first,let me just say if your married hope he pleases your desires not double but trpple and more, i have had women in my past have to call in sick cause we made love half the day and desired each other all day ,one woman lost her job cause she didnt want to leave the bedroom ,i love to love,and her desires were filled,iam not a 1 minute man im a all week man hahaha i love filling the right womans desire so if you know a sexy woman that needs a man im free whom knows she might be you,wow that would be a romance i am ready for to please every desire you have except with other partners,i am a one woman man,full of love,to bad i cant send you my photos ,hope you get this and it is not shared with everyone for my desire would love to be with you doll i have been without a woman for a year for i have wanted to have time for myself,and there was one fling but found out she was married that is a no no ,well hope you have a pretty day like your photo,wow you are a beauty smile doll:) let me hear from your heart be trithful and kind ok,remember men need time also but the man whom cheats does not need a loving woman,i am wanting a lovin lady and sexy like you! very sexy like you keep sexy doll,wish i could kiss you all the time,love your lips,bet you look sexy in a pair of short shorts or a sun dress wow:o bet your worth licking softly

  22. Theresa

    All of fiftys I pretty much got it all. But I never meet him yet… I feel. Hi is my soulmate. This man I am sure I won’t. Let him go…

  23. Gina

    This is a very long and I think dangerous list. Some women, although there man does 1 or 2 of those things, will only see the things he doesnt do and think he is not into her. I believe each man is different and there are those men that show they care in completely different ways. You cannot lable anyone by a set list. Those women that will look at this as he should be doing ALL of them are going to be miserable and in turn make their man miserable. You just cannot lable anyone everyone is unique. No one is perferct, maybe the aricle should have been called the ideal signs he is into you 🙂

  24. annie

    I loved all the things that you mentionned, however sometimes it s not in what he says ,but it s in his silence. My man is not a big talker, a big giver or a big doer. Rarely does he notice my hairdo, or my new outfit or my new shoes.St.Valentine,well maybe once in a while,butnot every year or I have to remind him,but to me it s not important. I am not 20 or 30 years old,so it s not important as it was.He hates cooking,cleaning the house or doing the laundry and to tell you the truth, I don t care about all that, because if I was living alone I would have to do it anyway. But,what I love about this man it is that he s always here when I need him. He trust me 100%,and I trust him the same,and that believe me it s better that having a living cleaning men at home.I know so many man that are all the thongs you mntionned, but they arethe biggest cheater,so jealous that their wives has to call them at least 4 or 5 times a day(I don t have a cell phone and so did he),and if they go out after work ,they have to tell them with who,where and when they will be home. Me,no. I ll tell him,but the only thing he asked me is,do you have a lift home?or if not call me and I will come and get you , that s all, . When I was seek at the hospital,he slept all nite in my room. on the floor. So,you see its much better to have a man like that that a live in nanny.

  25. radimperio


  26. jean

    He makes me feel calm and collective when he is present.I makes me want to change my bad habits.I could listen to him talk all day and he listens to what i have to say..
    I guess you could say we are both into each other..

    I wish he would caress me with hugs and kisses..He wants me to make the first move..So I guess I should..

    He cant control his play toy when i am around him..I have noticed..He gets an errection and cant control it..

    I should embrace him with hugs and kisses to see where that leads us..

    Thanks for listening


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