Ten Can’t Fail Lovers’ Gifts

You want to gift your lover with a perfect present. Sweaters and ties are great, but wouldn’t you love to see those sultry eyes light up with excitement over a gift that says “I adore you” right out loud? Here are our suggestions for a very sexy holiday.

1. How-to manuals. Cosmo’s Guide to Red-Hot Sex and The Cosmo Kama Sutra: 77 Mind-Blowing Sex Positions are guaranteed to kindle passion in your sexy partner. The books are gorgeous and sensual, begging to be read. They boast color photos and instructional illustrations. Put them, giftwrapped, under your lover’s pillow. About $20 each at brick and mortar or online bookstores.

2. Take advantage of a weekend getaway. Choose a place and theme together. Romantic setting? Horseback riding? Fishing? An awesome cityscape like New Orleans? Present your lover with a beautiful little package containing a hand-lettered invitation to join you in selecting and experiencing a getaway for two.

3. Don’t forget sexy lingerie for your sexy partner (and you, too?) Nordstrom online has selections from relatively conservative to hot, for any mood and most price ranges. Henry and June accommodate women of all sizes. For guys, try NuWear.com.

4. Make your bed a sanctuary of sexy, lush elegance and comfort. Gift your man with luxurious sheets in a passionate color. It doesn’t matter if your lady’s preference is 300 thread-count Egyptian cotton, warm flannel, or slick satin – watch your partner eyes as they consider the next use of that incredible bedding.

5. Do something wonderful for your bodies. Spa time for two, a double makeover at your closet upscale salon, dual pedicures. Almost every community has a “body shop” ready to accommodate a couple. Call around.

6. Jewelry is the default gift for passionate partners, and it never loses its appeal. Be creative. Don’t opt for diamond stud earrings because it’s easy. Find out what lights up your partner, and find the perfect keepsake jewel. Have something personal inscribed on a bracelet, pendant, watch or ring. This is a memory that lasts forever.

7. Plan a romantic evening at home. Include decadent chocolate, exotic main course, candles. Eat in the nude, or dress in your sexiest outfit. Here’s our recipe for a perfect at home date night.

8. Get tickets to something – a play, a concert, a football game. Tuck the tickets in a basket of chocolates or body treatments and gift wrap with the most luxurious paper and ribbon you can find.

9. Toys and gadgets – choose a new game for your Wii or Playstation, or decide on toys that are strictly adults-only. Nurturing playful instincts goes a long way toward creating together time. Give a subscription to a movie service like AmazonOnDemand or Netflix. What could be better than always having perfect movies available?

10. Time spent reading aloud says “I love you.” Remember how loved and nurtured you felt when your parents read to you? Together, select the latest book that appeals to both of you. Then commit to reading out loud together for thirty minutes, three times weekly. Make sure to snuggle while you read.

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4 thoughts on “Ten Can’t Fail Lovers’ Gifts

  1. Rose Cocca

    i agree with jacqueline about writing letter ..i would like that..but what if the person said he doesnt want any.. no love letter nothing….what if he told not to send any mail at all…..gifts of any kind i will love…and keep forever….

  2. Mary Odom

    I did not see the gift of scent. I love to give my husband his favorite colonge and aftershave and often try to find his scent in products like shampoo, boddy wash, soap or deodorant, Sometimes scented candles or lotions are also a nice present. If you can’t give a day at a spa you can have a home spa experience with each other.

  3. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi….. I agree with Jacqueline here about the love letters…….

    I still have every love letter and poem ever sent to me…….I keep them with pressed flowers in albums…..lovely memories of passionate days, and moonlit nights, gone by.

  4. Jacqueline

    Hello Taryn,
    One thing that In my mind will always be a true classic, romantic gift… is that of a love letter….one that is written on paper, with an actual stamp, in an envelope, the art of letter writing is one that I’m so sad that has been diluted with e-mail.

    An old fashion love letter is one that can pierce the soul as well as melt the heart.

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  5. rosequartz

    nice suggestions, but I had a bad experience with the “how-to” manuals once. I got my ex a small Kama Sutra for Valentine’s day and he thanked me but looked annoyed and didn’t touch the book. A few days later it exploded and he said that if I didn’t like the way we had sex, I should tell him and not hint with a book.


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