Psychic Asia and the Honeymoon Phase: Tips for Newlywed Bliss

Newlywed Bliss Beyond the Honeymoon Phase

Ah, newlywed bliss! Everything is like sugar and spice. The first year of marriage is known as the “honeymoon phase” and it’s the time when newlywed couples are passionately in love and blissfully happy. But sometimes it can come with bitter moments and problems. It doesn’t always feel like a breeze, even though it’s supposed to. As a newlywed, I’d like to share with you my tips for maintaining newlywed bliss.

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How Problems Start

If something is bothering you, you need to bring it out into the open and face it head on. Problem start when the issues that arise are not dealt with! Sure, it’s easier to keep quiet and hope that things will improve on their own, but this never works. Actually, it’s the perfect way to let things fester and build resentment. One or both of you will also feel like your needs aren’t being met. That’s when the derogatory digs start and you won’t want to be around one another.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Don’t sweat the small stuff and be sure to let the little things go. It’s inevitable you will get on each other’s nerves, or one will want to control the other, but pick your battles and ask yourself if all the fighting and hurt feelings are worth having your way.

Discuss Finances and Family 

Ideally, you should discuss your finances and your families before you get married. Talk about a budget, bills, debts and major purchases to make together. Talk about the role your families will play in your life together. Do you both want to have children? All short- and long-term goals should be discussed. It’s good to go into a marriage already knowing the answers to these questions.

Don’t Put Them Down in Front of Others

Resist the temptation to put your partner down in front of others. If they’ve angered or disappointed you, you need to discus the matter in private. Dragging family or friends into your business will only give them a negative impression of your spouse, and they may be more reluctant than you to forgive them.

Fight Fair

When fighting with your partner, don’t make general statements and accuse them of always or never doing something. Don’t bring up old business just to weaken their argument. Don’t jump in you car and speed away just to see if they’ll follow you. The old adage is true: People may not remember what you said, but they’ll always remember how you made them feel.

Go to your separate corners and take a breath. You’ll relax with some alone time and it will help you put things into perspective. When you’re ready, tell your spouse you love them, you hate fighting and you’re sorry you hurt them. They should say the same things to you.

Don’t Take Them for Granted

Never take your spouse for granted. Tell them you love them. Compliment them when they have done a great job, and make them feel appreciated. It doesn’t take much to keep a relationship happy. But remember, healthy and happy relationships don’t just happen. They require constant work and effort. The day you married that person was a happy day, and you can keep that bliss going for years if you make the effort, have patience and practice love.

Love and Light,


5 thoughts on “Psychic Asia and the Honeymoon Phase: Tips for Newlywed Bliss

  1. Alan Adams

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    Thank you for your article. But, myself I do not want to get married but, the same goes
    to life partners who are committed but don’t want the the financial agreement. That’s
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  3. maria

    hello dear asia thanks so so much for your articles i m always looking forward to read it . this articl le is what i need to read youare here for a good mission oxoxo . ps….thanks again sincerely maria.

  4. EFREN

    I was married for 27 years and divorce now for 13 years. Not looking, but I still have not found the right woman who is not perfect, but that will accept me for who I am. I am not a perfect man either. I have always treated a woman with respect and open the door for them whether they like or not.
    Damn if you do and damn if you don’t. So I don’t care anymore and just enjoying life.


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