Turn Up Your Sexual Energy

It’s Never Too Late to Release That Inner Vixen!

There are many creative ways to turn up your mojo outside the bedroom that will make your time in the bedroom that much steamier. Read on to add some sensual, sexual flavor to your day, no matter the time or place!

The Art of Seduction

Whether seducing your mate, or the cute guy in the store, on the street, or in the office, there is a definite technique to flirting. Being in touch with your sexuality comes through in everything you do, no matter how subtle. It manifests itself as confidence and an inner light that others can immediately sense, especially if that light is directed their way! Flirting taps into that inner mojo and revs it right up. Sultry smiles, a move of your hips, playing with your hair, caressing his arm, biting or licking your lips are just a few of many ways to turn up his sexual energy and yours, in a heartbeat.


There’s endless information in the media regarding sexuality—how to experience and enjoy it. Countless books and movies depicting a variety of sexual preferences and levels of sensuality allow you to research until you find something that works for you. This keeps you in the right frame of mind, opens you up to multiple possibilities, and puts you more in tune with your sexuality every day.

“Sex can be very emotional, but remember to look at sex in a practical view too so that it won’t dictate how you think you feel emotionally. If you can enjoy a person with or without sex, then that’s a special connection.” – Leo ext. 5265

Lust for Life

We all have an inner child and it’s important to remain tapped into that child’s vivacity and curiosity throughout our lives. Whatever it is that makes your heart pound and eyes light up is worth whatever effort it takes to seek out and enjoy those ventures. This appreciation and excitement about life easily translates into your creative and sexual spirit. Feeling young and free opens up your energy to enjoy sensuous experiences with others, so if you feel passionate about anyone, this is sure to heighten your sensual experience with them!

The Love Affair With Yourself

What makes you feel sexy? You know yourself better than anyone else (and if not, now is the time to get on that a.s.a.p.!), so treat yourself to what makes you feel sexy and sassy. Buy yourself sexy lingerie, get yourself a pedicure that makes you curl your toes every time you look at it, slather on your favorite scented lotion, or eat some yummy ice cream in a flavor and texture to tantalize your senses. It’s important to pamper your sexual self, so seduce that inner tigress every chance you get!

“Attracting sex is simple. The hard part is when someone believes that sex and love are the same or that one will naturally lead to the other.” – Reed ext. 5105

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4 thoughts on “Turn Up Your Sexual Energy

  1. Nakia

    Yes I agree confidence is the key and feeling comfortable in your own skin. We have to learn to embrace who are and play on our best attributes. Also, be good to yourself no matter how others treat you. Blessings:)

  2. Shirley Leavy

    Hello Looking For Sagittarius Man Good Looking I Like Fishing Go Church Watching Sun Set I Like Dinner Sea food Go To Park Thank You Age 36 38 No Drug No Jail Single Income 2 Years Of Collage

  3. jolene jensen

    Awesome article. Lust for Life is the key section. When I know my purpose in life I feel confidence & that translates into sexuality. It’s not the sexy dress but the confident woman in it.


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